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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. So some people do drink beer? I was kind of depressed about the thought of never drinking a beer again. You'd think not drinking pepsi would be more upsetting! hahaha. :faint:

    Yes, some do. But shouldn't (according to my doc). Doctors seem to have different ideas and advise their patients in different ways though. I am just staying on the safe side and avoiding all carbonation like the plague.

  2. I have my band and I love my band. I am doing well with my band. However, I have concerns about how many more surgeries I would need to KEEP my band. With the possibility of a revision surgery for one reason or another, band erosion, slippage, etc and the commonality of it within a 10 year span.... If I had to do it all over again, I would dive into RNY instead. Just my opinion and my circumstance. I do think the band is safer and less invasive and healthier but I like the permanancy of RNY. I like that there isn't as much, if any, follow up care appointments, adjustments, revisions, etc. I think that RNY would have been the "life long" option without going into another surgery or two. They say that the band is "long term" not "life long". I wanted life long. I didn't expect that I could erode, have a surgery, wait 6 months, have another surgery, and keep repeating that process. When I paid my money, I thought I was getting something for life (which for me could be another 40 years!). I would have paid the extra $8K to have the RNY if I had to do it over.

    But alas, I don't have that option for a "do over". So I work with my band, and it is doing its job for now. So for now, I will love and respect my band until I need a revision. Then I will switch to RNY not reband.

  3. okay ya'll, I am going out on a limb.... bottom 3 are going to be 1. Taylor 2. Bucky 3. Ace (Bucky is going home)

    I agree, the "come hither" look Ace keeps giving is giving me the creeps. I am now a Chris D Girl ALL THE WAY BABY!

    I was actually terribly disappointed in Taylor's performance. He looked as if he was having some type of seizure on stage. I though Simon was spot on.

  4. :sick I am sick too right now. Sore throat, hoarse cough. As soon as I felt it come on... I started downing the chewable Vitamins, drinking herbal teas (as hot as I can) and chicken broth. Been on liquids only for about 38 hours now. I think it is working. Now I think it would work faster if I stopped smoking. :rolleyes:

    Try not to take the liquid gel caps, maybe opt for some liquid Robitussin instead. My band is definitely tighter since I got sick. I have lost another 2 lbs. All Water weight I think though.

  5. I definitely think the band is the safer surgery and you do lose the weight much more slowly and healthily. However, I don't think the band is the "life long" surgery it was told it was to me. And is definitely a lot more work personally.

    So many people need corrections, revisions and work that it requires more surgeries. One of my main issues is that I only wanted to have ONE surgery. And I am possibly looking at more now if I were to erode, slip, port replacement, etc... I didn't really get told that was a large possibility. Even Inamed says that it is not a lifetime surgery and the chances are high for additional surgeries needed with the band. Had I known that, I don't know if I would have gotten the band. If I had to do it all over again, I would just take the plunge into RNY rather than the band. But I have my band now, so I am trying to not worry about "what if's" and just deal with it while I have it. But I do feel that it isn't a case of IF I lose the band, but WHEN.

    Both my sister and mother have RNY bypass. They do look great and have lost A LOT of weight and are maintaining (sister for about 6 years, mom for about 3). They don't struggle too much with their diet as they are now in a routine. The dumping or vomiting is very minimal. And it is usually when they eat something that they didn't know what was in it or it was a funky type of food that just didn't agree with them. Neither of them have any other issues that make life unbearable. I ask my mom if she would do it again or would she try my lap band first, and she would go the RNY route. She likes that it is forever and that it is permanant. She said that I can eat "around" my band and "pack" my pouch and she would have done that, therefore not being successful at the surgery.

    Good luck with your choices!

  6. Wow!!! I am so jealous! I want to go, I want to go!!! It looks like you had a FANTASTIC time!!! And the bling bling!! Woot!

    Well we definitely noticed you were missing here at LBT and we knew you were off having a crazy fun time somewhere!!

    Glad your back though!

  7. Grrrr, their on their way now. Man, hubby is gonna KILL me. I already have TONS of shoes. I was never a shoe person before and then for some reason about 5 years ago, I became a collector!!

    P.S. I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to mail the package. I think he/she (no hints!) will be the first to get theirs. They should be getting it sometime this week.

  8. :omg: at 2 Philly steak sandwiches a month out!! That is crazy!!! :confused:

    Warning: Tough love coming....

    Re: drinking during meals. We all CAN do it. We choose NOT to do it for maximum results.

    Re: eating everything.... The band does not make healthy choices for you. If you choose to shove carbs and crap down there, the weight will keep coming and you have wasted your time, money and energy. You have to make healthy choices!! If you can eat eat eat a lot.... then fine. Eat 4 boiled chicken breasts if you want to. Eat a whole package of steamed carrots. For munching, grab a plain yogurt or a banana. I think you were seriously misled if your surgeon told you that the band will do all the work and choices for you. The band is NOT bypass and is a dual partnership in which you must diet and exercise and use the band as a tool for weightloss. It will not be a catch all and it will not stop you from eating stuff that causes weight gain.

    Re: a month post op.... When did you start eating hard solids like that? What week? What were your post op instructions? Who is your surgeon? Where were you banded?

    Take your small bites slowly, chew well and rest between each bite, about 15 full seconds. DON'T drink before, during meals or after meals. Eat for maximum of 20 minutes and stop. Give it time to settle in your pouch first. The band WILL work and do its job. You have to work with it. :hungry:

    Once you deal with the head hunger, life will start getting better, I promise. Just hang in there!:clap2:

  9. - Tortillas (white, wheat, corn?) Corn, crunchy only, none soft

    - salad (what kind of lettuce can you eat?) Nope, none, gets stuck in a heartbeat, sometimes I can do raw veggies, but in small quantities.

    - Hard breads (pretzels, crackers, melba, etc.) melba, and toasty crackers okay, no soft crackers (ritz, saltines, etc) Wheat thins

    - "Fluffy" breads (pancakes, waffles, muffins), None of it

    - Ground meants (turkey, chuck, sirloin...) Can't do steak or other meats (good, don't like them anyways too much). chicken, Turkey and hamburger, sometimes sausage if done VERY slowly

    - Shellfish/crustaceans (scallops, shrimp, crab, lobster, mussels...) Allergic, so never tried.

    - Hard Cereal (grape nuts, oat bran, etc.) Goes down smooth but need to chew the kernals.

    - Hard cheeses A okay with me.

    Rice is a big no no with me too, all fresh breads are out out out.

  10. Ya know, I went to Target today. And I have to share something I thought was really ironic....

    Next to target is Lane Bryant. RIGHT in front of Target was a huge tent. They were girl scouts camped up to sell cookies! I thought that was a bit funny. I took a picture on my cell phone of the LB store background with the cookie tent in front of it. But I can't figure out how to download the picture onto the computer. If someone else can, PM me your cell number and I can send you the picture over the phone.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
