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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by princess_n_thep

  1. A Y is an American Red Cross sanctioned swimming program. Therefore they are NOT complying with American Red Cross swimming program. You may want to check into that. Plus, Y's are notorious for using expired or out of date instructors. The pool is required to keep certifications AT the site for inspection of any patron or inspector. I would ask to see them. I bet you it takes them awhile if they get back to you at all.

    Here is why.... Floaties give children a false sense of security. The entire purpose to swim is to survive in the Water. Later, when you master the skill you can swim for fun or exercise. But the main purpose is survival. Children need to learn how to get out of the situation that they have gotten themselves into with the best of their ability. By using floaties, this shows them to not try as hard and to their full capability. Swim Aids like life vests, removable swimsuit pads, etc are just TOOLS (like the band is a tool). This does not include "instructional tools" such as kickboards, rings, noodles IF they are used properly for instruction rather than play.

    ARM floaties are a lazy lazy lazy no no no!! If any of you do this you are not helping your child at all and possibly putting them at risk. Not only does it hinder proper swimming techniques but it also can potentially be a drowning factor. I have seen this MANY times. I quickly outlawed arm rings in any pool I was in charge of. This pissed off many parents that wanted to use them, but I don't care. I explained my reasons, and it possibly saved their life that day because I wouldn't let them in the pool or lake with it on. When a child has arm floaties on, they tend to tire faster. Because of the bulk they have to work harder rather than learning to glide and use their arms as paddles. It restricts rotational shoulder movement. Therefore once they get so tired, if they are in an area that they can not touch the bottom, the arms will go straight up (because they had to work at keeping their arms down) and their head will go under. They will panic, bob a few times, take in Water and then they are officially a distressed swimmer and possibly a drowning victim. Moral of the story: NO ARM FLOATIES!! (they are $1 for a reason!)

  2. awwwwwwww, my heart goes out to you. I too lost my dear dog and friend Jeter. I had him cremated as well. It was a bit strange picking him up in a box but I also felt good taking him home to where he belonged. Our community does not allow us to bury pets UNLESS they are cremated and we use them as "enrichment" for a tree or plant. I got a granite memorial made with his picture on it too. The landscapers are here as I type and are putting in a beautiful 7 ft Colorado Blue Spruce. I will bury his ashes when they plant. I will also put the memorial there.

    I think I would check to see if you can use the ashes for "enrichment" purposes in planting. That way, you comply with their wishes for the community, are earth friendly, and can lay your beloved pet to rest at home. My other suggestion would be to get a mouse statue and put it there as well. They also have pet memory stones you can place there.

  3. Okay, so I love Schwans. I like their fat free yogurt ice cream. I love their pre made food that tastes like I cooked for hours.

    BUT!!! Now they have this new thing called Dough Crazy Bars. OMG! They are EVIL I tell you! They are vanilla ice cream bars with a layer of cookie dough on top and dipped in chocolate. Uhhhhhhhhhhh, can be say NON BAND FRIENDLY???

    AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!! I don't "fight" too much with food but these I am CRAVING. And I WAAAAAAANT them.

  4. I also have all of the Winsor Pilates DVD's. At first I wasn't really flexible and i was rigid, but within a few weeks I noticed I was more limber and flexible. I don't do it now as often as I did during the first burst of major weight loss, but I hope to get into it again soon. Plus, I also noticed that I was more "at peace" and relaxed the whole day. Where as now I can get a bit tense.

  5. Did the kids have on any kind of I.F.D. (instructional floatation device) when she brought them in the deep end?

    As a waterfront and aquatics director for summer camps for 4 years, a lifeguard for 15, CPR and FA instructor for 10 years and a Water safety and swim instructor for 15 years.... if they are putting on ANY type of flotation device at any time, take them out of this program. And if they are putting on arm floaties, RUN don't walk out of that program!! All kids, babies included, should work directly with the instructors in deep end activities and if they are below 8 years old or in a level 1 or 2 should always have a private lifeguard during instruction. This is per American Red Cross standards.

    3loves- I commend you for taking a stand on the error. I indeed feel as if you should follow up on this and make sure that corrections are made.

    Here is my take on what happened. Yes, very scarey indeed. To me, it sounds as if the instructor is not organized, needs more refresher training and has dropped her safety control measures.

    There is an organization system for younger children that MUST be in place. For example, on my level 1 and level 2 beginners, we have a large carpet mat in the shade. (after each lesson during break we hang the mat over the fence in the sun to dry) We have buddies, any time we enter or exit, they must hold the hand up of their buddy. Once the lessons are over, I count the kids and do the dry land buddy check. I then scan the pool area for additional kids, whether they are in my group or not. My group then grabs their towels and sits with their buddies on the mat. I stay between the mat and the pool at ALL times. Even if parents come to talk to me, I politely tell them that I would be happy to speak with them once all of the children have been picked up by parents. I will not allow parents to "honk" for kids. I will not allow parents to just go up to the fence and yell for them. They must come in and claim their child with me. If they don't like this, then they go somewhere else for their lessons. Albeit I am VERY good at what I do and I have only lost 2 parents leaving my group due to being lazy in all my years of teaching swim lessons.

    On another note, i would like to share an experience that hopefully will affect and persuade others to keep Water safety with their children.....

