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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. My wedding day was so fantastic! Great weather (a bit windy) and sunny day in March in Arizona. I had my best friends fly all the way to Arizona from Illinois and I had my Bachelorette party in Las Vegas!!

    Hubby unfortunately got a kidney infection from his weekend of boozing in Flagstaff at a cabin with "da boyz". He isn't much of a big liquor drinker, more of a beer kinda guy.

    I was applied and was chosen to be on "A Wedding Story" on TLC channel on TV. I was sooooooo excited! :D But, everyone in the wedding party had to sign a release to be on TV and because the best man was doing undercover work for Homeland Security we couldn't. I had to cancel. :) The day after I cancelled the best man called to say he had to miss the wedding all together. I was PISSED. I called her back and she had already told the alternate they were chosen. :D

    I was married before but never had a wedding. I have a son from a previous marriage he adopted and we announced in our ceremony. We secretly surprised our son with a three circle medallian in our ceremony. Our wedding was full of tears one minute, laughter the next. It was great!

    Instead of a unity candle we had a "rememberence candle" with pictures of loved ones that had passed on. We lit the candle in rememberence of them and hopes they were with us on our special day.

    The day itself was a FAIRYTALE with a fairytale theme. We had "dancing fairies" playing as I walked down the aisle and flowers and ambience abound! We were married in a Gazebo on a golf course at sunset and had our wedding reception overlooking the golf course at full moon!

    We had the BEST dj's ever and they played 80's music galore! We rocked out to the Go-Go's and Men Without Hats and Billy Idol all night long.

    And this is the best part.... I planned my wedding full time for a year. I made it a game to find out how much I could save by wheeling/dealing/etc on EVERYTHING yet not scrimp on style. Some things I paid full price, some I got a SMOKING deal!!! I ebayed A LOT. I bartered. I begged. I flashed cleavage even one time. I kept careful track of everything down to the penny. I even kept a cost comparison to show what "regular" price would have been. My total wedding (and I mean everything including the b-parties, honeymoon cruise, food, dress, bridesmaid dresses, decorations, all rentals, photography, cake, flowers, the WORKS) WOULD have been $17,279 and I paid.... ready? ..... $7,197!! I saved over 10k with my efforts! It was VERY hard work though and I worked constantly for a year on it.

    I have always been into photography but have always done surreal type photos. Since all the work on my wedding, I took up wedding photography for friends and family. I cry at EVERY wedding. Even if I don't know them and came there to photograph it on a referral from a friend.

    Here are some pics of my wedding day.......






  2. Kathy, Precious precious precious!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee babies!! Too darn cute!

    Penni, What a graceful and stunning child you are! Ummm, you have grandkids? No wayyyyyyy, don't believe it!

    I don't have any like that but I will have to dig up the one my mom took of me on the potty straining to poopy. :) That is about as graceful as I got.

  3. Okay.... last one for today... My mom is one of those old ladies that seems to live for her little doggie. This dog hit the jackpot when getting an owner. However..... he does have to deal with the dress up. This dog is a MALE. My mom swears he looks happy and cute. I say he is mumbling to himself... "I hope this lady hurries up because I look ridiculous yet AGAIN! and don't want the girl poodle across the street to see me like this, its bad enough she saw me in my tu-tu last week"


  4. I debated on whether to share this one or not, but it is rather funny. He would KILL me if he knew I was telling this on an internet forum though.

    Anyways... lol

    About a year ago (he is age 11), he comes to me with BIG watery eyes. I ask him what is wrong. He tells me nothing. I pry some more. He finally tells me that he "just hurts a bit". I ask him where. He tells me in his privates. I PANIC! I start to question. I start to worry. I start to get upset thinking the worst.

    THEN.... he tells me... u ready for this?

    Then he goes on to tell me that he thinks it is gross that he has "wild hairs sprouting" and has been plucking them!!!


  5. we were driving by an empty lot (years ago when he was about 7). I said "I wonder what is going to go in there".(we have a lot of new developments and stores going in) He looks at me like I am stupid and says... "geeeeeeez mom, can't you read it? It is a For Sale shop!!!"

  6. Okay everyone... this is more about weight loss. I wanted to share this picture of my mom BEFORE gastric bypass. I will try and find a picture of her now....... She was 385 in this pic I think and is now 165 or so.


  7. Ahhhhhhhhh, my wedding day. I loved being this thin. I worked for 4 months to take off 62 lbs. Alas, it once again, slowly came back. But no more now I have my band..... it is leaving and NEVER coming back!


  8. Okay, Lisa is the one that got me started on this. Darn her for dragging me back into posting..... I was making a pretty good stand too!

    Post your favorite baby pics. Of you, yours, others, whoever.... just favorite babies. Yes Lisa, doggies are included!

    Here is my favorite of my son when he was just 1 year old. (11 years ago... omg I am getting old)


  9. Okay, okay. Lisa is taking me out of my shell. This is just too much fun to pass up sharing all these pictures.

    LMAO @ Milo inheriting the squeaker ha ha ha ha, I think more durable is in order for September!

    Here is yet another of my heart and soul.....


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