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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    Restriction luck

    Still maintaining that 15 loss. I swear I don't want to give it up!! I just hope I can hang on till May 7th. I am really trying to make some good choices eating. I am putting my food on small saucer plates to try and help my portions be controlled. Today's food: Small Protein shake for Breakfast (about 4 oz) 1 Lean Hot Pocket for lunch 6 Ritz crackers for a snack dinner I had a 1/2 small BBQ chicken breast, about 1/2 cup of corn (about 3-4 spoon bites), and about 6 bites of stuffing. As a bedtime snack I had a sugar free pudding freezer pop. and Water all day long....... I still think this is way too much food though but at least I am maintaining that precious 15 lbs!!
  2. princess_n_thep

    I had my two week post op appt yesterday!!

    I use the Whey Protein (vanilla flavor) in the big can from Sam's Club. I put it in the blender with some pure juice, a banana, some fresh strawberries and a little ice. Very good!
  3. princess_n_thep

    12 Days Until Banded

    Correction to Zoe's post.... Jenna TRIED to quit smoking..... she (me) is still trying. ((sigh)) it is soooooo hard but you are doing great Trish! I want to be an ex smoker sooooo badly but I just can't kick it all together. I sneak one now and then. So instead of a 1/2-1 pack a day I am more like 3-4 cigarettes a day. Longest I got was 5 days then I crumbled. But I am still trying EVERY day! I won't give up trying until I am completely smoke free! I almost made it but these darn nicotine migraines pushed me over the edge. I used the patch and it helped some but didn't take away my headaches or the nausea I got from the patch. When I go to Mexico in 2 weeks I am going to get more (much cheaper there) and try it again. It is so disgusting and I hate it hate it hate it! Every cigarette now I feel like such a failure and guilty! PLEASE stop Trish. That way I can see your success and try and ride your coat tails!! If I see you succeed then I will be even more motivated to stop all together!!! Your date is getting closer!!!!!! WOOOOOOT!
  4. I agree with Alex. I think the surgeons know in advance what insurance companies and what patients will get approved right off the bat. You might just be an excellent candidate! And even if you get denied, you will have lost a good deal of weight on that liquid diet so you will be ahead of the game when you appeal!
  5. princess_n_thep

    Calling all Arizona Bandsters !!!!

    Me too. Gonna set my VCR since I will be working!! I live in Surprise, where are you?
  6. princess_n_thep

    Im having it done WEDNESDAY!!!

    wow, that is QUICK! Good luck to you and let us know when you get back how your doing!
  7. princess_n_thep


    ahhhhh ok, i understand now. I should tell my DH this. But then again, the beer never usually stays in the glass long enough for the ice to melt.
  8. princess_n_thep

    How much did your lapband cost?

    $9,500 Dr Ortiz- TJ Mexico www.obesitycontrolcenter.com (but I have heard that it is only $10,500 in Chicago at the WISH center but don't know if they have "requirements")
  9. princess_n_thep

    May 9th!!

    Wooo hooooo Anna! Ok girl, now just remember to breathe the next few weeks! It will be here before you know it but until then time may move very ssslllooowwwlllyyy. Try and find something to really keep your mind off of it. YEAHHHHHHH! I am so excited for you!
  10. princess_n_thep

    South Beach Diet Food At The Stores!!!

    hmmm, are these all located next to the lunchables, like near the dairy section?? I looked and couldn't find them. I tried Albertson's, Fry's, and Safeway. Maybe the frozen food section instead? And they are just called "South Beach Meals" >????
  11. princess_n_thep

    Any suggestions???

    I found that a tight "sports bra" style works best. Tucks them and holds them up close to the upper chest. Also, it will aid in reducing sag due to weight loss. You do get the "uni-boob" syndrome ha ha but to me it is worth it. It is a bit uncomfy tight the first few days but after that, no biggie. How much are you taking in Liquid Tylenol? I only take 2 Tbs (rarely) and just swallow it down. Careful on the walking thing too fast. I did that because I felt great, then regretted it. Remember, wherever you walk TO you have to walk BACK!
  12. princess_n_thep

    bummed out

    dallasdoll, my opinion is that you absolutely made the right decision. I shall share some experiences: 3 of my family members have had RNY GBypass. All 3 of them are doing great. HOWEVER........ they can't eat anything with sugar or eat too much or it makes them vomit violently and quickly to where they are running for the bathroom, without any warning. One time my mom ate too much and whammo, she was running through Red Lobster for the bathroom with her hand over her mouth as the vomit was leaking through her fingers leaving a trail of droplets (gross but necessary to share this info). Also, due to the dumping syndrome (no warning diarhea) all 3 of my family members have bought the handheld carpet cleaners and carry a change of clothes in their cars for their accidents along with plastic bags. And they have used them, not just a precaution. yes, they do lose the weight VERY rapidly but along with losing weight so fast comes ADDITIONAL stretch marks because of the rapid loss. Plus, they are losing soooo fast that they are only in their current weight clothes for a matter of weeks before having to move (depending on their starting weight and how big they were). I know my mom when from a 28 to a 12/14 within a year! And there are several foods that bypass patients will never eat again. (bandsters really don't have that issue). My family members can't eat lettuce at all, no digestion. Also it is very permanant. Even though the band can be a lifelong committment, it is fully reversable and correctable. Take it out and you get your stomach back (and the weight though probably). But no cutting and pasting of the innards. I had my surgery on wed, was painting my pantry (the lower shelves) on Sat, and was back to work on Mon. All my other family members talked about 2-3 weeks of laying in a recliner groaning and moaning in pain. I realize I was a super healer but most bandsters feel very little "pain" by the end of week 1. For 2 of them, they had open surgery (big scars) and my mom had laproscopic but still bigger incisions than mine. She has about 4 of hers port size and one small. I have 4 tiny and 1 small port size. The ones with the big scars are really ugly and jagged. I honestly think the band also teaches you more "healthy" eating habits. You are given the tool and taught to make choices. I think the band is more empowering to a person rather than FORCING them. My family members had never heard of the lapband when they had their bypass. And they admit that they are jealous that they never got this option or they would have taken it. This may be the issue with the tyrant you encountered on the board. Jealousy is a very mean animal.
  13. princess_n_thep

