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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Camella

  1. Camella

    Any Sleevers from Dubai ?

    Congratulations! Farting is good, it at least eliminates gas pain. I have had a really rough time with my recovery, but each day does get better. Within a week you will feel like a completely different person. The first 5 days is tough (at least it was for me). I think I said to my husband at least two or three times "please tell them to just put my stomach back in". But I'm two weeks out now and I've already lost 11kg
  2. Just a quick update - I just wanted to make a note in case someone else reads this and has been feeling the same way or same symptoms. Unfortunately over the weekend things have become progressively worse and I have been told today by my Dr that I have c diff colitis. Don't ignore these symptoms as it can become quite nasty if untreated.
  3. Camella

    Four Months

    Wow - what an amazing transformation. You are looking great! keep up the great work!
  4. Congrats on your 23 pound weight loss! How I would love a pedicure! I think I will add that to tomorrows "to do list" :-) I would have your incisions checked. My doc removed everything at my one week check up and they are now healing really well (they just look like surface cuts that have dried up).
  5. Hi Nikki, Welcome to the forum. I'm pretty new myself and I am only 12 days post-op so I can't offer you a great deal of experience, but right up until my surgery I felt exactly the same way as you. I remember waking up from surgery and I was so surprised that I was still alive. I then had a complication and they had to operate on me again 36 hours later. I was then convinced that if I didn't die during the first surgery, I definitely would during the second. I'm pleased to say that didn't happen either. It's totally normal to feel this way! Pre and post op they monitor you very closely and they are very vigilant for any signs that something may not be quite right. As soon as they suspect that there may be a problem they act quickly. I'm sure you will be fine - it's also important that you have a lot of trust in your surgeon
  6. Hi Sarah, When I was doing research on the sleeve I found a statistic that showed 25% of sleevers have a revision (in the long term) I questioned my surgeon and he said that this was because when they first began doing the sleeve they removed less stomach which for some people made the procedure less successful. The possible revisions were re-sleeving or revision to gastric bypass. Have you considered that as an option? I'm sorry to hear you are having issues health wise and personal (some people suck). Unfortunately I don't live in Melbourne or I would be happy to catch up. If I was in your shoes I would visit at least three surgeons and get their opinion before making any decisions.
  7. Thanks lifer! I know he should, but he doesn't. I asked him before he left and he told me to message him if there was a problem. I haven't gotten a response so I'm hoping that means that he doesn't think it's anything major.
  8. I'm feeling really down today. 12 days post op and I'm in constant mild/moderate pain. It is relieved by Gaviscon but I need to drink it every three hours to keep the pain away. I now have clear mucus leaking from my other end (lovely I know) and have diarrhea and it hurts after I have most things (still on full liquid). I thought that the cramping and diarrhea was caused by lactose intolerance so cut out dairy, but I'm still in pain regardless of what I have. I have spent today just sipping herbal tea as it seems to be the only thing that doesn't cause cramps. My doctor has gone away for the weekend (although I sent him an email), Sorry for my miserable account. Just fed up with feeling yuck!
  9. Great work! Looking great - good luck with your journey to goal
  10. Best of luck!! I am only 9 days post-op so it's all very fresh for me. I also had complications and ended up having two surgeries within 36 hours. All that said - 9 days on I'm feeling 80% better and I have more and more energy each day. Just remember any pain or discomfort is temporary (really temporary). I'm sure you will be in good hands and if you every feel that something isn't quite right or you are feeling in more pain than you should tell someone! Soon you will be love getting on the scales each day!
  11. Camella

    Any Sleevers from Dubai ?

    Hi arahada, If you check out the link below my blog outlines how I felt before surgery and my experiences after surgery. I was sleeved by Dr Faruq at the Canadian Specialist Hospital. Is your surgery in Dubai?
  12. Camella

    Any Sleevers from Dubai ?

    I felt exactly the same way! I had convinced myself that I would die. Pleased to say that I'm still here and apart from a few complications, each day is getting easier and easier
  13. Camella

    Any Sleevers from Dubai ?

    Welcome to the forum I had my sleeve done 1st July. Who is your surgeon?
  14. Hang in there! When I started my pre-op I thought it would be impossible and, doing it perfectly all the time was. Just do the best you can! The first few days are the hardest and then it gets easier. If you can just stay focused on the end goal (surgery) it makes it easier too. I just kept reminding myself "this is going to save my life". As I said it wasn't perfect and now that I am 8 days post-op and can't eat anything...I SO don't regret having a small piece of chocolate cheese cake for my birthday (2 days pre-op). If at all possible don't think of it as fail or success. Each day try to improve on the last. I hope that helps and doesn't sound too preachy. I know it's incredibly tough. This whole process is difficult but I;m sure you can do it!
  15. Oh thanks so much Brandani! that will be really helpful
  16. I am one week post op and I love your list! It's so inspiring. Congratulations!!
  17. I'm an Australian living in Dubai - I was sleeved just over a week ago and I'm coming to Sydney for a month in three weeks time. This might sound like a silly question..but where do you buy protein powder in Aus? I'm currently using ISO-100 (Lactose free).
  18. Maybe try some small soy chocolate deserts (I had one yesterday and it went down easily) and pureed apples (they sit in your stomach for a little longer than just liquid). The feeling of hunger may actually be that your stomach has been inflamed by the lactose. I think that was my problem. Since cutting out lactose the hunger pains have gone away. I really feel for you as I have been feeling exactly the same way. Having done huge amounts of research regarding the surgery, I never imagined that I would be in this much pain, this weak and find it this difficult to recover. Hang in there it will get better. Definitely chat to your Dr, my dr did an ultrasound yesterday and blood tests just to make sure nothing major was going on.
  19. Exactly the same thing has happened to me today. I had pain yesterday and didn't associate it with dairy, then today immediately after having dairy... BAM. Off I went today to buy non lactose protein shakes. I hope it's not causing you too much pain!
  20. I'm 5 days post op and I'm a little distressed as I am having heart palpitations (all the time) and I've been feeling really weak. My doc still has me on just flat 7-up, tea & water (no protein). And now for TMI... I have had heavy menstruation the last three days and really bad diarrhea. I can't get hold of my Doc and I'm a little concerned. Any advice?
  21. I am also in the same boat. Just saw my doc and he is doing an ultrasound tomorrow morning just to be sure everything is ok (also have a low grade fever). Nothing I have tried works and these spasms are soooo painful. If you discover a solution I would love to know!
  22. Camella

    at the hospital!

    Wishing you the best of luck!! I'm one week post op and feeling good today. Just remember any pain or discomfort you are feeling is very temporary and within a week you will feel completely different!
  23. Good luck with your decision! if you do fast please make sure that you don't spend anytime outdoors or exerting yourself during the day! I think that could really land you in trouble. Ramadan Kareem!
  24. My only concern if you were fasting would be your Water intake and hydration as you mentioned. How do you plan to get all your fluids in, in such a short time span? I'm one week post op and it just taken me 4 hours to drink my Protein shake (only 350ml). I am not muslim however I understand that due certain medical conditions (i.e. pregnancy) you are advised not to fast. I know during Ramadan you are usually awake very late (I live in the UAE) so I guess as long as you have enough time after Iftar to get your nutrients and fluids in you should be ok.

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