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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    just a question.....

    Some say it doesn't hurt.... for me (and I am a big baby) it stung a bit. Kinda like a bee sting. Enough to have me suck in a deep breath but not enough for me to make a noise in pain. This is how the fill thing goes for me: 1. I lay down flat and he sticks a long needle in me (stings a bit) 2. he sucks out any air/fluid and gives me a queasy feeling (but not sickly feeling or anything) Kinda feels like a quick dip in an airplane 3. he has me sit up a bit in bed as the needle is still in there and boings around a bit (doesn't hurt though just wierd) 4. He has me drink the barium as he slowly fills me up to the point I should be 5. Takes out the needle (again a slight sting) 6. Sip sip sip Water in the waiting room for the next 30 minutes to make sure all is good. 7. Go home good as new! For me... it changed EVERYTHING. I was one of those people that ate like a cow before filled. After the fill it was MUCH different. I never had a PB until I was filled. Then it hit me. It became less and less as I learned the "signs" and how to eat with the band.
  2. princess_n_thep

    How does swimming.....

    http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7536&highlight=swimming We just recently talked about swimming on this thread.... it may help.
  3. princess_n_thep

    Looking ahead - exercise do's and don'ts?

    Yep, I would say 4 weeks is normal. I couldn't do anything really "jumpy" till about the 8th week though. I felt jostled around in there and got a bit crampy. I tried doing pilates at 6 weeks and felt like I was "straining" the port. I do it now at 3 months out and am fine. The only thing I would be careful about the weights is not overdoing it. Take it slow. A hernia right after the banding would SUCK SUCK SUCK. Many people on here swim for exercise too. Especially now that it is summer! I applaud you for wanting to get moving. I still have to kick myself in the butt to go out and GET 'ER DONE!!
  4. princess_n_thep

    gaining weight back after the band

    ACKKKK, I don't know how anyone really could do that. Even if I tried I don't think I could gain it all back. I think that since the band my "tastes" have changed. I love it when I eat small and people say (who don't know I am banded) "is that all your gonna eat" and I grin and say "yep, I am stuffed". For me, if I eat too much "sweets" I am sick to my stomach now. Its a gross feeling. I NEVER used to be that way. I would suppose the only way I could gain the weight back is without a fill. I ate like a cow without my fill. If I ate like that again, I would just go and get 'er tightened up like a car tune up!!
  5. princess_n_thep

    What is your "trick"???

    Dare I say it??? Of course I dare to! SEX! Lots of it.
  6. princess_n_thep

    What's your July 4th plans?

    My plans for July 4th...... Directing all of you people from the spots that you are enjoying the fireworks and everyone must get home NOW and can't simply wait for the car in front of them. Gosh, I hope they don't run me over this year. I am getting a nice shiney vest for the occasion. I think that is about as festive as I am going to get.
  7. princess_n_thep


    I have two words. MARY KAY! They come to the house and will do it for you!!! My friend (she is 32) has worn ONLY MK products since she was 13. I swear she doesn't look a day over 21!! About a year ago I was sitting next to a woman on a plane. We got to talking (like she had a choice with me next to her ha ha) and I found out she was 62 (by the mention of her 14 (yes 14) grandchildren ages baby-20 years old). OMG! I nearly fell over! She looked as if she was about 40! Her secret you ask? She told me Mary Kay products for over 25 years! http://www.marykay.com/ (just click on find a consultant and they will come to your house and do it all!)
  8. princess_n_thep


    Vit E oil at night, cocoa butter in the morning. Mine are almost gone! Just faint pink lines and I was banded 3 months ago.
  9. princess_n_thep

    Dumb guilty TV pleasures

    Anyone know when Big Brother is gonna start again? Gotta clean the VCR to make sure it records!! I am an ADDICT!
  10. princess_n_thep

    How Often do you get a 'fill"

    My surgery was in March 2005. I have had one fill now for May and June and think I will be just fine till around maybe Sept?
  11. princess_n_thep

    where's the PB?????

    Isn't the golf ball feeling in waves of pain and the slime a PB??? I thought it was.
  12. princess_n_thep

    Fills fo ranyone with the Inamed Band!!

