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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    I have some capri's to get rid of

    Penni, why not bring them to Vegas???
  2. princess_n_thep

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    bumping for newbies....
  3. princess_n_thep

    Bajanor Hospital in TJ?

    Who is the surgeon paula?
  4. princess_n_thep


    Call the phone company and ask for a private call block. This does not allow private calls to your house unless they identify their phone # to you. Maybe it is just me but hell, if some guy wants naked pics of me right now I would actually feel flattered because I can barely stand to look at myself! This of course is being said in jest and in no way do I mean to diminish the violation that has occurred. Unfortunately, it is correct. Unless you had done an auto call back or had that caller ID privacy block there is not much they can do (I am a police officer too). My recommendation is to change your curtains to something that is not see through. Also to make sure your doors/windows are locked at night. Most peeping toms will not re offend where it is not easy or available to view. And I don't know if it makes you feel better, but generally voyeuristic style offenders are non violent. I am wondering... whose name is listed in the phone book? You or hubby? That might lend a clue if it was your name. Also, do some of your own detective work to find out who has a nephew home from the war around your neighborhood? If they don't call back, I would chalk it up as a prank and not dwell on it. But it is a terrible thing to imagine so I would just try and assume the best case scenario.
  5. princess_n_thep

    Back From Mexico And Banded!!!!!!!

    Roxanna has been MIA for a couple of weeks. I have tried to call but no answer. Has anyone talked to her? Is she doing okay?
  6. princess_n_thep

    Katie's Band

    Awww, Katie! Our thoughts are with you! I hope you have a speedy recovery from band #2! And kudos to the DH for posting!!! Geez, mine doesn't even know my password let alone the site I use! Should I trade him in for a new model? Nah, I think I will keep him as he gets good milage! GET WELL SOON KATIE!!!
  7. princess_n_thep

    Doing crunches

    I am 3 weeks post op and just today started doing crunches with the help of the "ab roller" thingy. I must admit, I got a bit sore at the port and I only did about 40. I think I will do a day on/ day off for awhile.
  8. princess_n_thep

    Thigh lifts?

    The belly? Where's the belly sag? Ohhhhhh, right there under the boobs! gotcha!
  9. princess_n_thep

    Comments for Before and After Pictures

    Alexandra, I had noooo idea what a difference you had! Wow, you really do look great! Good job! And everyone looks amazing.... great results! Very inspiring!
  10. princess_n_thep

    How do you know if you are too tight?

    La Madam... you have your email and PM options off??? I wanted to know about 3 days of liquid after a fill. I was told 24 hours.
  11. princess_n_thep

    OT: Help, my Jade plant is dying..

    Awwwwwwwww Kathy. No, you at least try! I can always rescue it I think. They actually are very hardy plants. I agree with LaMadam, try a larger pot to give them some elbow room. If all else fails, I will rescue it for you and bring it back to life. But I want to give it back so you can love it! What a lovely gift! Don't feel bad, some people just don't have a green thumb. (although I must say that a Jade plant is fairly hard to kill). ha ha ha But you have me giggling over your frustrations. But I am laughing WITH you not at you hun!
  12. princess_n_thep

    Cluck Cluck Cluck Cluck Cluck

    ROFLMAO Lisa you crack me up! (ha ha get it? CRACK! Like an egg! hee hee hee too funny) COCK a doodle DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  13. princess_n_thep

    wardrobe malfunction!

    I once lost my bikini bottoms on a water tube on the Illinois River (this was of course when i was about 19 and thin). As for any malfunctions while heavy... here is my story.... laugh if you will: I had just had my son about 2 months prior. I was only 21 and my best friend suggested I finally go and "celebrate" turning 21. So I thought, well heck, I will or I will regret not doing it. So off I went to find a good outfit to wear. I wanted to look "hot" even though I was married and not trying to find anyone. Needless to say I was heavy as I had gained 65 lbs pregnant. My friend suggested a girdle. I was hesitant but who would know right? So off I went to the downtown to whooop it up for the night with my friend. The first nightclub was good but we wanted to go up the street a bit to another more happening place. So I did a quick potty trip to the bathroom and off we went to walk about 2 blocks up to the next nightclub. This "strip" of clubs is very packed on the sidewalks with people walking to/from places. Soooo, anyways... I started noticing people looking at me and even turning their heads as I walked by. Mannnnn, I must be HOTTTT! I felt GREAT! I started to "strut" I think too. I felt like the queen of the hotties! I even turned and flirted a bit. This all came to screachinggggggg halt when my friend noticed that my after going potty at the last club I had left my cute little skirt tucked up in my big ol' granny girdle and was walking down the main downtown street with my big ol' booty (properly scrunching all my fat butt in with a little coming out the sides) for the whole town to see! I was MORTIFIED! I went home crying and vowed to put my "party" days behind me. Once at home, eyes puffy, tired from sobbing, I looked in on my angel sleeping and remember thinking..... he was worth it. So there you have it... my wardrobe malfunction.
  14. princess_n_thep

    A feeling of Fullness

    Okay.... (imaginative exercise #1) Close your eyes.... think about last Thanksgiving... the turkey, the stuffing, the cranberries, the pies, the egg nog, the corn, the Beans, the bread and cornbread, the after dinner wine and then... squeeze in that last piece of pumpkin pie. How do you feel? Like you need a dolly to get you to the couch? As if you could just fall off the chair and roll to the living room couch? Okay... (imaginative exercise #2) Now close your eyes again... eat a couple ritz crackers, 4 oz of yogurt, and a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese.... now picture how you felt on the Thanksgiving exercise above and VIOLA! You have "fullness" feeling. Not painful really, just FULL. This is just how I feel after eating and I am less than one month banded. I think it is actually quite tiring how "full" you feel like your stuffed EVERY meal. I need to work on finding that happy medium but it "sneaks" up on you and all of a sudden you will say after very little food, "MAN, I AM STUFFED" and push the plate aside not even imagining of taking another bite. That's when people look at you like your nuts and get wide-eyed.
  15. princess_n_thep

    OT: Help, my Jade plant is dying..

