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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. Hi Cassie, and welcome to LBT! Many people used Mexico as a surgury/pay option (so did I). But FIRST, before you go diving into a surgeon I would research the band itself, how it works, any complications/risks, and the benefits before actually choosing a surgeon. Then, once you have done a ton of research and are sure this is the option for you, then choose a surgeon. Mexico is not the only option for self pay. There are are several people on the board that have self paid in the US. I have seen 12,500-16,000 a lot. I am sure that the people that know where this is will post, hopefully. I think the lowest I have seen was in Utah or Oregon or Texas. This site offers a TON of information and there is a ton of posts in the archives. If you do a search (located in the upper blue bar) you will come up with a lot on each subject you put in. You could literally spend dayssss just on this site! But may I suggest a few more informative sites: http://www.myagb.homestead.com/index.html http://www.inamed.com/products/obesity/us/patient/lapband/faq.html http://www.geocities.com/laylaburd/AGB/laylaslapband.html http://www.geocities.com/michellojackson/NOT_AT_SWEET-SPOT.html http://www.obgyn.net/english/pubs/features/roberta-surg/part-4.htm http://www.sbnsurg.com/lap_band_surgery.htm http://www.uclabariatrics.mednet.ucla.edu/resources/resources_videos.htm (this one has a fairly lengthy video that takes your through lap banding step by step....) I hope you have a fantastic band journey! Good luck!
  2. princess_n_thep

    Who trained who?

    Yep Penni... I knew it. Very well versed and appropriate response. And always with wayyyyyy more self control than me (for those that don't know I am a bit of a sarcastic lil' b*t#h when crossed but ya'll love me anyways and i thank you for it ).
  3. Okay, first let me say that the WISH center in Phoeninx has NO CLUE what they are doing based on my 15 minute phone conversation!! This is how it went.(warning: gonna be a bit long).... I got a call at about 10 am. I got another call seconds later and I went to answer the other line and accidentally hung up on the WISH center call. AAARGH! So I got to caller ID and call them back (local #). I talk to the receptionist and tell her I was "just talking to someone about the Lap Band fill program" and would like to speak to them again. She has NO IDEA what I am talking about and says "we don't do anything like that here". I tell her that I was just talking to someone about it. She puts me on hold and asks the 'office manager' and comes back to confirm that she "even confirmed with the office manager that we don't do anything like that and that I must have the wrong #". I tell her that I dialed this # by caller ID and confirm that it is the WISH center. She acknowledges but says, "but I am sorry, we don't have any fill program here, you might want to call corporate." I tell her that I have already started to speak to someone in that office about the program just 2 minutes ago and just want to speak to them again. She says "well ma'am, if our office manager doesn't know anything about it I am sure that she knows what she is saying". Just before I start to COMPLETELY boil over she says "hold on" and transfers me to the woman I had talked to first. Geez!! I ask.... your operator and your office manager don't know you have a LapBand fill program??? She says that "no one really uses it and we don't have anyone in the program". What??? I ask.. how long have you had the program? She says, "1 year". Huh??? Okay, whatever, on to the information. She asks me if I have an Inamed band with a band ID card. I say yes... it is a BioEcentrics LB ID with a 9.75/10 cm band with a max fill volume of 4cc. She then tells me.. "oh we can't help you because we only take Inamed patients". Huh again? It ISSSSSSSS an Inamed band. She has to confirm with someone else (don't know who). Thennnnnn, she tells me ok we can accept that. (uhhh, I would think SOOOO dummy!). In any case she continues to tell me that their 'requirements' are strict. They have 'requirements' online and I have seen them. Well... seems that their pre requirements aren't listed all that accurately!! Before you can get into their "program" you have to go pay for yourself and have an Upper GI done. (uh, no thanks). Thennnnnnnnnn, you have to go through some nutritionalist to 'learn to eat with the band' and support groups. (ummm, I ALREADY have the band remember? it is one of your requirements to be 6 weeks out!!). THEN she tells me the price of fills. She tells me that it is $500 for the first fill, then $100 every fill after that. BUT.... (there is always one of those) the fills are never under flouro (she didn't know what flouro meant when I asked she thought it was something like laproscopic) and you must also attend monthly support group meetings to stay current. (unreal) She says they have had the program but no one has joined it yet (as I picture some blonde bobbing her head from one shoulder to another at this point). I tell her I won't be interested in her program or the WISH center and that if someone isn't knowledgable to answer the SIMPLIST of questions (without having me explain it and have her go 'ohhhhh') there is no way I will go to them for fills. They would probably make me into a pin cushion! SOOOOOOO, after 4 messages of trying trying trying to get ahold of them, my escapade with the operator and office manager, my trials with the fill program rep, my explaining to her what a lap band is basically, finding out about their secret requirements (upper GI ick! support groups mandatory ho hum!).... my opinion is this.... THERE IS NO WAY I WOULD EVER GO TO THEM. Geez. why would I need to go to another support group and be FORCED to participate when I have all of you fine people here???? I now know why they have NO ONE in their "out of county/mexico fill program". Uhhhh, DUH! ohhhhh, and I did call back just to ask the receptionist about the 10,500 band price in Chicago that is floating around... she says to me "oh honey that was the problem, you are calling Phoenix. ((I am going to tear out hair here!!)) After I have to explain that I knowwwww where I am calling and that I am IN phoenix and KNOW i called a local number I tell her I was just curious about the price of installing the band in the first place. She then says... are you ready for this???? "ohhhhh, so you want another band?" That is it, I was done. I am exhausted! So here was my one and only conversation with WISH center staff(after trying for over a month to get ahold of them). You deduct your own opinions please. As for me.... I am sticking with Mexico for the fills. It is cheaper, less hassle and they know the answers to basic questions even in an accent!
  4. princess_n_thep

