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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. Okay, I am irritated. We have over 6,400 members on this forum. We have had 109 people come forth with simple data. Why is it so hard to share this information for a good purpose??? All it takes is a few minutes. No explaining, just the facts. And if you didn't want to post, then just PM it. Please.

  2. Well I did go to the doctor yesterday and he has prescibed me the Lunesta. I went to go fill the prescription and even WITH my insurance it is $50!!!! That is only for a month's supply. I know the doctor said I didn't have to take it every night, and that the 30 pills should last about 3-4 months but geeeeeeeeez. I am going to fill the prescription today.

  3. And I have a friend who did the balloon about a year ago. The balloon ruptured and the "dye" showed up to tell her it was popped. But the actual holding of the dye part, the "balloon", got stuck in the intestines. She had to have surgery for it to be removed. She only had the damn thing for about 2 months. Waste of money in my opinion.

    Have another friend who thought seriously about it. Did her research, Then decided against it. She is doing the weight loss on her own and last I heard doing well.

  4. For different holidays we have a secret friend and we have one person compile a list of names and addresses and buddies up different people. For Christmas, secret santa. For Valentines day, secret cupid. For Easter, Secret bunny... etc etc. She doesn't know it yet, but I am going to lobby for her to do the 4th of July "secret Uncle Sam" lol.

    Anyways, we send a gift (around $10-$20 including postage AND delivery confirmation) to our secret person. There is a deadline to send your gift so that they get it before the holiday. We tell them who we are in the gift (a card, a note, etc).

    Then we have a Thank you thread for those who want to appreciate their secret friend and announce who they were. Some people take pictures and post them of their gift. At the end, the "master list keeper" usually posts a full list of who had who.

    The deadline is today to get involved. Otherwise you will have to wait while I whine, moan and complain and someone takes on the challenge of putting together a list. :hat:

    Did I leave anything out?

  5. When I was about 7'ish my mom had a Twix candy bar in the car. I went to eat it but she wanted it and told me it was her "poopy" medicine. It was good tasting but would make you have the "runs" all day long. And to not eat it unless I was "stopped up". I didn't eat a damn Twix bar until I was about 19. And I had no idea why it was in the candy aisle. I never bothered to read the package. I just knew it was chocolate that made you poop. My mom was ROFL when I called her and told her I knew the jig was up when I recommended a Twix bar to a friend who felt "stopped up". I felt like a total ass! And she still laughs about it.

  6. I have a similar, yet different issue too. I have lost 60 lbs and I DO see a difference in the actual clothing size and people DO say they notice it.... My problem is that I JUST DON'T SEE IT! I feel like I look as fat as I did the day of the surgery. So I can understand that it may be frustrating. Just keep hanging in there and hope it all gets better soon. I know that no one seemed to notice my loss and then all of a sudden people were "wow" and "whoa" at me. And I just look at them like their nuts. Whoa what? I dont see a thing!

  7. Bumping again so that it goes to the top of the list. I watch this thread VERY closely and I think the information is very useful.

    I want to remind everyone that if they do not want to post, please PM Dawg your information and he will keep it private and just use the informatin for the statistics he is gathering.

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