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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. Hi all. I just wanted to get a thread started about this hot topic. I have noticed a couple people posting about kids getting banded. What is your opinion? My opinion: I think banding in teenage years is okay as long as they are older and have had the majority of their growth spurts. If they have given it an honest effort and are not just being lazy then I am all for it!! I think that banding under the age of 14 is a tragedy as their bodies are still developing and growing. Especially for females, there is a HUGE growth spurt coming between 16-18. I also think that parenting is a key. Feeding your children healthy meals and still making good choices for them. Just because they are older and more independent does not mean that you don't still cook a good dinner for them or pack their lunches. I have heard of 11 and 12 year olds getting banded and this saddens me greatly. I am sorry for being so opinionated about this (well actually I am not sorry as it is my right as an American) but I just think that as SUCH a young age there is so much more things you can try than surgery. Plus, after trying these things if the problem remains after their last major growth spurt there may even be a better solution. WLS is obviously not going anywhere and is evolving more and more. The option will still be there later. I guess as a parent of a 12 year old it wouldn't even be in my top 10 options right now. I would be trying so many more things to get their bodies healthy and under control. I do consider myself lucky in that my son has been skipped I think in the "fat gene" of our family. He is very tall, athletic and healthy. But then again, I take my parenting veryyyy seriously and have always had him eat healthy. (even when I was shoving a twinkie in my mouth in secret in the bathroom! bad mommy) I guess I take the "do as I say, not as I do" approach. But NO MORE! Now the whole house is eating healthier!! Okay, so now what is everyone elses opinions? I am looking forward to hearing them!! Please remember in this thread that everyone has their own opinions and it is our right to have them. No personal attacks are tolerated or I will simply delete this thread. Please, let's just discuss how we personally "feel" about this topic... ok... ready.... set...... GO!
  2. princess_n_thep

    Magic Bullet

    Okay, I had the magic bullet for one month post surgery. Although I thought it was fantastic when I got it, I really didn't use it all that much. I have returned my bullet and am just using my blender I already have, a handheld whipper ($10), and a smoothie machine (Kohl's $14.99) instead. Just my opinion, but it just wasn't worth the $60. If it had been $20 I would have kept it. Plus, cleaning it was a pain as I couldn't get my fat hand in the cup to clean it and the edges of the blender cup were sharp once you are doing dishes and your hands are soft. And the food sometimes sticks to the blades underneath and is hard to clean. I thought it was great for making single serve Protein smoothies but I just couldn't justify the $60 it cost. Sooooo, my opinion is now this: The bullet was okay during the first month of post surgery but not really worth keeping after unless you are big into making other things such as homemade salsa.
  3. princess_n_thep

    $70K Lap Band??

    I think Lisa's may be more expensive than Sharon's!!!
  4. princess_n_thep

    Body Shapers

    ummm, check out the "wardrobe malfunctions" thread and you can see my experience with those horrid gadgets.
  5. princess_n_thep

