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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kim2002

  1. I'm going to go to the gym and Celebrate by getting back on the treadmill tmrw (tmrw is one month post-op) I've only walked a little since surgery, I finally feel I have some strength back!!! Wish this girl some luck that I don't give out after 5 mins. My goal is one mile tmrw!! Baby steps..... Kim
  2. Good thing to remember, I need to keep the bottle with me on the treadmill!!!
  3. I had my 1 month follow up today (Thursday will actually be 4 weeks) I started my 10 day pre op diet at 252lbs, the morn of surgery 8/8 I was 240lbs, today I was 226lbs. (Started puréed 2 weeks ago) not doing a lot of puréed meats! I'm sticking with the basics..Greek yogurt, PB, chili, refried Beans, Atkins Protein shakes, isopure! Puréed meat/veggies is AWFUL, can't even look at it!!! So since week 2-now I've only lost 3.4lbs. When I talked with the PA Today, she seemed disappointed that I had only lost that little bit of weight, and then ask me WHY I thought I had only lost that amt. It's not like I've been over here drinking milkshakes....these last 2 weeks have been SOOO flipping hard!!! I wish I could get past the puréed look of food, but what am I supposed to do gag myself and throw up every time I attempt to eat....NO! So what is a girl to do I ask? I mentioned maybe a stall (like the 3 wk one everybody talks about) but that didn't seem to be the right answer!!! So I guess I will keep plugging along and hopefully when I go back at 3 months they won't act so disappointed Kim
  4. Just wondering what other people ate for Breakfast on the puréed stage? Kim
  5. kim2002

    Kinda disappointed:(

    Thanks so much! I'm sticking with the plan!! I'm just not getting hardly any of my Protein from meats, eggs..etc! I'm gonna start moving more!! Kim
  6. kim2002

    Greek Yogurt

    If I had to eat the plain kind I would just skip the yogurt all together!!
  7. kim2002

    Greek Yogurt

    Oikos is good, I get the traditional style with no fruit on the bottom (can't have the fruit on the bottom kind yet) and I found a new one at Walmart called vokos and i like it a lot!!!
  8. Just wondering if anyone has every used these RTD shakes instead of the powder? In the liquid stage I used the chocolate unjury powder, but I can't drink that stuff anymore! I'm going to try these Atkins shakes and see if they are good!! Kim
  9. kim2002

    Blood clots

    Update on my arm with the blood clot in it, I had another ultrasound on Saturday and the clot has almost completely resolved, I'm still on the aspirin regimen of taking 325mg of aspirin 2x a day! Thank goodness it is almost completely gone!!! It was very scary to have that clot in my arm! Thank goodness it wasn't in a deep vein!!! Kim Happy Labor Day to all my fellow sleevers:)
  10. kim2002

    Diet Soda

    My personal opinion is that it won't stretch your sleeve, I've just seen on here where carbonation gives you gas and it makes you feel uncomfortable (because of the bubbles) Don't get me wrong I've had no carbonation since surgery and don't plan on it! But I think it would take a lot more than a few sips of a diet soda to stretch out your sleeve!!! IMO Kim
  11. kim2002

    so tired and weak

    I'm 3 weeks 1 day out and I still feel that way! I posted something about this very topic yesterday!! They say it will get better and keep doing what you're doing!! Kim
  12. 3 weeks post op today and I feel so tired all the time! When do you start to feel the energy again! I can't hardly clean my kitchen without having to take a break before I finish!! I thought I would be so much further along by now!! Kim
  13. No that's not part of my Vitamin regimen!! Would b12 help with this? I've taking it in the past, maybe a few yrs ago!!! Kim
  14. I'm having a hard time getting all my protein in, the protein shakes make me sick and nauseated! The puréed stage I'm on makes me gag when I see the food mixed up and chopped in the food processor!! My nut told me to just stick with the foods that work for now and do the best I could!!
  15. No you are def not the only one:) Kim
  16. So glad to hear this!! I went back to work last weekend and I only work 2 days a week and I had to leave early both days bc I was so give out and my left side hurt really bad!! Lucky I still have personal leave at work until 9/5/13, so leaving early is still covered!!!
  17. Thanks for the encouragement!!! It really is hard right now!!! I just emailed all my concerns to my NUT! Hopefully she can give me a few pointers and tricks!!! Kim
  18. I'm starting on my 2nd week of puréed and I'm not doing so great not getting all my Protein in bc I CAN'T EAT hardly anything!!! Please tell me I'm not alone!!! I've got 4 weeks of this!!! I'm supplementing Isopure 15g of protein!! Please tell me it gets better!!!! I can hardly stomach puréed food, I gag just looking at it!! Kim
  19. kim2002

    Blood clots

    The arm my IV was in started hurting about 5 days post op, so painful you could hardly touch it....right around the IV site!! It was a little red and a lot swollen!! So I went to my pcp and they thought it was cellulitis! I asked for An ultrasound just to make sure it wasn't a clot.....family history of blood clots (I'm also an X-ray tech, so I knew what to ask for) and that's the symptoms and how they found it:) the pain is much better, I'm 18 days post op now! I have a follow up ultrasound in a month!!! HTH Kim
  20. To get all 70g of Protein from food alone! I've been on puréed since Tuesday and my nut told me I could still use the Protein shakes, drinks etc. to make sure I was meeting my goal daily!!! I don't feel like eating that much food yet, and as hot as its been here lately, I'm glad I can use the Isopure drinks instead of a shake all the time (shakes ) Kim
  21. So my first day on puréed and I've had some refried Beans,wonderful!!! Tonight for supper I chose to eat some Greek yogurt, my NUT said today I prob wouldn't be able to eat the 5oz container, I've been eating on it slowly and I've eaten the 5oz within an hour, slowly and one small bitty bite at a time!! If I'm able to eat the 5oz like that I won't stretch or hurt anything will I? Cause I'm thinking that my stomach is emptying before I'm putting in the next tiny bite! I'm not having any pain with it, and I've not had a drop of anything to drink!!! I know people get tired of the same type questions, sorry just trying to reassure myself Kim
  22. kim2002


    Thank you!!! I also email my nutritionist and asked her some more questions about the whole timing thing!!!
  23. kim2002


    Refried beans along with a lot of other great things are on my approved list from the nutritionist!! Greek yogurt is on that list also, just no fruit on the bottom kind, it has to be smooth!!! Puréed stage also has LOTS of "pasty" consistency foods!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