    I really need your help!!!

    awwwwwwww babs... you know what your going to get from me???? yep, you guessed it...... THE BOOTY SHAKING DANCE!! (all can join if they want to...) Okay.... hear the beat (boom boom boom)... now feel the beat (tap tap tap).... okay now start the shakin... ((woooooooooot!)) now really get it groovin!!!!!!!!!! ((wooooooo hooooooooo doing the booty shakin dance!!!!!))
  5. princess_n_thep

    WISH CENTER! I found out! They called me back!

    yeah, but can they beat a $100 flouro fill price? I haven't seen anyone doing that. I pay $98 for my flight and $100 for the fill and have a 50 minute flight. I fly there in the morning and will fly back at night. So total cost for a fill is only $225 (including everything.....fill, transportation/transfers, food, airfare) I just don't think I will find a US doc that will beat this price and I am a poor (and i mean dirt poor) working girl these days. Maybe when I get back on my feet from the cost of the band itself. (that put a dent in the bank account!) I don't know if Chicago is the same. I do know that those working at Phx WISH center are idgets! And I am now HIGHLY suspect of a $10,500 surgery in Chicago. (I don't trust it) man, i can't believe how long I stayed on the phone either!?!?!?! I guess they were entertaining me in sorts. Plus, they woke me up from my graveyard shift sleep!!! urghhh!
  6. princess_n_thep

    Well Im off to Mexico in 30 mins.

    Good luck alatina! We will be thinking of you! yes, we are planning a Vegas bandster bash (do a search for 'vegas bash' and you will see the posts) and would love to have you join us!
  7. princess_n_thep

    What do you eat?

    How long have you been banded? almost 6 weeks What do you eat each day? yesterday: breakfast: 1 english muffin with jam lunch: 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1 chicken breast (small), 3-4 bites of green bean salad snack: 1 yogurt whips dinner: about 6 inches of a chicken and ranch wrap (fairly thick rolled), 1 bite of carb control yogurt (icky taste), 1 oreo cookie How much do you eat? As much I want it seems but I am not filled yet either Do you eat sweets? yes, but am mindful about the calories How much have you lost? 17 lbs (lost in pounds but have not seen a difference in clothing size/fit at all) Do you feel its worth it? yes
  8. princess_n_thep


    I got the answer to this one!! wooooo hoooooo! Go get the Gerber Baby apple juice!! I would be very careful with the prune juice as it can work VERY fast and give you diarhea!
  9. princess_n_thep

    Who trained who?

