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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    Is it really possible???

    Ok, I am astonished! Did someone come mess with my scale? I have lost 11 pounds in just a week and 1 day??? come on! I couldn't possibly have had 11 lbs of Water weight could I?? Someone is pulling an early April Fool's on me I am sure of it!!
  2. princess_n_thep

    Professional Restriction Info Please

    Lisa come on! With you? Sheer WILLPOWER!!!!!!!!! You go girl!
  3. princess_n_thep

    Off on my month long trip

    Be safe Penni! And hook that darn laptop up quickkkkkkkk!
  4. princess_n_thep

    My Approaching Sugery is Stirring Up Mixed Emotions....

    A very very very wise person once counseled me on this very subject. You need to examine WHY you are having fear. Is it fear of the actual surgery date, if so, postpone it till you are ready. Is it fear of emotions, if so, then grab yourself up by the Lane Bryant garter belt and go get it done girl! You will feel better. But definitely listen to your heart and not your desperations. I truly believe feelings, true gut feelings, come to us for a reason. I may not have always listened to it in the past but I thank goodness that someone has reminded me that gut feelings are to be listened to. I wish you speed in your decisions and opinions about the band. No one can decide what to do but you! Jenna
  5. princess_n_thep

    Back From Mexico And Banded!!!!!!!

    Please tell your dad hello for me and give him big hugs Roxanna! Keep going with the weight loss! Wooot! I know you are so dedicated to your band you will do awesome! How are you "feeling" tho?
  6. princess_n_thep

    Sparkling Water...

    I drink Fruit2O and LOVEEEEEE IT! You can get it at Sam's by the case!
  7. princess_n_thep

    Is it really possible???

    Ok, Reality check for me! I was so damn excited that I went to the mall today and decided to walk walk walk. However I had to crawl crawl crawl into my bed when i got home. too much, too fast. I am slowing it down.
  8. princess_n_thep

    Pooping the Alphabet

    I have been married for 3 years and he has NEVER seen me go #1 or #2. I am VERY freaky about the whole bathroom thing. If he even says "I can hearrrr youuu" I get stage fright and have to stop, then go back another time.
  9. princess_n_thep

    Talk Me Down Man!!!

    STOP! Step away slowly from the candy with your hands on top of your head!!
  10. princess_n_thep

    I Walked!!

    Trish, And just think... pretty soon you will be climbing up to those rooftops to yell it out!! Way to go girl!
  11. princess_n_thep

    Your Wu name

    Just freaking GREAT! grrrrrr I am "unlucky professional" and I start my new job on Wed. Gee, thankssssssssssss!
  12. princess_n_thep

    Pooping the Alphabet

    Ewwwwww, I say that if he is old enough to poop that big then he is old enough to put on the glove himself and "break" it or put it in a baggie!! But that right there is a mothers love for SURE!!!
  13. princess_n_thep

    Back From Mexico And Banded!!!!!!!

    How are you feeling Roxanna??? Haven't heard from you! Any weight loss? Are you healing ok? Come onnnnnnnnn, let us know things are going well!!! Love ya sisterrrrrrrr (in my best slurred speech) Jenna
  14. princess_n_thep

    Bad, Bad Daisydoodle...

    Awwww Miss Doodle! Well I just hadddddd to take a lick of a jelly packet on the restraunt table the day after surgery so I cant get on you for just 3 cookies!!! You have earned those cookies! No worries, you will get back on track!
  15. princess_n_thep

    Pics of my Barium Swallow

    YES!!! I can totally see it and understand it now!! How cool that is!! How much (ounces) of barium do you swallow??? Is it the consistency of something like pepto bismol? But now, I can't see the rabbit no more.
  16. princess_n_thep

    Tomorrow's the big day

    Many Wishes For A Speedy Rcovery Geo!!!! You Can Do This And It Will Work!!! Woooot!
  17. princess_n_thep

    Is it really possible???

    So when did everyone start doing more strenuous exercise? Like running for example. That has always been the best way for me to shed pounds so I want to try and jog/walk. I am thinking in week 3 I can try it. MORE MORE MORE!! I am obsessed! I am eating so good/healthy/according to plan without being hungry!!! WOOOOOOOOT!! My obsession with seeing the scale go down is like a torrid love affair!!
  18. princess_n_thep

    Chat Anyone??

    Maria, Try doing your introduction in the "Introductions" forum. Many more people will see it there and respond to you rather than in a thread that has nothing to do with welcoming new people. I spent a couple of days just surfing around and getting the hang of all the cool controls and ways to post first. Congrats on your decision though and welcome to LBT!!!
  19. princess_n_thep

    Pooping the Alphabet

    OMG Trish!! Stop it! I am only a little over a week post op and your making me hurt from laughing so hard!!!! This thread has me cracking up!!!
  20. princess_n_thep

    Pics of my Barium Swallow

    That is cool looking. I just wish I knew how to see it all and what I was looking at. To me, I see an upside down rabbit with long ears. Anyone else see that?
  21. princess_n_thep

    Gunn4yas getting her band tomorrow!!!!!

    much luck and many good wishes Tanya! Come back and make a speedy recovery!!
  22. princess_n_thep


    I was banded on Wednesday and was back to a desk job on Monday. Now it is Wednesday and I couldn't do any heavy lifting or anything, but I can now lift up the neighbors 6mo old baby for some lovin'! Every day seems to get better and better. Driving is a bit of a pain though because of crawling in and out of the car still. Just uncomfortable really, not painful. Driving is okay for a quick trip to the store, but I don't want to be in the car for more than ohhhh 15 miles or so. How old are your children? I know there was no way I was picking up a baby or anything in the first week. (although I did paint my pantry on Sat and Sun after sugery, bad jenna but I had my boys move all the food stuff)
  23. princess_n_thep

    port placement

    the port is placed in the abdominal wall. It does not stick out at all.
  24. princess_n_thep

    need encouragement

    I know I don't post here much now and I "lurk" a lot now... but tomorrow is my "QUIT SMOKING NOW AND GET READY TO BE HEALTHY" date. I am quitting 3 weeks before surgery and using the patch. Tomorrow I am destroying all cigarette related merchandise and having the "smoke smell" removed (if they can) from my car. I know I don't have to beg because you all are always so generous with encouragement but please please please lend me some words of encouragement as I quit tomorrow for life. Thanks. Jenna
  25. princess_n_thep

    need encouragement

    I have seen it, a long time ago. Very scary and eerie but then I went out and smoked and the gross feeling just passed me by. Ummmmm, Penni. Still fighting the good fight! I didn't smoke the whole time in Mexico (4 days) but stress levels pushed me over the edge and I snuck one when I got home. I never ever have more than 3-4 a day though. I am still trying. I need to get more Patches next time I go to Mexico. The patch works I just hate putting it on because of the gross "scum" it leaves from the sticky stuff. It is soooo hard to get off and I scrub my skin raw with alcohol trying to get it off! But I will NOTTTTT give up the fight! i am going to try again and again every day! Thanks for asking!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
