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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. ((sigh)) I just don't know what I am doing these days. I am just so damn nervous and scared. I know I need to breathe and just be happy my band is healthy and happy. I just don't want to have a surgery to have it removed (rescar, more pain) then heal, then have something else (rescar and more pain). I guess I am just looking at preventative to save myself a surgery. I know the statistics are low, but every time I turn around it seems like one of my LBT friends is eroding. And that scares the hell out of me. Where would I get the money for that? How will I take the time off work?

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I need to just not read any erosion threads I think because I am going wacky over it.

    My mantra for today: I have a healthy tool and I shall appreciate that tool and treat the tool correctly so that I may maximize my weight loss and achieve my personal goals.

  2. Your BMI (body mass index) is 33.3. Most of the US suggests a BMI of 40+ regardless of comorbidities or 35+ with several comorbidities. Mostly no one in the US will band under 35 is the "general" consensus. For your height you would need to weigh in around 241 for the 40+ category and 212 for the 35+ category as well as several major health issues that are comorbidities (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc)

    Yes, there are people like you. Yes, there are people like you that were banded. Yes, you have every right to use the tool like anyone else. Yes, you do have to be a bit larger if insurance in the states were to cover it (I was told to gain 40 and come back, uhhh don't think so doc). Yes, there are other options.

    Many of the lower BMI patients (me included) who struggle with weight loss go to another country to have the surgery. I was a self pay and went to Mexico. There are MANY of us going to Mexico but I have heard others going to Australia, Belgium, Italy, Etc etc. The costs vary from surgeon to surgeon and country to country. I believe most of Mexico is around the $9-10k range. Most of us either paid in cash, financed it, second mortgage, equity takeout, got a low interest credit card (with miles), hocked a bunch of garage stuff in yard sales, ebayed stuff for the money, sold a car and rode the bus, whatever we had to do....

    Going to another country is not for everyone though. It can be a bit nerve wracking. There are plenty of qualified fantastic out of the country surgeons and there are some whackjobs. You MUST do your research to make an educated opinion and decision if you decide to self pay out of the country.

    Another option may be to look into a US test group of lower bmi bands. I know there have been some. One in New York was just done and they banded many with under 35 BMI for comparisons. I don't think they do it often and it probably is hard to get on, but might be worth a looksee.

    I too did not have A LOT to lose but I had gained and lost it 4 times in 10 years. I do not have a problem doing the dieting to get it off, I have a problem with maintaining it. I lose, then gain with some, then lose, then gain with some, then lose, then gain with some.... over and over. It was a vicious cycle. The band has allowed me to diet and lose the weight and maintain that weight. For me, it was not the losing tool it was the maintaining tool. I lost most of my excess weight early on and I have been maintaining now without a crapload of effort at my current weight for 3 months now. I do wish to lose about 15 more till my goal but for now, I am good at where I am. It is not the bands fault I am not losing the rest of the 15, it is mine because I am not exercising properly.

    The band will not cause you to lose the weight at your current weight. you will have to work WITH the band.

    The band will not restrict you from eating that Twinkie for dinner and feel full and satisfied, but if you choose to have the small skinless baked chicken breast instead you will still feel full and satisfied. It is hard at first to get over the fact that you aren't eating to savor the initial taste and mental satisfaction that the Twinkie gives you.

    I wish you much luck in your journey and your research. You are off to a good start in your research by coming to LBT. There is a search button up top that may also give you lots of great info in your journey. I know there is also a links thread that you may find useful.

    http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=11424 Links

    http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7959 abbreviations and what they mean

  3. She should be able to get a couple of bites of food down after 3-4 days (especially those mushies) and keep it down without trouble. PBing on mashed pots would have me a little worried that I was too tight. Tell her to try eating with a baby spoon and fork to keep bite size down. If she isn't keeping the solid foods down she may need a slight unfill.

  4. Okay Crystal. I have truly been avoiding this thread as it is so hard for me to look back and miss my old self. I have looked at the picture I strive for. I cry. I whine. I moan and whimper about wanting to be no longer fat. But darn it, this thread keeps going and popping up in my new threads list, so maybe that is a sign that I need to look at my "picture" of what I want to be again. Some of you have seen it in my thread I did about 6 months ago and did a side by side for the low bmi's and the critics. Anyways, I told you I would post it for a week then delete the thread. I didn't delete the thread (Kathy begged and I gave in) but I did take those horrid pics down. Someday, I will participate in the before/after picture thread. I just can't seem to bring myself to do it just yet. Not brave enough maybe. I know I have lost 65 lbs but I just don't see it. I don't think I have lost any weight visually. Maybe this is my ultimate demon. In anycase... here goes....