    Link isn't right.... please check it and edit it. Puhhhhhhleaseeeeeeee!
  13. princess_n_thep

    Picture Page

    Brandi, Are both those dogs full blooded boxers? Just wondering because my German Shep puppy is mixed with "something" and I think it just might be a boxer. Looks a lot like the black/brown one. His head is boxy like that. Hmmmmm, Jenna
  14. princess_n_thep

    Questions about borderline BMI-Help

    oh lordy, still too early for me to be on my low bmi bandwagon yet LMAO! But.... I was a low BMI and I self paid in Mexico.
  15. princess_n_thep

    At What cost??

    Thanks Michelle for reminding me that the band is serious. I don't currently have any problems but I KNOW I would be one of those people that didn't do anything for fear of losing the band altogether. If I was too tight, I would suffer. If I had pain, I would suffer. If I had any type of symptoms, I would suffer with it. All in the name of fear of losing the band and not losing the weight. I will be the first to admit my self esteem issues. And I would be the first to admit that I would rather be dead than be as large as I was. (which to many wasn't that big). Although, I would also be the first to tell someone ELSE to go get help. I worry about others, not myself. THANK YOU! I needed the reality check in that health is more important than weight loss sometimes!
  16. princess_n_thep

    So sick of protein drinks I could hurl!!!

    I too am really tired of all the arrays of protein drinks. ((sigh)) I stopped them for about 2 weeks and noticed my loss stalled. once i started protein up again, it was easier to lose.
  17. Take the plunge. Come on in... the water is fine.... Don't mind that warm spot near me though
  18. princess_n_thep

    Kathy's (Best ME) Needle Biopsy:eek:

    Yep, I had this done on 3 lumps in my breast last year (I was only 31 but I had to do it for my plastic surgeon as a pre op thing to maybe get implants). very nerve racking! But the actual procedure isn't too bad. The needle biopsy reminds me of getting my ears pierced. Same type of fast "gun popping" in and out very quickly. I even watched it on the monitor. All 3 of mine came out as fibrous and not malignant. BIG sigh of relief. But I must admit I was very nervous and a bit jumpy for a few weeks. I am sure yours will turn out just fine. I will be thinking of you.
  19. princess_n_thep

    What is your opinion on the weight loss of the movie stars?

    If I had enough money to pay for a top chef to cook in my house, an assistant to go grocery shopping, a top physical trainer that comes to my house, all the top exercise equipment, all the money for the top drugs, money for botox, boobies, lipo, the works, the list goes on and on. Hell, I would be skinny too.
  20. princess_n_thep

    I'm starving

    Yep. Normal. No fill = hungry. This is healing time. No worries, you will feel restriction soon. The post op phase really sucks doesn't it? It will get better with the fill! Promise!
  21. princess_n_thep

    Do you eat breakfast???

    Nope, too restricted to eat in the mornings. I have to wait at LEAST 2-3 hours after taking the crud outta my eyes.
  22. princess_n_thep

    Questions About Lap Band

    1. No it is not easy. It is nearly impossible. It is easy to not exercise, that you must work at. Yes, you definitely feel a difference with the band. 2. Some people have extra skin. I think it depends on the person, the elasticity of their skin, how much weight they lose, genetics, how you take care of your skin as you lose weight, etc. However, I do think that because the weight loss is WAY more gradual than Gbypass the excess skin issue is lessened. 3. Several people here on LBT have had babies and have the band. In the top blue bar on the top of the page do a search for some key words you are looking for and surf the posts. It will be very helpful. As far as I know, they did just great. Good luck, hope this helped!
  23. princess_n_thep

    Picture Page

    OKAY... For those of you who saw in my previous post here my "before" mom's picture and have been waiting for her "after" pic of her gastric bypass... here it is! This was last December and she has even lost a bit more since then. I wish I could put them side by side... I wonder if some caring, wonderful, computer savvy bandster will do it for me??? Geez, someone fix this please.
  24. princess_n_thep

    My Heart Is Broken

    man oh man oh man. I am actually crying at work now!! He was BEAUTIFUL!!!! And obviously loved VERY much. When I had my doggie issues months ago, the heartfelt responses poured out too. It really does help things. Hope you find comfort in your memories Christina. Blessings,
  25. princess_n_thep

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    okay, okay.... im in. but why not shoot for the stars right? Put me down as -15 in 10 weeks!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
