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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. I miss Lane Bryant. They just don't fit anymore. Everything is too big. I know it seems wierd but I was always Lane Bryant for EVERYTHING. So shopping normally again is scarey. THere, I felt comfortable. There, there wasn't some size 2 teenie bopper trying to tell me my butt didn't look big. I knew that the sales WOMEN would tell me what looked good, I knew they would be honest. I trusted them (as one big girl to another) to help me. I felt lost. I still haven't gone to buy new clothes. I just don't have the heart for it. So.... I wear oversized clothes. I do have some things that fit, but mostly larger sizes for me.

  2. I added a few of my own, hope nobody minds:

    When were you banded? March 25, 2005

    What was your weight ON DAY OF SURGERY? 220

    What is your weight now? 180

    What size do you wear? Then 18 Now 13/14

    How tall are you? 5' 8 1/2" to 5'9" (depends lol)

    What band/size do you have? Inamed 10

    What fill level are you? 2 cc

    How many fills so far? 1

    What is your goal weight? 145

    When is your goal date? March 2006

    Self Pay or Insurance? Self pay in Mexico

  3. Yep, a teacher at my son's school is borrowing my book and looking at financing. A woman in the grocery store made me write down all the sites (doctor, LBT, etc) that I could think of. A waitress at a restraunt took down my doctor's name and number. A man I work with is researching more about both the band and bypass. My neighbors watch with their mouths open and secretly talk behind my back (like I dont know ha ha).

    This is yet another reason that I think it is important to not live in the "band closet". Not only is it impossible to be close to co workers and friends and not lie/decieve/stretch the truth but it also lets people be aware of the band. If I had not struck up a conversation with a stranger, and she was okay with talking about it.... I probably would have never had the band and done what the bypass doctor suggested (which was gain 40 lbs and we will try for bypass... baaaaaaad option). I didn't even think about going to Mexico and self paying with a low BMI, until she told me about it.

  4. Well, since this was surgery, you shouldn't need to worry about using your vacation. You should be able to use the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act).


    This is a great option, but isn't FMLA unpaid unless you use personal time earned? Sick time I think. And this is good only if you are okay with people knowing what you are doing... many employments require a reason/justification for use of the leave if over 3 days.

  5. I have lost 40 in 4 months then no more for the last month. I am going for a fill "topper" next month. For me the difference has been exercise. And I mean effort. Not the occassional walk the dog but the full exercise regimin. Active and fit. The pounds melted off like butter. Sure, I hated doing it and I cussed up a storm when I was doing it but after it was done and I got the results I wanted I was happy. Not eating as much isn't the key, exercising with not eating as much yields MAXIMUM results.

  6. I will be honest.... If I found a surgeon, researched him to be excellent, and was in the US for $2k more. I would have went there. I was only looking at Mexico because of my low BMI, even as self pay no one would do me. So for me, he was the best choice out of country.

    The only thing I would be suspicious of in the US for anyone that quotes under $15k for the surgery would be... are they any additional nickle/dime costs that could kill ya. Some people here have had surgery for $12k but when it was all done and over with after pre op tests and all it was over $18k!! I liked that Mexico was all inclusive, no hidden fees and no extra charges, very straight forward. And I respected that as well.

    I think that your questions and concerns are great!!! There are a lot of people that get the band and just say "fix me" rather than weighing the options back and forth. So for you to be really hunting and searching is great!!!

    I have done very well, but I have a feeling you will too soon!!!

    Good luck!

  7. Take it one day at a time.

    Remember proteins!

    No Carbonations.

    Exercise and make healthy choices.

    WooooooooooooooooooT!!! Its all coming back to you now I am sure! You did fabulous before, you will do fabulous now! That is what the band it there for. The tool to help you get back on track!!!

  8. Okay... here I go....(everyone brace yourself for my opinion on this one)

    I am not a HUGE fan of Mexican surgery because I think it is a gamble and a roll of the dice to have surgery in another country BUT........ I had my surgery in Mexico and I have a happy healthy band. I know there are others that have had horrible experiences and although I feel sad for them, those same things are happening here in the US too. I think it being in Mexico just makes it feel more helpless because of the lack of legal recourse. Mexico is a different "feel" and it is "different" from the US. If you know that, realize that, accept that, internalize that, and keep an open mind about it, you will probably have a better experience and less anxiety pre surgery. Choosing the right doctor is up to you though.

    HOWEVER, I also think that if you really research your doctor (and I mean really research them) and spend the time and effort in doing so... you can choose a doctor that regardless of any legal recourse that you do not have, they would fix any problems because they are a fantastic surgeon with a good reputation.

    I had Dr. Ortiz as my doctor. I researched him up, down, backwards, and forwards. I chose him because of his reputation. I chose him because of his ego. I chose him because I believed in him as an excellent surgeon. I chose him because of location. I chose him because of his knowledge. I chose him because of price. I chose him because of my BMI. I chose him because of his previous patients. I chose him because I felt confident that he would fix any band problem I had. I chose him for ALL of these reasons, and more.

    THERE WAS NO WAY I WAS NOT CHOOSING HIM BECAUSE HE IS 5 MILES ACROSS THE BORDER. I gambled with the Mexico surgery idea and I came out alright in the end with a happy healthy band at 1/2 the cost out of my bank account.

    I am not promoting any one doctor. I am promoting the fact I have a happy healthy band and it has done its job of 40 lbs in 4 months. But having surgery in Mexico is a personal choice that I feel someone should be really educated about all the pros and cons about.

    Will I go to Mexico (or any other country) for surgery again? Maybe... maybe not... probably... probably not... who knows! I cross those bridges when I come to them and need to weigh my options and research all over again. But would I have Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez as my surgeons again?? ABSOLUTELY!

  9. Losing a pet is always so hard. I am sorry.

    I say wait. I think it is important that children realize that people/pets/friends/etc are not easily replaced. I think it will add more to their sense of how precious life is when it is here, they begin to understand and appreciate it. Maybe not really comprehend it, but it is a beginning I feel. JMHO

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