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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    Did I or did I not have surgery?????

    I don't think the point is that you CAN eat it, but SHOULD you be eating it? This time is sooooooo very crucial to proper healing. I hope you are following your doctors orders.
  2. princess_n_thep

    First of many stupid questions...so, here goes

    I am a die hard stomach sleeper. If I sleep on my back, I snore. I was able to sleep on my stomach about 8 days post op with the help of a body pillow. Get one from any department store or Walmart.
  3. princess_n_thep

    Feeling Alone

    Where do you live? Where are you going for surgery (mexico or states)?
  4. princess_n_thep

    Emrg - For Those Completely Unfilled

    I have never experienced anything like this. It sounds like a heart attack. How old are you? Even if it corrected itself it could still have been a heart problem! My suggestion on the underwear/slip thing... don't ever wear any at all and then you don't ever have to worry aobut whether they match or are ugly! Just remember to keep a clean shave!
  5. princess_n_thep

    South Beach Diet Food At The Stores!!!

    FOUND THEM!!! Not a huge selection so I missed them and they were way low in the freezer. Haven't tried them yet but boy are they expensive! Char, I think the SB diet would be like all other diets... lose now, gain again later.
  6. princess_n_thep

    Did I or did I not have surgery?????

    Holy COW!! (pun intended) You are eating steak and you are only 3 weeks post op????? What the heck? I hear ya though, I too can eat whatever, whenever. I am hoping my fill will cure that but I think it is going to be a super shock to my system as I really don't even have to chew all that well and can eat whatever I want right now. Gonna get a reality check soon!
  7. princess_n_thep

    What Kind of Dog are You? -- doggy fun

    I am a Bearded Collie (also known as the Polish Lowland Sheepdog) used for sheep herding. Hold the polish jokes please. ha ha
  8. princess_n_thep

    home from the hosiptal

    Hi nick! Welcome to bandland! Glad you are feeling good! P.S. Say hi to bob!
  9. princess_n_thep

    can you feel your port?

    yep, i can feel it.... and if i suck in my tummy, i see the "port bulge". this is something I am definitely not very happy with and am hoping someday it relaxes.
  10. yep, i had to wait 6 looooooong weeks!
  11. princess_n_thep

    Mints and Gum

    Gum is only forbidden to SWALLOW it. But you really shouldn't do that anyway! (it used to be a bad habit for me) I eat mints all the time and chew gum occasionally (but never ever ever swallow the gum).
  12. princess_n_thep

    Blue Bell Ice Cream Hell!!!!!!!!!

    Have you ever eaten so much ice cream the roof of your mouth is covered in an "ice cream film" that is a dickens to get rid of?? Now THAT is dedication my dear friends! Just call it Jenna Bell ice cream cuz that is what I look like!! A damn bell because it all sinks straight to my a$$!!!
  13. princess_n_thep

    New Member

    Welcome to LBT David!! Is the 41 lbs in less than 3 weeks a typo?????
  14. princess_n_thep

    Skin rash...

    I am the same way with Steristrips. I was like no no no don't use those!! They peel my skin right off and leave raw sores!!! Luckily, my doc used only glue. It was a pain to get off but I loved it!
  15. princess_n_thep

    Micheal Thurmond

    Don't they alllllll seem like the real deal???? I thought the same thing of Jenny Craig, Oprah, Richard Simmons, Anna Nicole's Trim Spa (still convinced she mixed a little crack in hers to lose all that weight) the list goes on and on and on..... Take the money you would spend on the program and put it in the band fund!!!
  16. princess_n_thep

    What do you wish you had known?

    I wish I had known/understood the nervousness I would have eating in public or with colleagues at lunch. I wish I had known to pack LIGHT for Mexico and that I would basically live in my pj's for 3 days and not care. I wish I had known that Lisa would have gone to Mexico with me and I would have left my family at home. I wish I had known that losing 17 lbs does NOT mean that your clothes will fit any looser. I wish I had known I was getting band surgery last holiday so I wouldn't have dieted all through it and really relished in all the goodies then, since i won't be able to do it again. I wish Lane Bryant made clothes smaller than 14 as I will surely miss them when I get there. NOT!
  17. princess_n_thep

    COMPLETELY off topic, but I need some advice....

    Well? come onnnnnnnnnnnn, don't leave us hangin.... it has been a few days now... what have you decided????
  18. princess_n_thep

    South Beach Diet Food At The Stores!!!

    okay damnit, i have looked everywhere. i cant find them in the darn store!! and no one seems to know what the hell they are in the store!! I tried Albertson's, WalMart, Fry's. Anyone have a certain major food chain supplier suggestion!!!???!!!???
  19. wow, that was quick! from sending in a request, to approval, to BANDLAND! Thanks Bob for posting (you get Kudos for keeping us notified!!). I know this sounds silly, but get him a sippy cup for toddlers and put chicken broth in it.... it did wonders for me and kept the sips small! If he doesn't want to do the "cup" then have him use a baby spoon for taking the broth. It is a lot of work to eat, but it is worth it because it definitely controls how much he is taking in. HERE IS TO A SPEEDY RECOVERY!!! GET WELL SOON!!!
  20. usually eating too fast or not chewing very well
  21. princess_n_thep

    Restriction after surgery

    I had great restriction for the first 2 weeks after surgery. Then the hunger hit on the third week when all the swelling went down. I can eat a lot but still not as much as I once did, just feels like it. And I don't eat little enough to lose weight but I am maintaining with a regular dieting within 2 lbs up and down for the last 4 weeks. (I have my first fill on Saturday, thank GOODNESS!)
  22. princess_n_thep


    Hi all, Well as you know I have been a perfect healer from day 1. Then today happened. I am getting the worst cramps in my side next to my port. If feels as if my port wants to "pop out" of my tummy! I didn't do anything difficult, all I did was go to Sam's Club to get some groceries (wasn't lifting anything heavy and didn't even push the cart!) It feels very similar to a runners cramp. Ya know that cramp you get in your side after about 1 mile of walking fast or running??? And it seems to be better if I lean on a pillow on the port side and kind of "hold it all in". Am I wierd? I have only gotten this feeling before after eating but today it was hella worse and I hadn't just eaten nor was I hungry. It has no subsided but my port is a bit sore to the touch. could I be rejecting the port? I am sooooooo freaking out!! Anyone have a clue?????
  23. princess_n_thep


    nah, it is gone, only after i eat is a slight cramping. I do wear a tight skin type undershirt at work now and it does seems to help.
  24. princess_n_thep

    Recovery Time

    Flower, I was banded on a Wednesday, was painting/stenciling my pantry on that Saturday and was back to work on Monday. But I don't think I am the norm.
  25. princess_n_thep

    Fat Pads

    it gets deeper??? oh laaaawrd!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
