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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Camella

  1. Thanks for your response! I really appreciate it. I am an Australian that lives in Dubai, my surgeon insists that this is all you can have for the first 8 days. My husband is telling me that I'm a hypochondriac (which is sometimes true) and that I will be fine. So I don't want to be over dramatic.
  2. My temp is normal, urinating normally (reasonably often) and I don't have any unusual pain.
  3. Camella

    Vomitted yellow

    I'm so glad you asked this question, because exactly the same thing just happened to me. I was extremely worried because it was a really dark yellow!
  4. I'm 4 days post-op and my belly is literally twice it's normal size and feels like it has been filled with cement and my stomach noises are coming from everywhere every direction REALLY loudly (constant gurgling). I spoke with my doctor a few hours ago and he has told me swelling is normal, but my stomach feels like it's going to explode. Does everyone else feel the same post-op?
  5. thanks for the feedback. It's good to know that I won't literally explode (as I had been imagining). Unfortunately they don't sell gas-x where I live (in Dubai). Each time I've asked the Dr or nurses what I can do for the gas I'm told to keep walking. If anyone has any tips to get this moving it would be much appreciated! It's the middle of the night for me now and I'm not sleeping as I'm in so much pain from gas.
  6. Is anyone else dreaming about food? It's so strange, every time I go to sleep I dream about eating.
  7. I ended up in hospital for two nights due to some complications, but arrived home today. I look like I'm 9 months pregnant as I'm so bloated. I really hope the gas starts to subside as it is causing me a lot of pain.
  8. Hi Vixynne As you know I was sleeved the same day as you and I feel exactly the same thing. My doctor has told me that within a week I shouldn't have any problems with fluid going down. Right now it goes in, hits a spot does a u-turn, I bring up gas and then it painfully travels down into my stomach. I'm sure it will get easier.
  9. just got home from hospital. had to operate twice as there was a complication. My c-section scar had adhered to my abdominal wall and with all the swelling post-op it had started to pull/tear and caused SEVERE pain , but fortunately my doc went back in fairly quickly and cut through that tissue. I was definitely in a world of pain before the second surgery, but I'm starting to feel much better today.
  10. Good luck everyone! I will be thinking of all my fellow July 1st sleevers! I need to be at the hospital in 14 hours. My son has has just come down with scarlet fever (not as bad as it sounds) so thankfully I have already been on antibiotics for something else. So bad news is that my husband will have to stay at home with him so I will be facing this on my own. It's not what I imagined, but I keep thinking of all the brave people that travel to a different state or country alone! So at least I will have him by my side post-op. I can't wait to hear of everyone's post op experiences in a few days
  11. Starting to get a scratchy throat and head cold. I'm already on antibiotics for something else so I know it's not bacterial. I'm praying that it doesn't get any worse as I would hate for this to be postponed.
  12. I started having serious second thoughts today, but I've had a really long chat with my husband and i'm back on track
  13. Haha Vixynne you 100 times more prepared than I am. Having now read what you have done so far, I think I better switch in to high gear! Apart from starting my pre-op diet I haven't done anything yet
  14. Camella

    all alone :( Arkansas

    I can relate to your husband not completely understanding, mine wasn't at first either. However when I took him to the appointments with me and he had a chance to here why the doctor thought the surgery was a good idea he did a 180 degree turn. He is nervous about the surgery, but now excited and on board. Maybe involving your hubby (if he is willing) in your appointments may help him understand. Good luck!
  15. Camella

    June 2013 Sleevers! "The List"

    I have been feeling exactly the same way. I started a blog yesterday and it really helped me when I wrote a post about how I got to my current weight and why I am doing this. It helped shift my thoughts from what might go wrong to what the outcome might be like (which of course will be awesome). I wish you the best of luck and do something nice for yourself it may distract you.
  16. Camella

    July 1, 2013 sleeve date

    Thanks Mooregirl! You are absolutely right. I had a neighbour take my son to an activity this afternoon with her son (they are both 4) as I was exhausted and didn't feel up to it. I look forward to having more physical and emotional energy for him!
  17. Camella

    july 2013 sleevers

    Just had my date moved to July 1st (was June 26th) and I'm really really really anxious. It is all I think about and I wish I could calm myself and get excited!
  18. Camella

    July 1, 2013 sleeve date

    Just had my surgery date moved to July 1st - I'm SOOOOO scared. I've become irrationally nervous and I don't seem to be able to calm my anxiety. I wish I could also get excited, but, all I feel is fear! anyone else freaking out?
  19. Camella

    Any Sleevers from Dubai ?

    I'm also in the UAE - in Dubai
  20. Camella

    6 months post op

    You are looking great! Congratulations
  21. Camella

    June 2013 Sleevers! "The List"

    Good luck! sending you positive vibes!
  22. Camella

    June 2013 Sleevers! "The List"

    I'm also June 26th Nervous!
  23. I'm completely with you on this! My surgery date is 26 June and I have a 4 yr old son. I was really confident in my decision until I got my surgery date and now I am a nervous wreck! I would be happy to swap ideas post surgery unfortunately I don't have any suggestions right now. I wish you all the best with your surgery, imagine all the energy you will have and how much more fun it will be with your children post op! I'm trying to stay focused on that right now.
  24. I would love to hear from people that are 6 months plus post op and find out what your overall experience was and how does that compare to what you expected before surgery!
  25. Thank you everyone for your input. It's really great to hear of individual experiences!

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