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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. Relax........... Deep breaths........... This is what we call sliming. Yes, you overstepped your band bounds a little. It is something you will learn.

    This is what works for me: I reach really tall to the sky on my tippy toes and take a DEEP breath in, then I relax, let the breath out and let my arms dangle for a few seconds, then I repeat 3 or 4 times. Usually does the trick!

  2. This is merely a "feeler" thread for numbers to know if anyone would be interested in going on December 3rd, 2007.

    It is a 4 night baja cruise out of LA (good for those California LB'ers!) and the ports of call are San Diego, Catalina, Ensenada. The prices would be about $240 per person which includes the taxes and charges.

    I just want to know if anyone would be interested in me doing this group. I am already going on this one, but I would be willing to put together another LBT group if there were interest. There will be children on this cruise as well as hubby's but you are more than welcome to travel solo or childless if you wish.

    Please, vote honestly as it does take a lot of effort to organize one of these groups and I will be using this Poll to see if I should do this one.

    Otherwise, I think I will plan one for next summer or Spring Break?

  3. OMG, I miss you all so much! Windy has all of our pics and I am sure she will pick and choose to what is "appropriate". tee hee hee

    I had my "overhaul" surgery. I look like a truck hit me. Pictures to come on another thread. Tired now, going to bed.

    Love to all!

  4. Pssssssssssst.... ((looks around to see who is looking)) HUSH HUSH NEWS BANDSTERS!!! ((come closer to the screen I have to whisper)) Can you all keep a secret???? (nods nods nods nods all around) Well we had the BEST time on this cruise I thought that maybe I would venture to put together yet ANOTHER one (although less expensive and 4 nights/5 days). It would be out of LA port on Royal Caribbean in Early December.

    Give me a week to work out the details, but watch for the thread!!

    And shhhhhhhhhhhhhh:kiss, don't tell anyone yet!! (hee hee, I have about 5 cabins going already and I don't even have the exact prices yet!!):cry

    This cruise will be open to children, husbands, spouses, significant others, friends, siblings, banded or not that want to go. We created such strong bonds between all of us and I want that to continue to grow. Maybe someday we will have enough of us that we will book the ENTIRE ship! This bandy cruise is going to be even bigger and better (which by the way will be hard to top!)

    P.S. To my June cruisers: you are all wonderful and I miss you very much. Thank you for laughing at my dumb jokes and my karaoke fiascoooooooooo!:faint:Each and every one of us showed the true "us" with our laughter, comedy, pranks, sexy dresses, confidence, self respect, and comfort. GREAT NSV TRIP LADIES!!!!! THINK ABOUT ALL OF THOSE NSV'S YOU DID LAST WEEK REALLY!!!:hungry:

    Gotta go before someone hears me....... (sneaks out the door):bandit

  5. Well we are back and we had a GREAT time. SOOOO much fun. I am sure we will be sharing pictures soon. I am still not home yet but I hope that others will share their pictures here soon!! I miss you guys! Thanks for going on the cruise and I am glad we got to meet! Till next year........

  6. Well, I am not going to agree with Doc. I think the key words you said was that your hunger was increasing, therefore you are having to diet harder. The band should be able to decrease your hunger and cravings rather than you being uncomfortable and doing a "diet" anyways. I would just really show your concern to your doctor and let him know how you feel about it. Your emotional state should count for something. Just because you are showing a lot of self control doesn't mean you should have to suffer by being hungry.

  7. Just one more comment about their gay community views. I do NOT agree with them, however I respect their right to have their beliefs and I have never known anyone Mormon being nasty or rude on purpose. This is just what THEY believe. I don't think they are out to change anyone, but do not wish to encourage the lifestyle. That is their choice and it is okay with me. Definitely, there are some strange teachings that I have heard, but isn't all religions strange or argueable in some fashion? Yep. Give me a religion and I could argue on why it isn't true. Like I said, good heart, good intentions and good life. Do all of that and you will be okay in whatever end we get to eventually.

  8. Are you guys serious? These people are DEAD. Who cares? The mourning is only for the living anyways. Geez.

    And the ridiculous nonsense about the Mormon religion.... I am NOT mormon but I do have many good friends that have terrific families, fantastic kids, and make forever friends. I may not agree with the religion but they have been VERY accepting of me and I am pagan and they know it. I even go to their women's group for my niece. Their group is very family, morals, and life skills oriented. Not much to do with the religion at all really except for living a good and happy life. I have went for over a two months now and I love it. They all know who I am (the drinking, smoking, tattooed heathen that I am) and they have NEVER treated me poorly or preached to me. They really do respect my religious choices and are happy for me that I do have some sort of peace in my life. I was really nervous at first going to their weekday "group" but my fears quickly disappeared.

    I suggest that some of you really research the religions before making derogotory comments about it. Does it really matter anyways? If we live a good life, with a good heart and good intentions, then shouldn't we all be "forgiven" by whatever god or gods you love?

