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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. Think of it this way.... Some people would give anything just to have their father there for him to talk to. I know it was disappointing that he broke his promise but maybe he truly didn't think it was that big of a deal. Maybe he was bragging at your strength and dedication to achieving your goals.

    Now that the "cat is out of the bag" go with it! Be an advocate for the band and the struggles of obesity. Take it into a new direction and let it make a better and brand new you! Start getting involved and stand proud of your decisions to become a healthier you! Your positivity will shine through and you may just inspire others to take their weight into serious consideration. By being an advocate of a healthy lifestyle through personal decision you may just save someone's life!

    That was my motivational speech for the day.

  2. Alexxxxxxxxxxxxx??? Can we take a look at the search button feature when you get a chance?

    I agree about the linking, and I have been known to do that. But why couldn't they do that in the first place and thus creating less threads to sift through or just be ignored and feel unwanted? I don't want newbies to feel unwanted or ignored but I too get tired of saying the same stuff day in and day out.

  3. Okay, maybe I am just a little irritable today. My back is killing me. Anyways, I would really really really like to suggest that we all take a moment and do a thorough SEARCH before posting threads. I find myself repeating answers that have already been answered elsewhere. I don't want to ignore the newbies as I know they are excited and starting their journey, but at the same time, the site is overflowing with duplicate, triplicate and quadruplicate questions. So I thought I would offer some SEARCH HELP for searching the Lap Band Talk site for information:

    To do a search on LBT:

    1. In the bold bar located under the personal log information is a row of links. (UserCP, FAQ, MembersList, etc.)

    2. Find the one marked "Search"

    3. Click on it and it will bring down a search entry bar

    4. Put in your common words you are searching for and click on GO

    5. You can also do an "Advanced Search" by clicking the link below the entry bar.

    6. You may have to try different key words to find the information you are looking for, and sometimes read through some posts. But often times, while researching, you answer other questions you have and haven't asked yet.

    Please don't think I am ragging on newbies. I just want LBT to be a pleasant place and easy to maneuver. I really don't mean to offend anyone. It isn't just newbies, it is all of us sometimes. Heck, I even do it once in awhile and shouldn't. But it is just pure laziness. And if I did upset anyone, please vote in the poll and I will just delete the thread if it makes anyone's blood pressure skyrocket by my comments and suggestion.

  4. Borrowed from another post from Jessiebear. Hope she doesn't mind. I don't mean to sound mean, but you could have found the same information with a search of it. Took me about 10 seconds. :

    The ticker.......

    I use Tickerfactory.com

    click on weight loss ticker

    pick your ruler

    then click next

    pick your slider

    click next

    fill in your stats

    click next

    scroll down page to the bb code box & cut the entire code in the box

    go back to LBT

    click on quick links

    click edit signature

    paste in signature box

    Easy! When you paste the code will show in the box but your ticker will show on your posts!

  5. Have you all ever head of SAD Disorder ? My father has it. It is one of the major reasons that we all moved to Arizona from Illinois.


    Seasonal Affective Disorder

    What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?

    Some people suffer from symptoms of depression during the winter months, with symptoms subsiding during the spring and summer months. This may be a sign of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a mood disorder associated with depression episodes and related to seasonal variations of light.

    vertical.GIFfact sheet index

    SAD was first noted before 1845, but was not officially named until the early 1980’s. As sunlight has affected the seasonal activities of animals (i.e., reproductive cycles and hibernation), SAD may be an effect of this seasonal light variation in humans. As seasons change, there is a shift in our “biological internal clocks” or circadian rhythm, due partly to these changes in sunlight patterns. This can cause our biological clocks to be out of “step” with our daily schedules. The most difficult months for SAD sufferers are January and February, and younger persons and women are at higher risk. Symptoms Include:

    • regularly occurring symptoms of depression (excessive eating and sleeping, weight gain) during the fall or winter months.
    • full remission from depression occur in the spring and summer months.
    • symptoms have occurred in the past two years, with no nonseasonal depression episodes.
    • seasonal episodes substantially outnumber nonseasonal depression episodes.
    • a craving for sugary and/or starchy foods.

    Possible Cause of this Disorder

    Melatonin, a sleep-related hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain, has been linked to SAD. This hormone, which may cause symptoms of depression, is produced at increased levels in the dark. Therefore, when the days are shorter and darker the production of this hormone increases.


    Phototherapy or bright light therapy has been shown to suppress the brain’s secretion of melatonin. Although, there have been no research findings to definitely link this therapy with an antidepressant effect, many people respond to this treatment. The device most often used today is a bank of white fluorescent lights on a metal reflector and shield with a plastic screen. For mild symptoms, spending time outdoors during the day or arranging homes and workplaces to receive more sunlight may be helpful. One study found that an hour’s walk in winter sunlight was as effective as two and a half hours under bright artificial light.

    If phototherapy doesn’t work, an antidepressant drug may prove effective in reducing or eliminating SAD symptoms, but there may be unwanted side effects to consider. Discuss your symptoms thoroughly with your family doctor and/or mental health professional.

  6. Write your idea/feelings down in a journal. Then give her the journal. I say journal because I am guessing it will be many pages of you pouring out your heart and soul of how you feel, why you want this for her, etc etc. Then give it to her, sit quietly while she reads it, then end it all with a mom/daughter hug. I bet by the time it is done, you will both be crying, hugging and all on the same page (no pun intended). Plus, she can keep the journal and continue writing in it for her own journey. You can even have an envelope with a cashiers check for the money taped in the back. I think it would be sweet, easy to get your words across without interruption or excuses, etc. If she truly does not want the surgery, then she will say so. There is no pressure in writing down your feelings. There IS pressure when dealing face to face in a conversation or debate. This way, the conversation is straight forward and uninterrupted. She will have all of the information to "respond" to you. Just my idea....

  7. Geez, that really sucks. I was really starving and ate like a horse too before my first fill. I just tried to "diet" and be good. I really would have been pissed though had they rescheduled.

    If it makes you feel any better, I am eating big too right now and I need a fill, but I am just too damn busy to go right now. Plus, the money thing (self pay too). So right now I am just concentrating on maintaining like I have been. Plus, I have to admit that I am somewhat enjoying being able to eat again and not doing the small bite, chew chew chew, swallow and pray method.

  8. WOOOOOOOOOOT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT, geez I am SO on the ball! I went right out TODAY and got my gift. I really like who I got too and I think I did good on the buying. I can't believe I am so prompt though. Maybe he/she will be the first to get theirs! I am holding off on mailing it for a few days though. Don't want it to be too early.

  9. I was thinking.... I know there are a lot of teenagers being banded now and they deal with a lot of issues with support and advice that we (adults) don't deal with. I thought it would be nice if I created a thread that they can all identify themselves on and share amongst themselves. Hopefully this will allow them to maybe come in contact and exchange their info in private. I absolutely do not mind giving advice or chatting or whatever, I am just thinking that it might be nice to know of other teens on the site for them. Since we are a big group, sometimes they get lost in the crowd.

    So if your a teenager and maybe looking for other teens to ask and advise and support, you can post here too!!!

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