    bmi 34

    Ahhhhhh, I guess all I have to say is: "don't hate da playa, hate da game!" okay, so I got a lot more to say actually.... First things first... I don't feel that ALL plastic surgery is cosmetic nor is the band always cosmetic. But I do feel that the band was cosmetic for ME as I am just being a realist on how I feel about it. Doesn't make me (or anyone who feels this way) "less deserving" at all. I am all for lower BMI's getting the band as a weight loss tool. If someone is a BMI of 29 and they want the band, hell yeah go get it. yes, it is a surgery but so is breast augmentations. So is it your opinion that a certain cup size are not allowed breast implants? Now, I may not feel that lower bmi's of under 35 should be getting bypass but come onnnnn, this is a implantable and fully removable and reversable operation that is minimally invasive and carries little risk. In many cases it is outpatient surgery. Just because it has the words "weight loss surgery" attached to it there is a qualifier for it. I don't call it WLS when I talk about it to others as they automatically assume bypass or stomach stapleing... I call it WLT (weight loss tool) and then I explain. The only thing I am really "against" is designing ways for insurance to pay for it when it is more cosmetic than life saving. It is definitely a CASE BY CASE basis. And YOU AND YOUR DOCTOR are the only ones who can really determine that, not anyone on this board. If it is life saving, insurance should pay. If it is cosmetic and you just feel icky about being fat (like me) then pay for it yourself and don't eventually make us all pay for it in higher premiums, difficulty in getting other necessities covered, etc etc. And I say this as obviously as the devil's advocate so to speak as I am a low BMI that paid out the nose. Would I have liked insurance to pay for it? well sureeeeee! But at what cost to everyone else and am I really contributing to the healthcare insuance issues in our country if I did? Maybe I overthink things and think one person CAN make a difference. When my healthcare insurance premiums are rising yearly and I never go to the doctor, that ticks me off a bit. And I don't even want to get started on the entire welfare/state paid insurance for low income/homeless, that is a wholeeeee 'nother egg to crack for me. Now, I have noooooo idea what your situation is. But I can tell you that I had depression (I am fat and hated it), I have joint pain (well duh, I was fat), I had stress (umm, again, I am feeling like a cow), I have back pain (hello cow lady here), I am snoring like a freight train these days, possible apnea (again, my weight gain). None of these things I (note the use of the word I) consider morbidities as I will not be dying from the fact that my knees hurt or I feel like I look like a cow so I get the blues. But... it is fixed by losing my weight. BOTTOM LINE: It is an individual choice and individual lifestyle option. As a BMI of 33.7 (and one of those OMG what is she doing candidates, size 18, 5'8" tall) I can tell you to stick... okay, I won't go there tonight I guess. I will be good. But don't hate on someone that chooses to change their appearance because they actually took a good long look at themselves int the mirror and are catching their weight gain early enough to NOT have the physical issues that come with being morbidly obese. As someone who was once digging in her couch to find a quarter to go buy Top Ramen for my daily meal I can tell you that if there is a will there is a way. I will be honest in that my parents (although I wouldn't accept their money) used to come visit and purposely drop money in my couch or crumple a $5 and stick it in a pocket of my jeans in the laundry. I never to this day told her I knew she did it. Anyoneeee, can afford this. It just takes manipulative planning and saving. It may not be next month but I guarentee that it can be done with the right limitations and restrictions on money spending. (for example: a friend of mine was living with her parents, complaining how broke she was, getting her car repo'd, yet she was paying $200 a month for a storage unit to house all of her garage sale crap (broken walmart dressers that weren't going to feed her or her child) and these cheap figurines. Go figure. It took a few months (and many heated arguements), but she DID get on her feet again and is now doing great. Now a summary so there is no misunderstandings about my opinions: 1. Low BMI's (or I don't even care if they are 5'2" and 100 lbs) if they want the weight loss TOOL then so be it. Their choice, their body. 2. Because of the insurance and healthcare issues of the US lower BMI's without LIFE THREATENING conditions should not try and take advantage of the healthcare system for coverage. (but again if they need it to save their lives, then do it and have insurance pay for it!) Just my opinion that is all. 3. Mexico and Europe have been banding for 4 x's as long as American doctors so therefore just because they are "american" standards does not make them golden. 4. I appreciate everyone's opinion on things, good and bad. yes, some of it may piss me off a little but I still respect your right to have an opinion nonetheless. All comments here are appreciated and thought about. I do not dismiss anyone's comments. 5. I am in no way bashing anyone for being morbidly obese and not doing something sooner, I am merely saying that just because someone notices an issue sooner they should not be persecuted for it. In my particular case, coming from a family with severe morbid obesity, my personal battle with an eating disorder and at least 3 immediate family members with RNY GBypass, I only noticed my obesity sooner and was more aware due to my elders. 6. Debate is a GOOD thing, not a negative thing. It is healthy and makes us more aware of how others feel, even if we do not agree. 7. Weight-Schmeight! Who cares? If you want it, get it. If you need it, get it. If you can afford it, spend it. If you can't afford it, finance it. 7. Do what ye will, yet harm none.... words I try and live by. I again commend any lower BMI's who are stepping forward and recognizing their obesity and getting it under control now instead of later. I think it is admirable. I also think that those high BMI's that have come to terms with their obesity are also respected in the fact that they are taking back control of their pysical and mental self and creating a change to be healthy. Because bottom line that is all it is about right? We all (low bmi or high bmi, everyone) want healthy bodies and live life to its fullest. Thank you to anyone that took the time to read what I had to say. I greatly appreciate it.
  6. princess_n_thep

    12 Days Until Banded

    Awwwwwww geez, I think this is a post to do my famous BOOTY SHAKIN DANCE for Trish... ok, here goes... ((working up to it)) ((starting to get the beat)) ((feelin a lil shakin)) woooooo hoooooo, it's here! (( DOIN THE BOOTY SHAKIN DANCE FOR TRISH GETTING HER BAND!!!!!))
  7. princess_n_thep

    I need the best Advice

    Pick a room in your house and PAINT! Not only is it a great update for a dull room but it is low cost and really gets your mind off of it.
  8. princess_n_thep

    My Mom is in the hospital! SIGH!!!