    And regarding polygamy, these people are not condoned by the official LDS church, they are kicked out of being in that ward is what I understand. Correct me if I am wrong, but I live in a 80% community of Mormon LDS and I have never seen anything remotely as wierd or disgusting in my eyes. All I have seen is that they spend a large amount of quality time with their family and friends and do a lot for the community. Just my observations of course but I thought since we were sharing our 2 cents, I needed to get mine in too! :(

    There are definitely some things I don't agree with in philosophy but who cares? Everyone has their right to choose.

  9. As part of my husbands bachelor party he had to "do it" with a blow up doll. All good fun right? Well, those stupid guys filled the hole with icy hot and ground chili pepper. Needless to say, he got burned and had an infection of the urinary tract. Can you imagine how enjoyable my honeymoon was?

  10. Okay, I had to go check out the site to see what all the hoopla was about. Nosey me I guess.

    In any case, I started to read some of the prayers and stuff. It seems to me to be a site dedicated to change and rehabilitation through christianity. Most of the prayers on there are asking for help in fixing their disturbing thoughts and feelings. Most are supportive about changing their actions and they are recognizing a concern and problem. I don't think that the site is for advocating abuse of young children. It is just an outlet for people to go who recognize their issues and want to have a safe outlet to vent and reach out to others????

    So as disturbing as the site may be to some of you and your feelings about the subject, I would think that you would want to support them changing and making an effort to NOT be a pedophile. There isn't much public support of rehabilitating pedophiles or predators at all. I don't agree with how they feel or what they may or may not have done yet, but I do agree with people having an outlet and recognizing a need for change.

  11. Yep, I am guilty too of falling off the band wagon. chocolate was my culprit, goes down soooooooo smooth when it melts in your mouth. I was also doing a lot of drinking my calories in shakes and such. Damn Sonic!!! Anyways, I gained back 15 lbs I had lost. I am trying to get back into motivation. I used all of the excuses too, wintertime, PMS, stress at work, kids, etc etc. Time for me to take control again. No worries, the next band wagon will be there to pick me up again!!! And they will pick you up too! Just hop on!

  12. Maybe someone will chime in here but I know that there is a clinical study happening in New York City. I was already banded when I checked it out. I know I found it somewhere on here so maybe you might want to do some browsing in the search area for New York and study?

  13. Just wanted to say that I think it is great that we can be a supportive community on LapBandTalk and all come together for our purposes in weight loss. I am one of those straight girls (although a little bent if you know what I mean) but I think it is great that we can all come together to support each other in our endeavors.

    Plus, it is always nice to make new friends. Welcome everyone!

  14. I am soooooooooo excited. I just got a fill last week (although I don't think it was enough so I am pissed) and I plan on losing 15 lbs before the cruise because I gained it over the winter. GRRRRRRRRRR......

    I am so excited. I have the hot little dresses that I am going to wear and work them like I have never worked a dress before in my life! I am going to have the best time on this cruise I just know it!!! All of us are going to have the time of our lives celebrating our victories!!!

  15. Okay okay, let's not kid ourselves ladies. Size DOES matter. The whole motion of the ocean line is crap. If you don't have it, it doesn't matter how you move. I once had a bigger guy as a boyfriend, big feet, big hands, broad shoulders, tall..... decided to test drive. I was horrified. I SWEAR it was no bigger or fatter than my index finger. I couldn't help it... I asked him what he thought I was supposed to do with that? I think I ruined him for life, never saw him again (thank goodness).

    I think of a man's penis as the "stick shift to life". If it is tall and thin, your constantly throwing it into the wrong gear. If it is short and fat like a tuna can, you can never get ahold of the damn thing to change gears. If it is big and hunky, you can move it into pole position and gears and be in the Indianapolis 500 if you want!

    On another note, I like the idea of abstinence until marriage.... but would I really buy a car without test driving it first?

    Lady can't live on toys alone ya know.

    Now, I think men can make the same arguments about women and their vaginas. The vagina is a muscle, if you don't exercise it, it doesn't get firmer and tighter. They say if you have seen one you have seen them all. Not true. There are some ugly mangy looking vaginas out there ladies. We have to do some work too. Especially after children you must do your exercises, can't blame it all on the guy. Also, I am a firm believer in the vaginal rejuvination for women. My friend (no, not me, actually a friend) did this after having 3 kids and gaining and losing weight back and forth, never doing Kiegel Exercises. WOWEEE the stories she tells, its like a magic surgery that gives you back your poofee rights I guess!

    So let's talk real....

    No man wants to go "down" on a woman that is mangy and hairy and the lips are flapping about. It is just not appealing, I don't care how much they say they love you.

    No woman wants to go "down" on a man that you have to hold like a pencil and pucker like your kissing your grandma.

    Bottom line is: There are tools out there. We use them for weight loss, why not use them in other places as well. If it is broke, FIX it.

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