    Karla hun.... I know you are just expressing your opinions and I know that Penni doesn't really take offense easily and could really give a sh*t about your opinion and it is probably just rolling right off of her as we speak... but may I offer a suggestion? If you start attacking Penni (a long time and respected bandster and long time member of LBT) you are probably better off rolling in rare meat juice and stepping into the lions pit at the zoo. Just my opinion.
  10. princess_n_thep

    i dont think its working

    I am also one of those that healed quickly and have had no problems. I can eat anything I want. However..... you were only banded 10 days ago!!! Are you on solids already??? I hear ya on the hunger factor though. Try and just concentrate on "dieting" until 6 week fill time.
  11. princess_n_thep

    Sweet NSV

    I can attest (my mom had GBypass a year ago) that I had a "fluffy mom" all of my life! I am actually the one that suggested the bypass to her (I didn't know about lap band). Although I had never known my mom skinny and I do miss her fluffy hugs (very comforting as a child and adult) I can tell you that I am so very glad she has lost the weight so now I can hug her for years to come. Had she not lost the weight, I would not have been surprised if she had died. Your children will love the fact that you are around for YEARS longer by losing the weight. I for one would rather have the hugs period rather than the fluffy hugs. Although, I always have memories.
  12. princess_n_thep

    5 Days Until Banding and I'm a WRECK!

    Becky, Your feelings and frustrations are totally normal. I hear ya on that Burger King clown! I swear I would shoot him if he appeared outside my window, he is creepy in that commercial!! I also agree with Sue's Yoplait Whips Yogurt suggestion. It is very light and fluffy and is easy to swallow. Also, it has no chunks of fruit in it. Go to www.yoplait.com and you can print off coupons for them! The first week is a little rough because you are sore, but not hungry. Then the second and third weeks are rough because you are more hungry yet can't eat real food. During these stages it feels like foreverrrrrr, but after you are done with it you will look back and say "wow, that went quick" and you won't ever have to go that long in those stages again! Do it once, and its over! You can do this and you will thank yourself for it! Good luck to you on Friday! Let us know how you are doing when you can!!
  13. princess_n_thep


    does that help?? I am willing to try whatever. Where do I get one? I will try searching for it. Plus, hee hee hee I am all for anything that makes my stomach look all flat!
  14. princess_n_thep

    How much did your lapband cost?

    Good, I am glad you spent time researching. I feel better now ha ha ha. Thanks for not taking offense, I didn't want to seem prying yet i wanted to know Dr. Kuri seems to be an excellent surgeon and many bandsters here on LBT are very happy with him. GOOD LUCK!! AND SOON IT WILL BE BANDLAND!!!
  15. my surgery time was 30 minutes
  16. princess_n_thep

    bmi 34

    maybe so, just make sure it doesn't hit ya in the ass on the way out i always say.
  17. princess_n_thep


    okay, i feel better. even though my doctors gave me their cell numbers I still feel funny about just calling them to ask a question. i guess i just feel wierd because i know they are busy people. i also know they wouldn't have given out the numbers if they didn't think that people would actually call, it is just strange to get my surgeon on the line with just one call ha ha. I thought I would bring it up to Martinez at my fill time on May 7th. I am glad I am not alone and it is common. I was starting to think I was having port rejection or hypertension or something awful. It comes and goes now. More so after I eat, but most recently just an uncomfortable cramp in the left side (no where near the stomach and the band but near the port). Laying on a pillow and putting "pressure" on it certainly helps. I can live with it as long as I know it is a temporary pain. Its more bothersome at work with my belt on but I have to pay the bills. Thanks Michelle Vines and Tara!!
  18. princess_n_thep

    Support for my spouse

    If you do a search on books here you will find one for "eating after WLS" ...(the search button is located in the blue bar up top) I am not sure exactly what it is called but I am sure someone is going to see this and post it exactly and where to get it. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=6227&highlight=recipe People are VERY helpful here and spend a lot of time helping others. Paula also has a eating healthy thread http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=6376 and eating and counting calories and food journal and fat counting: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=5002&highlight=recipes And kudos to you for being so supportive!!! Do a search for: food recipes eating (you will find a ton of info here) GOOD LUCK!
  19. princess_n_thep

    Filled and eating WAY too Much..