    I look at this now and sigh heavily. At the time, I thought I was a bit chubby. Now, I can only hope and wish that I can get this back.

    This picture was taken Spring Break 1997. This was only 6 years ago. I weighed 155 in this picture (but I had a lot of muscle tone). I had already had my son and he was 6. I had just lost about 60 lbs from gaining it. (I think this one was the 3rd time I had lost my big gains). The elasticity in my skin was forgiving. Not quite so forgiving now, but then again I am on the 5th (and last) time of losing the weight.


  5. If I may, I would like to put in data for my friend. She comes here all the time and reads but she never posts. I told her about the data and she gave me permission to add her. She is my little local closet bandster! If you would like to include her, you can...

    Date banded 08/05 (don't know specific day)

    Where: TJ, MX

    Surgeon: Dr. Ortiz

    Complications: None

  6. As far as it being "easy" I guess I would say it depends on someones perspective. I would say that through the years and years of dieting, this last journey has been the easiest to follow diet because it was forced. I didn't have a choice because otherwise it was pain. The fullness feeling makes it "easier" to walk away from food. The band also allowed me to lose weight a bit quicker than I have done in the past. However, it is also the most expensive diet tool I have had, yet the most effective thus far.

    So when people say it is the easy way out..... I just reply "maybe... but it was a way out". I would much rather be the one that found the easy way out than still trying to find the right door!

  7. My answer would be yes, I have and am considering it. I would only remove the band preventatively if I am able to secure another weight loss surgery though. I am currently and actively looking into other forms of surgery. I want to be prepared. I would not consider rebanding if something happened to my band.

  8. I actually went to the emergency room last Monday because of chest pain over the sternum area and then upwards into the clavicle area. It was sort of a pressure/dull pain and sometimes burning. After the first two days, i even got mini burps that were somewhat painful then disappeared fast, but the pressure/burning remained. It wasn't so much painful but annoying as all get out. Deep breaths are "tight" and a bit sharp. Letting air all the way out is a bit sharp as well. I went to two different doctors (neither bariatric) and both said that it was a muscular strain over the sternum. I still disagree. I have never had heartburn so I don't know what it feels like. I definitely feel like it is "deeper" though. I don't know what acid reflux or heartburn feels like but I think I might be experiencing it. It seems to be going away now after a week, but I wish I knew for sure what it was for sure. I, too, thought it was band related.

    The only thing that worries me is that sudden acid reflux symptoms can be a sign of slippage? or so I hear.

  9. I checked into WishCenter. The staff there were NOT educated and didn't even know that there were different styles of bands!! EEEK! When I called again to inquire about fills months later, they could not answer basic questions that almost any veteran bandster can answer. Also, it took me forever for them to return calls or talk to a real life human being. I dealt with Phoenix and Chicago centers, not San Antonio though.

    Dr. R in Monterrey was my second choice. I think he is a great surgical choice. I don't know anything about Dr. Rincon but the Wishcenter is the Dollar Store version of a surgical center for me.

  10. I also think that hiring lawyers to fight the insurance company will end up costing more in money and time in the long run. Remember that insurance companies have attorneys at their disposal. And they are big dogs that can crush the little dogs in the court arena and kill ya with time and money out of your pocket. Have you thought about taking the money that you would spend on attorneys and doing a self pay option?????

  11. LOL, I mean he gets out the new roll because he needs it. Then it ends up on the floor with the empty roll still on the darn spinner.

    How long would that pizza box lay on the counter if you didn't walk it out to the garbage can? Mine would stay for WEEKS!

    You have a bidet? Where?

  12. I got one.

    My man is so wierd that he gets upset when I take a shower and use two towels instead of one, therefore leaving him a wet towel. One for my body, one for my hair. He is bald so he needs one and doesn't understand that I need two. He doesn't go and get another towel from the pantry before getting in the shower. Instead he just yells, moans, groans and whimpers dripping wet from the shower until I bring him a fresh towel. And then do you know what he has the balls to say???? "Can you warm it in the dryer honey." OMG! MEN!

    And while we are on the subject... is my man the only one who refuses to change the empty toilet paper roll and will just lay it on the floor?

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