    Kathy, let me see the replanted pictures!! I seem to have a big interest in the prosperity of this plant. I swear if it doesn't get better I am going to have you send it to me COD and I will send it back when it gets well again. ha ha
  16. princess_n_thep

    newbie with questions

    Ummmm, really sounds like questions you need to ask a doctor during a consult. Most of the time the consults are free. I would DEFINITELY suggest that you ask a bariatric doctor. There are a ton of informative people on here but your questions sound a bit complicated.
  17. princess_n_thep

    Being Banded has NOT changed me.

    Warning: slight hijack Kathy, Did you vomit or PB? It sounds like you were vomiting and not a PB at all..... Are you in any pain now that you vomited just 5 days after?
  18. princess_n_thep


    Plus, haven't we all done those diets? Why yo-yo? This is a decision for your life. For me, I was completely healthy, just fat. So it was more of a cosmetic decison rather than a life-saving one. But it would have come to that I am sure. (I think of it more like getting my nose or boobs done. It helps you feel better about yourself and achieve the results you want permanantly) I just recognized it faster and am more vain I think. I get A LOT of flack about the fact that I am only needing to lose about 70 lbs to be at my target weight. People are CONSTANTLY saying I could have done it myself. I just roll my eyes and say, "been there, done that and tired of it". i have yo-yo'd between my target and fat weights for the last 5 years. Lose it... wait about 4 months, gain it back, then do it again. YOUR BODY, YOUR DECISION! Pro-Choice baby!
  19. princess_n_thep

    Any lower BMI experience with fills?

    I am/was a BMI of 33.7. I can tell you that my doctor has told me that on lower BMI patients the band is not as naturally "tighter" on lower BMI patients. The band I get is the same as if I would have weighed 500 lbs rather than 220. He warned me I wouldn't have as much restriction as someone who is a higher BMI just because our stomachs aren't as big to begin with. He definitely said I would feel like I need a fill in the 6 weeks and I made my appointment for a fill before I even had surgery. And sure enough, I am now 3 weeks post op and I can eat ANYTHING I want. I surely don't eat a TON but I CAN eat WAY more than just a few ounces. I am counting the days until my fill on May 7th. He also explained to me that lower BMI patients are "starting" where a larger BMI patient would be in the "middle" of their weight loss. Larger BMI patients will lose their weight rapidly at first, then slow down a lot in the middle. Since we are starting in what would be the "middle" so our weight loss is going to be a lot slower. (for example, a person weighing 380 may lose 60 lbs their first 2 months whereas a lower BMI patient will lose maybe 30 in 2 months as being normal). A higher BMI patient will see the VISUAL results a lot sooner whereas the lower BMI patient has more subtle results that are not visually as dramatic. But in the end of things, we will all look great and lose the weight we want to. Make sense? I think some patients feel "restriction" without a fill. I am just unlucky enough to not be one of them. I do think it has to do with the size of your stomach when they insert the band and the amount of fat you carry around that particular organ. But then again, I already knew I was a "super healer" and will heal VERY fast. I knew my swelling would go down quick. I even had surgery on Wed and was back to work on Monday. So by the second week I was completely misreble and could have eaten a horse! I was about to gnaw off my own arm! And I even looked at my husband strangely sometimes I think.
  20. princess_n_thep

    Strange Dream

    For me, I can feel a "presence" of somthing but not really the band itself I think. This was definitely more prominant the first 2 weeks after surgery. I definitely can feel the port though now that my swelling has gone down. If I suck in my stomach really hard I get a little bulge and can really see the outline of it. Hopefully, as I lose weight the port sinks with my tummy and doesn't become an unsightly bulge. Otherwise, I guess I will be looking at another surgery for replacement of the port.
  21. princess_n_thep

    Being Banded has NOT changed me.

    My difficult time seems to be during the work day. Night seems to be okay for right now because I can go to sleep and worry about hunger in the morning. Having the band only changed my outlook on things in that I now know that I am NOT invincible and life is oh so precious. Other than that, I am still the opinionated bitch I have always been.
  22. princess_n_thep

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Kathy, Glad to hear you are doing well!! How is the plant? Recovering as well I hope hee hee hee. Hey, now you have a "recovery pal"!! I wish I could say the eating will get better but just bare down and prepare yourself for the next few weeks. Soooooooon, it will be over. It felt like FOREVER (during) the last few weeks and now it seems like nothing at all. Just take it easy and pamper yourself!!! Welcome to Band land!
  23. princess_n_thep

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    here is my most recent picture of the incisions and scars. I am now 3 weeks post band (scars are only 21 days old). And..... I got out my sexy red thong and bra for you guys!!
  24. princess_n_thep

    Sugar Alcohol?????

    http://www.ynhh.org/online/nutrition/advisor/sugar_alcohol.html answers it all!
  25. princess_n_thep


    I would NEVER tell a friend that and I would expect that a true friend would never say that to me. So you have to ask yourself, is this person a "friend" or just an "acquaintance you are friendly with".

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