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Lisa actually is giving me a great idea. The port scar is really the only one to be visible years later, hmmmmmm, what about strategically getting a small little cute tattoo to cover it???? my 6 week photos are coming soon!
  14. princess_n_thep


    Huh? really? where did you get this information from?
  15. princess_n_thep

    partners reactions

    Mine said his usuaul saying, "honey, if you are happy, then I am happy." he is very supportive all the time usually. Then.... I told him I was going to Tijuana. Just a twinge of hesitation and raised eyebrows but still supportive. He wanted me to get it done in the states for protection of my patient rights and such. If I had known about the WISH center in Chicago, I would have gone there. I am from Chicago so I would of had family and friends around me, that would have been nice.
  16. princess_n_thep

    Super Obese Teen seeks advice!

    Sounds as if your heart is in the right place. If you want it Joe.... go for it! Vinesqueen had asthma before surgery and she is doing great not using her meds anymore at all I think!
  17. princess_n_thep

    Forget Mexico only $10,500 @ The WISH Center

    geez, why couldn't you all post all this a month ago?
  18. princess_n_thep

    Fill doctor... anyone?

    My advice... due to the cost and since your so close... go to mexico and make a mini vacation for the weekend!!!
  19. princess_n_thep

    Say it is't so............NEED HELP

    No you do not need a passport... right now. Passports make things A LOT easier though. I have been told, as of June 1st, all travelers crossing the Mexico border will need a passport though due to border security beefing up.
  20. Yep, I want to be curvey but be classified more in the "athletic build" category rather than the "voluptuous" category. Give me TONED MUSCLE baby!!!!
  21. princess_n_thep


    my doc says NOOOOO carbonated drinks. Period. I think you should ask your doctor about his opinion. Many people here say they have tried carbonation but it is very uncomfortable. Plus, beer is a whoooooole lotta calories you don't need. Maybe try a nice vodka/cranberry instead?
  22. princess_n_thep

    what does restriction feel like for you?

    Bumping to top so veteran bandsters see it and post. I am curious too!
  23. princess_n_thep

    OMG I didn't die! Thank you Jesus!

    wow, do you see how long this thread is? you are soooooooo loved girl! Me too, I am in on the water challenge as well. Especially since I am a big bad girl on drinking it. Today I got 3 bottles down (regular size)!! Sounds as if you are on the road to speedy recovery! Just think about how much extra weight you will lose by being in liquids longer! (even though it was hell) Come on kathy! Start poochin again!!!!
  24. princess_n_thep

    Restriction luck

    Thanks everyone. I know I know, and I knew I shouldn't get so darn frustrated but with wearing a uniform everyday to work (and bought it after the 15 lbs) I am nervous and anxious. I am counting the days till May 7th for my first fill!!! I knew and read about no restriction but of course, I thought nahhhh, it won't happen to me. Well darn it, here I am. I knew it, but didn't really sink it in. I really truly want this band to work but I need to realize that it isn't magic and I need to work WITH it. I reallyyyyyyyy need to eat more healthy. It really sucks eating with everyone at work because we are constantly eating out. But if I bring my dinner, I don't get to socialize like I need to at a new job. ((confession time)) tonight, a BIG Chipotle's burrito, stuffed with everything. I ate 1/2, then ate the other 1/2 about 2 hours later. Man, I am a glutton for punishment! STEP AWAY FROM THE FOOOOOOOOD! I really need to try just eating healthy and I would be okay. food just tastes sooooooo good now that I had the 3 weeks from hell with that liquid crap. jtk tnhfz(*u uvj[aqi kiJ25^@43U5 32994 V ((banging my head on the keyboard)) sighhhhh! thanks for the words of encouragement though everyone! I need it!
  25. princess_n_thep

    Lap Band Chat Room?

    yeppers, it is located in the blue bar above ^^^^^ not many people "hang out" in there but if you go online and resurrect a chat thread and post you are in there, sometimes people come and start a chat. Or... you can plan a chat and run the room for a topic. Some do that too! I love the chat room and go there and "sit" often just in case someone pops in. A note to guests as unregistered users: if you go to chat, we cannot see you posting anything because you must be a registered user to chat. All it shows us is "guest" or "unregistered user".

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