    At the time...... For me, it was cheaper to go to Mexico for $9500 total banding cost (initial included transportation and hotel)+ $500 for 5 round trip air tickets + $50 meals (i am frugal)+ $400 for 4 future fills under floro + $100 for transportation (taking the buses)... no shopping. My hotel stay was included for my family and I do "turn around" one day trips for fills so no hotel needed as it is only a 45 min flight from Phx. Total: $10,550 over one year If in the states was going to be $13,500 total band cost (lowest I found in the states at the time) + $900 (about 5 round trip tickets to Oregon) + $300 for hotel not included for family + $1200 (the cost of 4 fills at $300 each under floro) + $250 (cabs and buses 5 trips) + $400 hotels (staying cheap, low estimate) + $150 food (costs more in states but still frugal) Total: $16,700 over one year (plus, how long of a wait will I have for tests and doctor and appointments? I have not experienced a wait in Mexico) however.... the only thing I would have liked was the peace of mind that I am protected in the states under malpractice rights, american standards of medicine, etc. The Mexico surgery clinic is very different from an american hospital experience. I was very happy with my surgeon himself though. $5,000 was a helluva savings factor for me to return to Mexico for my fills as I do not have local care (it would cost $450 per floro fill here in phoenix). Good luck with your decision!
  20. oh my word... did she just mention suicide or am I just reading into it? I hope I am just reading too much into it!! BigRed, we have ALL (i assume) have had our bouts with depression, feeling of lonliness, isolation, self worth. Please please please if you are thinking you are alone and no one cares know that this group is FILLED with people that care. And they are genuine. I can honestly say that some of the people I have met here have been better friends than some that I see every darn day. I know that the friends made here will stand a test of time because there is a definite understanding and compassion! Please know that there are those that truly care about you because you are there. Some may not even know you and they care. I have even met a bandster here that had my surgery the same day, she didn't "know" me at all, but she truly CARED about me and what was happening to me. Compassionate people are there Bigred!! Trust me! Okay, so if you are in a depression, we understand and sympathize and urge you to PLEASE go get help from someone. Your life is important to me, and I don't "know" you but I would like to!
  21. princess_n_thep

    How much did your lapband cost?

    Alatina, I am curious... At 1:42pm you are asking for where to go and a link, then at 9:48pm the SAME day you have an appointment with Dr. Kuri THIS wednesday. Dr. Kuri, I hear, is a fine surgeon and I think he is a great choice. But I hate to be the doubting Thomas but.... do you really think you did your homework on the surgeon or did price guide you? If this was all decided in one day, I think you may be rushing this. I am happy for you to be getting the band, but concerned your making a rush decision and not thinking clearly. I totally understand how all you can think about is "no fat no more, no fat no more, must get it done, must get it done..." I hope I am totally wrong about all this and that you have been looking at Dr. Kuri and the band for many months and have decided to go with him. I am sorry to pry, it is just that it is concerning that you did all this in one day for less than a week away banding. How long have you researched the band? I know, I am so darn nosey but I am genuinely concerned. I hope you don't take offense.
  22. princess_n_thep

    Airbrush Tanning

    Yeah I know but then you have "slipper tan" on your feet!!! And that lotion they give you for your hands leaves your palms and fingernails blotchy. I am still a fan of tanning the old fashioned way if you want it. But.... recently I have been appealing to the pastey pale tail aspect of life. Giving my skin a break. maybe I will start to tan again in a few years.
  23. princess_n_thep


    I was self pay in Mexico ($9,500) but some people have had it done in Mexico for about $8000. Just curious, how much is a self pay for your doctor? I wish I would have checked around a bit and found a states doctor. I like my surgeon but wish I could have been banded in the states.
  24. I think your insurance approval is based on the BMI that you submitted in the first place. I wouldn't worry about it. Anyone have an idea on this one?
  25. princess_n_thep


    HI queen! Welcome to LBT! What is your weight now? What is your goal weight? What part of the country are you from? Are you doing self pay? Who are you having your band by? Sorry I am so nosey Make sure you PM Debbydo so she can add you to the April bandsters list!!!

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