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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. Okay, I am a little concerned. I sent mine out around June 8th or so. They still haven't posted here so I checked my delivery confirmation and it says that they have no record. I am nervous. Should I contact the person or just wait for a bit? I'd like to know in case I need to send another replacement gift.

  2. Is a man’s semen good for you if you swallow? I have been told that it has Protein in it.

    Yes, semen has Protein in it, but I wouldn’t consider making a meal out of it! Semen contains citric acid, fructose, and protein, all of which are nutrients that are also found in food. Although these nutrients are necessary ingredients for a healthy diet, ingesting a man’s semen is not a good or recommended way to go about consuming these nutrients. Other components of semen are alkalines, prostaglandins, and approximately 300 million sperm. Every teaspoon of semen that is consumed adds 5 calories to your daily intake. The amount of semen produced during ejaculation varies from man to man, but on average one to two teaspoons of semen is produced with each ejaculation.

    It is also important to consider the risks involved with fellatio and swallowing a man’s semen. HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted by swallowing semen and from oral to genital contact. Any contact that a person may have with another’s bodily fluids increases risk for contracting a number of diseases or infections. If your partner has been recently tested for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV and the test results were negative, then the semen would be considered “safe” to swallow. Before making semen the primary source of protein in your diet, try incorporating some lean meat or low fat dairy products into your diet!

    Katie Boutott, B.S.

    Health Educator

    Health Iowa/Student Health Service

  3. Well, I can't really feel your pain on this one Kat because my husband and I have the same issues but we are OPPOSITE. I have a huge high sex drive and I want it ALL the time. We do work opposite schedules but I am always wanting to make time for it whereas he is a bit more tired and unmotivated. He says it is a mental thing where it just takes too much work. We do enjoy oral and I LOVE to give it, but he says it makes him feel guilty that I don't get pleasured. But I do just by giving it. And the other issue is that he has me on some type of wife pedastal. He makes "love" but can't "fuck". Sometimes I just want a rampid jungle gym type of sex and he can't find it to treat me that way. I think its sweet but damnit, sometimes a girl just wants to get laid ya know? ((SIGH))

    Regarding the pill issue... why not try the patch or the shot??? Or... if you are sure you don't want children, get spayed!

    Mrs Husker... someone did invent the panties. Slumber has them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
