I am 10 days out from my sleeve. Took me a week to lose the 15 pounds of IV Fluid pumped into me and the scale finally moved down from surgery weight by 6 pounds! Yay! I can swallow all my pills without breaking them open, get all my Protein and liquids in and walking well. BUT.......
Starting about day 5 I could drink liquids like before I had surgery - 8 ounces takes 15 minutes, 20 minutes max, same with Protein shakes. This is not gulping or guzzling - I just take a normal drink, set the bottle down, swallow and in a couple of minutes take a drink again. I have no feeling of restriction, no discomfort, no chest tightening nothing......is this normal? Can we stretch our sleeves with liquid? My surgeon says to consider myself lucky that I'm one of a few who have no problems with fluid intake and drink away - that restriction really comes with food. Anyone else like this with fluid? Can it hurt my sleeve in any way?
And the exhaustion! The last 3 days have been terrible. I get up and need a nap within 4 hours. Does it get better the longer out from sugery I am...or perhaps when I can start on mushies and actually get some food in? Not to mention the emotions! Heck I feel like I could literally jump out of my skin....nervous, anxious - thank god for Xanax....LOL...or I would be a mess. Handling it ok but wanting these feelings to go way far away......and soon!
Feel free to tell me I'm paranoid.....or wierd....just tell me something.....I can take it:cool0:!