    What a nice thing to be able to do for your mom. My mom still pays for a lot of lunch dates and such but I know that when the time comes and I am able to I will do the same that you do. What a good girl you are!
  9. princess_n_thep

    Las Vegas Marathon

    I would sooo do this with you Penni but alas, I am broke from my recent insertion of the band. Maybe next year I will join you? I would love to do this.
  10. princess_n_thep

    what a vacation

    www.wishcenter.org has a fill program for bandsters that were banded out of the country and have trouble finding fill doctors. Also, I would imagine that you can get fills in Mexico as well. What type of band do you have? keep up the good work and the good attitude!!
  11. princess_n_thep

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Oh Kathy, I hope things go well for you. I am so sorry you have to go through this. I know how excited you have been leading up to the band! Please take care and let us know how you are doing soon!
  12. princess_n_thep

    How much does it cost to fill at the wish center

    You have to contact each WISH center individually. The price can vary depending on location. They do have a band program for fills for those that are not banded by wish surgeons or in other countries and offer support groups, nutritionists and some follow up care. The site is: www.wishcenter.org and the places/contact #'s are: Arizona 866.597.9474 Illinois 800.646.4774 Ohio 888.854.9474 Texas 888.646.9474 Washington 877.291.9474 Locations are: Tempe, AZ Downers Grove, IL Springboro, OH San Antonio TX Renton, WA you must also meet their criteria for admission to the program (basically be band healthy and no problems/complications and be minimum of 6 weeks post op) Hope this helps!
  13. princess_n_thep

    Some Crappy @$$ Luck!!!!

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! We are only as strong as our past. You CAN do this, you WILL do this, you MUST do this!
  14. princess_n_thep

    I hate fat people!!!

    What a great thread! And it offers such an insight to obesity in general and how people think. I find myself rethinking some ideas I had now knowing the severe obese individuals actually have a loathing toward other severe obese individuals. The nitty gritty feelings of this thread are awesome. Thank you for starting it so people can talk in real self actualization and reflect honestly about themselves! ME: I don't have any type of "hatred" towards anyone fat but what I do have is pity. I find myself saying "oh that poor poor woman (or man)" or "his/her life must be soooo hard". I have so much pity and sympathy for someone who is severely morbidly obese that I look at them and feel like crying FOR them! I would never in a million years ever make fun of someone for their obesity or ridicule them but I have the deepest sympathy and regret for them. I know that this is not fair for them and they do not necessarily want "pity" rather than understanding for their "condition". Sometimes I have to catch myself because I want to help help help. Like picking up an item they drop so they don't have to bend over. I know they must see it in my eyes and even for that I am sorry for. The pain, the embarrassment, the anguish, the sorrow, the depression, the self loathing..... is all I think about. I know I shouldn't but I do many times. Again, thanks for this thread.
  15. princess_n_thep

    bmi 34

    Warning: Some tough love coming : I was a BMI of 33.7 and insurance carriers probably wouldn't have even come close to touching me and I didn't even TRY. I self paid. Why spin my wheels anyway? Trying to get insurance to pay for it didn't even really cross my mind. If it is something you want, just get a personal loan or take equity on your house and get it. Don't get frustrated with the insurance issues. The cost of the surgery is the same as a used car, but you get this car for the rest of your life! Plus, the more people use insurance through "creative recomendations" the more we (the public) pay for it in the long run in higher premiums and copays. Gaining 60 lbs on purpose is absurd! What if you cause more damage to your body that you think? What if you damage a knee and also need knee replacement after gaining all that weight? What if you slip a disc in your back from gaining all that weight? The what if's are too complicated to fathom someone purposely gaining weight just to get WLS insurance paid. I have known people that have sold their newer cars and are driving a 89 escort to pay for this. Or having big garage sales, creative savings accounts, selling on ebay. Whatever, to help pay for it. I know I had $200 each paycheck direct deposited into a special account just to help pay for this. It is definitely tight, but will only be tight for a year or two untill it is paid. I am/was a low BMI of 33.7 and I must admit that I think of it more as a cosmetic treatment (in my case) rather than a life saving surgery. Me losing 75 lbs is not going to save my life. I compare it more to getting a boob job or my nose done. I wouldn't try to get insurance to pay for that either. I will be totally honest in that (for me) I did this more for self esteem and the actual weight loss tool rather than to save myself from any comorbidities. Sure I could have done it myself with exercise and dieting but would bounce back and not be able to keep it off. Been there, done that several times. I applaud you for recognizing your overweight problem at a 33.9 rather than waiting until you are a 45 or above and suddenly realizing... shit, i need help. I think that in itself is commendable. Now I am definitely not saying that severe morbid obesity people should not get to use insurance. Everyone has different histories and pasts and stories. I am just saying that I am against any creative writing to get insurance carriers to pay for a surgery that is more cosmetic than it is life saving or altering. You may "feel" it is life saving or eventually would be, but it isn't. Aching bones, joints, swelling ankles, depression, shortness of breath with exertion are all things that you will not die from and will stop once you lose the little amount of weight. I have known those that probably would have died within a year had they not had the surgery because of serious comorbidities. I think insurance should be reserved for them. While I am ranting I also feel that any cosmetic surgery should be covered individually and not by insurance. Hanging skin or boobies, again, is not life threatening and is not going to kill you. If someone wants to feel better about themselves physically, they should be paying for it. Just my opinion of course. I may be taking a hard stance on this but as a lower BMI bandster I think I have the right to speak out for the other side of the view. Rather than thinking that it is unfair for them not to cover me, I understood why they didn't. Of course as a reminder/disclaimer: I may have posted strong opinions but in no way am I attacking anyone personally, just posting MY opinion only. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Take what I say with a grain of salt and just let it sit in the back of your mind as just one persons opinion.
  16. princess_n_thep