    I have personally given breaths and pushed on the chest of a child that wandered away from a parent at the beach and went to play in the waves. It was unknown how long he had been there, but I found him face down in the sand at the waterbreak line a few hundred feet from where his family were relaxing. It was years ago and I was actually on my own pleasure trip and not lifeguarding, but I still remember the vivid feelings and sensations of having this mother over the top of me screaming "oh my god, don't let him die, save my baby" over and over again. I remember the stinging of the water in my eyes and trying to concentrate on the breath/compression ratio. I remember droplets of water coming off of her hair and clothing hitting me in the back. I remember the heavy breathing and sobbing of the mother behind me. I remember the taste of the sand granuals in my own mouth. I remember the color of the blue on his lips. I remember his long eyelashes and remember thinking "my what beautiful long eyelashes". I remember the pop of the sternum bone upon the compression. I remember the squishy pillow like feel of compressions after that. I remember his sand and water blonde hair slicked back. I remember the lifeguard coming up and tears on his face and telling me to back away and I remember yelling at him to "get the fuck out of here" (he was maybe 16 years old). I remember my water wrinkled fingers giving me a nails on the chalkboard feeling when I touched his skin with my hands. I remember all of the people around me taking deep breaths and gasping while whispering to each other "do you think he will die" and "i hope he makes it". At least once a year I have the memory dream and I wake up with a chest ache and my muscles sore. The child was transported to the hospital but never regained consciousness. He had no brain activity.

    If just one of these memories that I have shared with you has hit home then the haunting of this experience has meaning. Just by the professions I chose to do, I live with memories and images that some never experience. But if I can affect and change someone else's life by going through what I see and do, then I keep going. I only share with you so that I can create a point and educate others.

    WATCH YOUR CHILDREN AROUND WATER!!!! A human can drown in 2 Tablespoons of water. Do you remember a time when you have "drank the wrong way" or it "went down the wrong pipe"??? Actually, that is a form of water inhalation and could cause a choking. The cause of death would not be choking it would be a drowning.

    One more thing, since I am on a roll.... those "child chain bracelets" that you see some parents doing at major theme parks or malls. Some refer to them as "pet leashes" being snide. I personally love to see a parent using a tool in major populated places. Don't ever make fun or point and laugh at those parents. They know where their kids are, what they are doing, and that they will be going home with them. To those that make fun of them, I always wonder.... where are their kids? And have they ever lost one?

  6. I don't think that is normal for how far post op you are. I was a police officer and constantly on the go (jumping fences, chasing, running, ducking, etc) and I didn't have this problem when I was 4 months post op. So I would definitely bring this to your doctors attention.

    I live in Arizona and yes, the heat does dehydrate me and I have to really make sure I get the Water in, so to me... that is normal.

  7. Well I suppose I should give some of you peaks into the cruise. Here are some things I have planned..... There will be more info to come and I will get more specific about general questions as they come. If you don't mind PM'ing me your questions, I can share them here for everyone to see in case they had the same question!

    1. All of our dinner tables will be together. I hope we all move around a bit and sit in different places to really meet everyone.

    2. Most of the cabin categories will be nearby each other.

    3. I have a late night gathering the first night and short meetings on the two sea days planned so as to build friendships, laugh and get to know each other (hubbys welcome to come!!). Also I have some games planned with prizes!! Gonna be great! Your not required to come at all, I just wanted to facilitate all of us in one room.

    4. I will be your liasion on the cruise. If you have any problems, come find me (which may be a task of its own) All of you will be given my cabin number and cabin phone number.

    5. As a special surprise for those that are cruising there will be a $25 per cabin shipboard credit as a special gift!!! Use the money wherever you want on the ship!! For the singles traveling with roomies, you will have to work it out with your roomie on where the two of you want to spend your $25.

    6. I will be the personal bodyguard for the midnight desert buffet to stop all bandsters from stuffing their faces!! But ohhhhhhh is it delicious! If you can't see me at the buffet stopping bandsters, check under the table as I may be hiding there with a piece of cheesecake.

    7. Please get ready to laugh, giggle and enjoy yourselves! We are going to have a blast!!!

    There are still cabins left and there is still time to join us if you want to go!! Just PM me the info requested and things will start moving!

  8. My first husband cheated on me and then I cheated on him....and enjoyed it, and then I kicked him to the curb. Who ever said revenge isn't sweet??

    LMAO, I did the same thing! And my ex did it with my best friend (now ex best friend). And oh... by the way... yes I did kick her ass. Was sooooo worth the night in jail for it too.

    Now, I am happy and in love. Neither of us would cheat EVER. I am a huge flirt though, but that is where it stops. Call me a prick tease?

  9. After time, bypass patients can tolerate more and more sugar (my mom and sister had it 6 or so years ago). They both live more normal eating now that their bodies have adjusted to the surgery. I think they are very similar though in terms of what works. It just takes longer for the band to lose the weight and it takes longer for the bypass to adjust to the foods. The only difference in my mind is that one is lifelong and the other is longterm.

  10. Speaking of toys..... Wanna see the largest Dildo????

    Dildo Island is the largest of three islands located at the entrance to Dildo Arm in the bottom of Trinity Bay. Initial survey work on Dildo Island in 1995 yielded evidence of a prehistoric occupation of the island by Dorset Eskimo, Recent Indian, and Beothuk people. Documentary evidence indicates that there was a Beothuk camp on the Island in the early 17th century and that an English fort was located there in the early 18th century. The Island was also the site of Newfoundland's first cod hatchery in the late 19th century. Between 1996 and 1999 excavations were conducted on a Dorset Eskimo house on the island dating to between AD 100 and AD 700 and in 2001 initial excavations were conducted on a Recent Indian site believed to date to circa AD 900.


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