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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. I like the hernia operation story. It is true and your not lying that way. If you don't want to share, then tell them that. But remember, if you tell some but not others, the word will get out and you will feel awkward. I don't talk about it at all to ignorant people. If they really want to know about the procedure I will tell them but I will NOT debate it or justify myself as it was my decision with my body. And if someone says something negative, I tell them just that, very bluntly. They get the hint. I have been called a bitch because of it but honestly, I don't really care what they think if they are that nosey and inconsiderate.

  2. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa uuuuuuuuuuuuhaaaaaaaaaaaaa ((breathing into my paper bag))

    Okay, first off, the aloe vera plant needs a bigger pot. It is crowded. It will be fine.

    As for the jade.... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhaaaaaaaaaaa uuuuuuuuuuuhaaaaaaaaaaaa ((back to my paper bag))

    I swear I am going to send you money and confiscate the plant at some point. What happened to the other snippets? The picture may be showing a discoloration but is the jade purple?

  3. NO ONE can make this decision but you! You have to start this entire process by taking control of your own decisions and thoughts and make your own conclusions on what is best for YOUR body. But... here are some thoughts to help you ponder.... Some is tough love, some is probably great advice, some of it is just pure thoughts.... enjoy.

    My doctor recently told me basically lose 150# or else ((think about this comment))

    My blood pressure is high, my diabetes is in poor control, apnea, cholesterol, you name it ((weight loss surgeries have been known to either completely make these items disappear or help them greatly))

    So many people that I've mentioned this to are opposed ((again, it is YOUR body, YOUR decisions, who cares what other people think?? HECK WITH THEM, make the decision for YOU!))

    you can't take any pill form medicine ((not true))

    you shouldn't do this until you've tried every diet ((many of us have tried many diets but that isn't to say that you can't have it or don't deserve it if you have only tried a couple))

    wake up with a whole new brain... ((it sure feels like you do, things are definitely different and it doesn't take long for your brain to catch up with the new situation, and when you look back later, you wonder why you weren't able to do all this before... it is because now you have the correct tool))

    spend the rest of my life having to draw attention to my 'special needs' eating ((going to the buffets before banding drew more attention than eating small portions now))

    How can something as tiny as a straw handle something as violent as full on stomach flu vomiting ((not gonna lie, it isn't fun, but there are give and takes to any situation... plus it is important that you take your Vitamins, stay healthy in levels internally, get your flu shot and all is okay))

    Basically I think this is a cop out for me ((I think this will be your biggest hurdle to overcome))

    Throughout your posting I saw that you are having trouble telling yourself that you DESERVE to be healthy and happy. Now, I don't know you or your life but one of the best things about LBT and the online support is that no one knows you, so no one can judge and there is a TON of support here. We cry about each other and don't know one another. We feel each others pain and don't know each other. We think of each other throughout the day and don't know each other. We love and support one another (even through some disputes) and yet we don't know each other.

    You need to remember that YOU are the only one that can make YOU feel better. Not the person that you tell about your decision, not the person that looks at you as if you took the easy way out, not the person that tells you is is "only 150 lbs", not the person that wonders why you are eating small portions. YOU! You make the difference in your life. YOU are empowering yourself with choice and self understanding. YOU are making decisions for what is best for you. YOU are the one that is living within your own skin. MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION FOR YOU!

    My suggestion.... Spend time writing out the pros and cons without emotionality. See which one is more prominant. Get your thoughts and feelings together inside of you and come to a better self understanding of your desires, wants and needs. Stop being people pleasing and pamper your mind and emotions. Do your research on the options and tools available. Surround yourself with people that are not necessarily surgery supporters but are Ri-Ri supporters and will support you in ANY decison you make in a positive light. You will come up with the right answer that best fits you.

    Sorry this was long and winded.... GOOD LUCK!!!!

  4. I have a suggestion... maybe you can match people with a pen pal? I know that would be a lot of work, but I would be willing to help you on this one.

    I am a 32 year old, married with one son (age 13). I live in Arizona and enjoy the "wilderness" type themes. I like to scrapbook (when I find time), paint and decorate themed rooms, make cards (very therapeutic), and I love bears. I am currently a police officer but will be changing careers over the summer to teaching (somewhere between 3rd-8th grade). I am really kind of a "wild child" and would love to snail mail with someone. I love to travel and do so often as I can. This is our main form of entertainment when we can. I have a ton of email and internet support but I would really like to have someone that we can exchange the snail mail and send inspirations with.

  5. Huh? 50? Is that a current picture??? I would have thought you were in your late 20's!!! Are you kidding me? I can only hope to look that good when I am 50. Actually, I think my husband hopes I look that good when I am 50.

    As for the watermain problem.... use this opportunity for you and your son to be pampered at a local hotel!!! Complete with a heated pool. And while your at it, splurge on a massage at a local spa! Save your receipts and deduct it as an expense to home improvements. It would certainly be justified. Or... better yet, send the hotel bill to the contractor.

  6. AAAAAAAAAACK!!! Re-pot! Re-pot! Soil poisoning! The dust and particles, dead leaves and tips that build up over time are slowly killing your plants! Please, someone save the plants!!! Plants must be maintained in cleaning up their beds. It is kinda like our beds, we should change the sheets and flip the mattress.

    Okay, plan of attack..... ((breathe breathe breathe)) Buy a new pot, Take the plants out of the pot they are in, throw old pot away, crumble the soil away from the roots of the plant (gently), and place into new soil pot 1/2 filled. Then crumble new soil to the side and top loosely. Water, let sit for a day, then add a bit more soil on the top, then rewater with a little more. Not overflow. Just enought to dampen the top.

    AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHH ((runs through the house wildly with arms in the air and eyes buggin out and screamin' "someone save the plants"))

  7. Just look at all of the craze she is creating by being silent. Two years ago, she was a mildly noticed personality from a mildly watched talk show. Now she is one of the biggest celebrity secrets and all know her name. I say, ONE SMART BUSINESS WOMAN! But it is dragging on and on, she had a surgery. We all know that!

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