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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. Looooooooooong story. I think there is a thread back from last summer on it. Really frustrated the hell out of me. They don't have the best reputation. They are more involved with "quantity" (and yes, they TOLD me that!!) is what I was told on the phone. Got about the same dumbass answers from Phoenix as well as Chicago Wish Centers. From that point on.... they don't touch my dog. He takes his business elsewhere.

  2. Maybe I tend to overreact but that heifer would have gotten a face full of hot whatever was cooking on the stove. Moreover, that is NOT a true friend. I know how you feel. I found out that my maid of honor felt I didnt deserve to get married first, and to a good man because she was six years younger and 75 pounds lighter than I. That was hurtful to find out that she stood next to me with a fake ass smile wishing that my happiness would take a backseat to hers. Dont be surprised if her friendship shrinks with your waistline. Hang in there and forget her !!

    Note to self: Don't ever ever EVER piss off Pageantnurse. :)

  3. After my neices surgery for her appendix, the doctor came in the room while she was recovering and said to my sister, "Do you know where this piece goes?" He had a rubbery red piece (it was fake) and he thought he was funny. Which I actually thought it was, but my sister was PISSED. I still laugh about that, which actually pisses my sister off more, which in turn makes me laugh even harder.

    On another note, I went to a doctor for Bronchitis. He used a regular Duracell flashlight to look in my mouth to my throat. Then he used a plastic spork to hold down my tongue. I thought he was kidding. Then he had me cough and spit onto a paper plate to which he actually smeared it around with the same spork he had used to hold my tongue down. I walked out. Didn't even say a word. Just walked out.

  4. LMAO, Well I came to this thread for all the wrong reasons too.

    So what is the "do you swallow" question anyways? Are you asking if we do flouro? In my opinion it is the ONLY way to have a correct and true fill and rest assured that my band is okay.

  5. Go to a massage therapist. Every time I go to my massage appointments it always stirs a good healthy bowel movement. I finally got the courage to ask the therapist if this is a coincidence and she told me that by stimulating the muscles it promotes expulsion of waste, including bowel movements (both #1 and #2). Also releases a lot of toxins, and is why they ask you to drink plenty of Water for the next 24 hours to flush it all out.

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