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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. I SWEAR by Cocoa butter in the morning and Vit E pure oil at night. If you do it religiously you should notice a difference within a month. A friend of mine tried it by my suggestion and viola, they started to go away, not so noticable. I have done this regimin since I was in high school and I have gained and lost a bunch of times, and given birth.... and not much to holler about here.

    Unfortunately, stretch marks are from both gaining AND losing quickly.

  2. You don't even want me to comment on my day after, but I wasn't very typical. I had "special" circumstances. Ughhhh....

    As for day 3 after surgery, I was painting my laundry room and pantry. Slowly and patiently, but still painting it. I was back to work by day 5 (again, slowly and patiently). By day 8-9 I was well on my way to doing anything light walking and moving and shakin'.

    By week 4 I was back to full duty as a police officer but I think that Week 6 would have suited me better. It was still a little too soon for the full activity.

    Week 7 was doing exercise and low impact aerobics. I took it easy on the stretching, pulling and jumping though until week 10. By 3 months, I was jogging a bit, not very far, but still jogging. Then by 3 months and one week I was fighting with my own mind to get off my lazy ass and go do something. Months 4-7 went well, then I reverted back to month 3 and 1 week activity.

  3. Yep, sounds like both restriction and slimes to me. Might have been the bread. That kills a lot of us.

    Ugh, I hate the slimes. It always reminds me of that dinosaur in Jurassic Park that spits slime out of their mouth to kill that "thick" guy that was stealing the DNA in the Barbasol can!!

  4. Okay okay, I will break down and tell you....

    Pouch packing is also known as "eating around the band". It is when you force in food because you want it rather than when you need it. It makes you feel all sickly full like you are a stuffed thanksgiving day turkey rather than satisfied. First you feel great because you ate all the food you wanted to, then you feel guilty... then you feel like crap because you over ate (we all know how that feels from pre band). When you take little sips of Water while you eat, you essentially push down the food from the upper pouch into the lower pouch, therefore eating more. Also, if you eat for 20 minutes, take a 10 minute break, eat more, then another 10 minute break, then more, and so on and so on.... therefore, "packing" your pouch and essentially overall stretching it as a muscle.

    And about the crack...

    "Crack" is the street name given to cocaine that has been processed from cocaine hydrochloride to a ready-to-use form for smoking. Rather than requiring the more dangerous method of processing cocaine using ether, crack cocaine is processed with ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and Water and heated to remove the hydrochloride, thus producing a form of cocaine that can be smoked. The term "crack" refers to the crackling sound heard when the mixture is heated, presumably from the sodium bicarbonate. On the illicit market, crack, or "rock," is sold in small, inexpensive dosage units. Smoking this form of the drug delivers large quantities of cocaine to the lungs, producing effects comparable to intravenous injection. These effects are felt almost immediately after smoking, are very intense, and do not last long. The physical effects of coke are the same as any other stimulant drug -- except that the first rush is possibly much more intense. The initial effects are pleasant, they give the user increased confidence, a willingness to work, greater motivation, increased libido, and a euphoric rush or high. Over time, and with regular use, people may get paranoid, anxious, and confused, and sometimes they hallucinate. Insomnia, agitation, and depression can also result from frequent cocaine use.

  5. I have been pondering this thread almost a week now. Especially with what happened to Illsucceed recently I think this just needs to be pointed out. Christina's battle in the tanning bed is really something serious and scarey so I will just put it out there... if you heed it great, if not, then okay too.... I used to be a HUGE tanner. Then... I went to the doctor and had a chunk removed out of my back because of my exposures to the sun and occasional burning. I now know that it is safer to lather on the sunblock and protect my face from the sun to promote good aging and less wrinkles. Is being pale attractive? Maybe not, but neither was being fat and I worked that pretty well if I do say so myself. Just because it is society attractive does not mean it is in the long run. Prolonged exposure to the sun will give your skin a leathery and aged look. Sure, it is a healthy glow at first, then you will notice the changes later in years. Spend the 45 seconds to just spray the damn tan on if you want it that bad.






  6. Can I go with you??? I will take his place and hold your hand and tell you all will be okay! Hell, if anyone wants me to go, I would go.

    My hubby had issues with me going to Mexico but we didn't fight about it. It was MY body, MY choice, not his. He stood in the background supportive or he could get the hell out of my background. Sorry, but this is just how I am. If you not going to be supportive in any final decisons I make about my body and my life then get the hell outta my way. Asking for a blessing or permission is not my style. He knew this when he married me and he loves me for it... I think. :eek:

  7. Thanks Penni for sharing about the Lunesta. I have a sleeping disorder (diagnosed when I was 8) and I have tried everything under the sun it seems. I had heard about Lunesta and haven't tried it. I am just so scared about drugs in my body. I think I may ponder the lunesta though. Let us know how you are feeling after about a month please, I would like to know the long term use effects.

  8. This question is like...Tell me how to use crack. Tell me how it makes you feel.

    OF COURSE you don't want to know. If you are stuffing food down and eating "around" the band, then you are pouch packing. Simply a no no. Bad bad bad and it will get you nowhere fast.

  9. I think a lot of docs are different, but here is what I TRY (read as strive/hope) to do...

    Eat hard solid Protein first (don't graze over the meal with altenating bites)... then veggies, then fruits, then carbs...

    No drinking carbonation liquids at all, ever again.

    No drinking liquids 30 minutes prior, during, and after meals.

    Make healthy low fat, low carb choices for dinner.

    Eat on a smaller plate, take more when you need it.

    Don't ever swallow gum.

    EXERCISE!! At least 3-5 times a week for cardio/health 30 minutes a session.

    Don't force food down because you want it rather than you need it.

    When you PB, DON'T drink and don't promote gagging and throwing up, if it happens let it. Try to walk and concentrate on breathing.

    Do not lay down within 30 minutes of eating a full meal.

    When needing a snack, choose healthier Snacks such as a yogurt rather than a snickers bar.

    Stay away from empty calories and high sugar... (i.e. kool aid, etc)

    Don't make yourself crazy with trying to be overfilled and starve yourself... remember that the band is a TOOL and it is meant to be a slower loss with a bit more self control to portion and choices.

    When you have trouble staying on the weight loss wagon, come here and post because you will get amazing support.

  10. My DH uses Flonase and sea misting spray for his nose just before bedtime. It worked the first night! For the first few weeks it gave him a sore and raw throat, but after that, he felt fine. Now it isn't really that bad. Just a few grunts once in awhile or just before waking when it starts to wear off but no where near what it used to be.

  11. I have noticed that my periods are MUCH heavier than pre band.

    You also need to remember that the sudden drop in calories and weight loss can mess up your period any time in the first year. I would suggest using some type of additional contraceptive if that is an option for you. Something as simple as a condomn, the foam, or female diaphram if you are against other forms.

    Many people say that the band is a "baby band" meaning that is "attracts" pregnancy. Actually, the weight loss and the stress on your menstration attracts the liklihood of conception. So be careful if you are not using any additional contraceptions and do not wish to be pregnant. Although, I assume that if you are using NFP that you would be happy with any outcome, pregnancy or not and would be accepting of either option.

  12. I think it is great that you are here and posting. It is nice to get another perspective from another WLS. I hope you definitely stay around and give us some insight into the RNY procedures. Many people here are researching all their options and your opinions and experiences will help out!

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