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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. Delarla,

    You don't have to disagree with me about masturbation. Those are national statistics for the US. I didn't say I personally followed the statistics in my experiences. I was about 9.

    And yes (for all of you wondering) I had a totally normal like childhood. But I did live in a liberal and very open environment where sex wasn't bad and could be discussed openly.


    Livin' like a freak on the edge,

  2. Fine, compromise. Any adult type threads dealing with things that are adult and mature and non conservative filly fally should be addressed as "adult content".

    I am not going to be the first to jump on any bandwagon to beg someone to stay as we have all had our tiffs. It is all about being mature enough to work through it. Take a break if you want, that is what I did. But if you can't manage to get along in a public forum then what does that say about life skills? Everyone has an opinion and I respect each and every one as just that, THEIR opinion. You are entitled to it and you have the right to speak and be heard. Anyone wanting to run for the hills because they can't handle my opinions as well, then so be it.

    If you don't want to read about it, DON'T READ IT!! It isn't some car crash that looky loo's are slowing down for. Pass it up and move on. Geesh.

    Some of us talk about sex and the band as it relates to each other. For example: like Penni had started, the swallowing thread. It is a real concern for some of us with the band. If someone doesn't address it, how do we know? Or sex after surgery, how soon?

    Or even toys... many of us have been so obese that we couldn't even enjoy sex because of the difficulty. Sex is natural and needs are needs. Why not be excited and enthusiastic that you can finally enjoy a normal sex life.

    I understand that some are more conservative than others. And I respect that too. But no one is forcing you to read it. But you keep coming back don't you? See... your reading this now.

    So if this thread totally offends you, I suggestdon't move to Europe because it is on prime time TV. Also suggest don't live in the USA because we have freedom of speech.

    Like I said, I don't think this was all graphic and nasty. It was about information and such. It wasn't even about Lisa peddling her wares. She didn't have to. We did.

    And I agree, it should be in the lounge. I never noticed it either.

    To all that have voiced their opinions, for or against, I commend you for using your voice to speak up. Being more assertive and being more empowered is what it is all about.

  3. I can understand about the fact that teenagers come to this site, but let's remember when we became sexually active as well. Also, when we first started masturbating or exploring our "parts" (and be honest with yourself!!). It is life, it is natural. Also, we discuss important topics here regarding having sex with the band after surgery. Topics that are a necessity to discuss. Statistically, males tend to begin masturbation average age of 12. Females begin average age of 15. I don't think there will be many under that age here in this forum. If there are, then their parents aren't really monitoring what they are seeing and they have probably seen A LOT worse by the time they come to witness these threads.

    Now, while I respect your point, I think that if a teenager is surfing the web, they know more than just what an ultimate beaver does. Plus, if they don't, then their parents should be monitoring the threads as it is a public forum.

    Even though I realize teenagers are on here, I will not stop talking as an adult in a primarily adult forum. I do understand it is not necessary to be sleazy or graphic which is why I am not posting my picture USING the ultimate beaver, but more saying "I like it, it is wonderful". I don't go into graphic details.

    Let's be honest, these kids are on a public forum. If this thread is the worst they have seen or has been the most harmful then they have A LOT to learn. And to be frank, they already know it.

    But I do respect your opinion, and I appreciate you sharing it. But overall, I think this thread is being VERY tame using euphamisms and pet names when possible.

  4. Ahhhhhhhhhh.... I got a bit creative with mushies. Not to mention the fact, I wasn't even supposed to be doing them. I won't tell you what it is because I don't want to put any ideas in your head. (hint: involved a black and white cookie and milk soaking, oh dear me!!)

    But other mushy suggestions are: mashed potatoes and gravy, eggs, tuna in VERY small bites, cottage cheese, sweet potatoes, baby stage 3 foods, applesauce, soft tofu, blended peas/greenbeans, baked Beans, Soups, Peanut Butter, puddings

  5. Yes, it really is painful. I am not even going to pretend or lie. But.... it is avoidable. Some of us just have the need to "test" the band. Maybe to see if it is still there? I dunno, but I did after my fill.

    Is it worth it? Yes. I know the band is there. I know it works. I am much more careful now. Therefore, I do feel the "soft stops" and I quit. Yes, I wouldn't trade the band to stop the possibility of a PB in no way shape or form.

    Once you PB (a full blown PB), you try to avoid it at all costs.

    Everything has a good and a bad side. The magnificent results you will have come with a slight disclaimer of the PB. When you start losing your weight, it isn't a huge price to pay, trust me.

  6. Ok, I am fairly positive we all have them. Those momentary relapses into our old ways. I had mine Friday and I have to come clean because the guilt is coming over me....

    My weakness was.... (drum roll)...... a HUGE bowl of double caramel Peanut Butter cup ice cream lathered in hot fudge.

    There, I said it. I really said it! I told someone! OHHHHHHHHH, the horror! The mayhem! The utter disgust of it all!!

    Someone please share... when and what was your last weakness???

  7. I would rather give birth than have another PB. I didn't have one till after my fill. Broccoli was my first PB. PAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNN beyond belief. It was horrid. I have not had a full blown PB since. I have had the slimes a couple of times, which isn't so great but not the same as a full PB.

    In a PB, remember to walk and breathe, walk and breathe, walk and breathe.....(my first one I forgot the breathe part, long story but a dear friend walked me through it on the telephone, thanks Lisa)

  8. okay okay everyone.... i see we have lots of people on here wanting the pleasures that I have had the chance to buy. email lisa @ Lisabones@cox.net or PM DeLarla

    I can say that I am a VERY happy client. But you can browse for yourself! And I must say that my "ultimate beaver" is AWESOME!!! And at a FANGASMIC price!!! I don't want to "advertise" her but just give you her contact information so if you are interested, you can contact her yourselves!!

    Also, any guys out there, wanna make your wife one damn happy woman? This is it!

    I think the Dolphin is on clearance right now too.

    So if anyone is interested they can email her.

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