    Constitutional change

    I didn't poop for almost a week on the clear liquid phase, but I guess that is normal. Now that I am on solids, I poop normaly as I always did, about once every other day. I pee a lot more with all the Water I am pumping in though. I was also a very "windy" person and hubby calls me them "trucker farts". But I don't have any extra gas other than my normal ones I have always had. I don't have any rumbling tummy or gurgling noises either. Maybe this will change after my fill, I don't know yet. Another topic I think is important to not is a woman's period or "time of month". I was about 3 weeks late (and am never late) after I had the surgery. I kept waiting and waiting and nothing. I knew I wasn't pregnant (first you have to have sex for that and second I would of had to have my tubes untied). Other bandsters told me they had the same issues that they were expecting their periods right after surgery and it was WAY late. Also a note... it is veryyyyy heavy and scared the crap out of me to bleed so much! Sorry, but again, important to say in case others are wondering or concerned.
  17. princess_n_thep

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Try a sippy cup for toddlers too! maybe that may help with the amount you are taking at once. I loved my sippy cup for 2 weeks! I live in Arizona so Water is essential for me (because I am banded now it is even more important) For me, I know I am not getting enough water when... 1. I am not peeing often or at all 2. When I do pee it is VERY yellow and strong 3. I feel a cramp in my lower left hip (kidney I think but who knows, it is my sign lol) 4. I turn a bit "yellowish" in the skin if I am really bad and my skin seems to be dryer and needs more moisturizer. 5. Eyes seem dry or tears won't fall if I cry. (also get some dark circles and eyes seem to sink a bit if it is really bad) I found a really good site talking about dehydration http://heartspring.net/symptoms_of_dehydration.html or http://rehydrate.org/faq/what_are_the_symptoms_of_dehydration.htm
  18. princess_n_thep


    VAL, I am soooooo glad you are doing better. I was wondering how you were doing! Glad to see you got everything straighted out and are doing wonderfully! Now you can truly start your journey without fear or hesitations knowing the the best is yet to come!
  19. princess_n_thep


    lmao, she said just kidding. She knows what it is. (J/K = just kidding)
  20. princess_n_thep

    Southwestern Beer Festival

    Just freaking great!!!!! Hubby wants to go to the Southwestern Beer and Picnic Festival in Scottsdale Arizona this week. Grrrrr, 3 weeks banded and he wants me to watch him taste test all kinds of beer and food... while I do what? ((sigh)) but he is darn good to me, so I guess I will just go for the exercise of walking around. (they also have a Absolut Vodka taste testing tent there, is that okay for bandsters?) Good news is that the food tasting are very small portions. Bad news is that if I get sick I won't really know what did it. Oh, who am I kidding? I am eating whatever right now with no issues at all. Man, that first fill can't come fast enough!
  21. princess_n_thep


    Don't blame her everyone... she is canadian. J/K hee hee hee!!!
  22. princess_n_thep

    6 week post op visit

    Although I know I definitely need a fill I can tell you that if I fly all the way to Mexico next month for them to tell me to wait, I am going to be TICKED OFF!! But I don't think this will happen since I can eat like a horse right now.
  23. princess_n_thep

    Almost There

    Well if your sister got it approved through the same insurance I bet you will too! I guess we will just think positive happy thoughts till the official letter comes to tell you "GO AHEAD GIRL"!!
  24. princess_n_thep

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    Wow, I am sorry you have such tough days Kathy. How much fluid are you getting in at all? Starting to sound like for a week you haven't gotten much in at all and may need some IV fluids? Wow, and I thought I had it rough because I was whining about when i could eat more filling meals. I hope you feel better soon!
  25. princess_n_thep

    Almost There

    So you haven't been approved yet and you are doing all the pre required tests? What if they don't approve you? Are you paying for all the tests yourself? Just being nosey, sorry.

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