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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. Yep, right click on the persons name from a thread... then view profile... then click on ignore located on the middle right side.
  2. princess_n_thep

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    Okay, this is driving ME nuts now... What the heck are they?????? Call the station already, spend hours trying to get through!! Write them a letter! Send an email! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, find out what they are!
  3. princess_n_thep

    I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!

    Has anyone suggested this yet??? What kind of daily exercise are you doing? Eating less will not help if you don't exercise more. Maybe your metabolism slowed to meet your intake of food. Now you need to SWEAT it out. The band itself is not the magical tool. It is a helper tool to do the diet and the exercise to boost you towards success. Try to do cardio and some major exercise regimins. I bet you will see a difference. Plus, the endorphins and adrenaline curb any hunger issues. And exercise makes you FEEL healthy and more fit, therefore you won't WANT to eat the cheetos. My advice: try to do a definite exercise routine. Not just daily walking around work, but serious exercise for 30 minutes a day.
  4. princess_n_thep

    ? About DeLarla stuff - ADULT CONTENT

    I don't like the double one. And I don't like the white one. Both are harder plastics. Trust me, buy the pink jelly one and a single bullet (it is cheaper that way anyways). The ring (which is VERY stretchy and rubbery and is comfy for the guy) goes around the penis and rests at the base. The "tube" is on the pubic area with the bullet in it. In regular "your on top" position, it should rub you the right way!
  5. princess_n_thep

    bread ?'s

    I eat pasta A LOT and shouldn't. Remember Buca night girls???? Arghhhhhh.
  6. princess_n_thep

    When is the mushy stage?

    My mushy stage was never. My nutritionalist wanted nothing but liquids and creamies for the first 4 weeks, then straight to solids. (yes, LaMadam and I had the same doctor but we had different nutritionalists)
  7. princess_n_thep

    Assignment: Geraldo Rivera

    My thinnest friend says: "Who has time for food? I am too damn busy!" ((all the while I am thinking quietly to myself: geez, I make time for food, and when I am/was eating I WAS busy! lol))
  8. princess_n_thep

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    LOL, They look like card holders to me. For playing cards when you have A LOT of cards in your hand, put pressure before the bend and it will hold your cards for you? I have seen plastic ones but never metal ones.
  9. princess_n_thep

    band erosion

    Here are some threads I found with the search button located on the top bar, six categories over... hope it helps. First link is the best one I think to answer your questions.... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=2250&highlight=erosion+symptoms http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=9958 http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=2725
  10. princess_n_thep

    ? About DeLarla stuff - ADULT CONTENT

    I also have the "Love Mitten Set". It was inexpensive and really we don't use it as sexual, more relaxing and pampering, but hubby loves it! I didn't get mine from SP again, but it is exactly the same. Come back and post about the xscream please. Also wondering about the nympho nyagra
  11. princess_n_thep

    ? About DeLarla stuff - ADULT CONTENT

    Just Like Me is the personal lubricant. It is more gel like but glides on and feels more (dare I say it, hell yes I do) "juicy". And again, a little bit goes a LONG way. I am NOT referring to the small clit dolphin. I have the whole shabang (internal and external with the grinding beads). I have not tried the small little one. Why would I when I have the big'un! Re: un-natural..... With the "ultimate Beaver" the only thing un-natural for me was the mind blowing orgasm that took less than a minute!! (and I am NOT kidding on the minute thing!) But if you are into the non internal toys and want to share with a male, yet you are introducing some spice and want to start slower.... my hubby HIGHLY recommends the Turbococksleeve (it is a jelly like ring and is comfy and stretches big) $5.50 with a bullet (single bullet $14.00). WHAT FUN! I am a big fan of "between the sheets" too. My friend sprayed my sheets when she got hers and it was great.... that reminds me... I need to place another order. Oh Lisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........
  12. princess_n_thep

    Name Your Band

    I think Penni did a similar thread a few months ago. But I couldn't find it when i searched for it. My band is named "Elby" pronounced elbee El=L By=B LB = Lapband! It is also the name of my plant that my husband bought during my recovery to cheer me up!
  13. princess_n_thep

    can some one help us please

    There is always the self pay and finance option? I think ethics are in question here if you are just looking for an insurance company just to have them pay for the band. The band costs them a lot of money. And I am guessing that you would only be with them for a short time to cover the band? That isn't very fair to the insurance company and them paying out the nose for the band is what is making things that much more difficult for others who have been established with their insurance companies for a long time, and they are struggling. My advice? Finance it and self pay. Think of it like a car payment!
  14. princess_n_thep

    bread ?'s

    In my case: Don't (absolutely) List: Doughy bread, fresh breads, fresh Tortillas, Rice most of the time, toast, bagels, doughnuts, biscuits (I can eat the crispy tops though), Do (with careful chewing) list: Baked Tortillas, chips, Pasta (not rice), crackers, nachos, muffin tops (with EXTREME care), pancakes (with EXTREME care) Also for me.... I can eat more "bread" things later in the evening rather than earlier in the day. I am absolutely NOOOOOOOOO in the mornings. I am challenged to do Water in the morning as I am super restricted in the a.m. but come afternoon I am all good.
  15. princess_n_thep

    ? About DeLarla stuff - ADULT CONTENT

    I am a HUGE fan of the SP stuff. Hmmmmmmmm, what shall I start with? Okay, my favorites... The "Ultimate Beaver" is the BEST damn thing I have ever had! The "Dolphin" is nice but still can't compare to my "Beaver". I love the Shimmer dust. Light and airy. I also have the Shimmertime but I don't like it as much because it is a gel and not a dust. I have tried the "Like a Virgin" to see if there is a difference to him. He says he can tell a difference and it does work to make things tighter but that really wasn't an issue before. And girls, a little goes a LONGGGGGGGG way. I love the sleeve and the bullet. (I didn't get it from SP but it is exactly the same) My all time favorite lube is the "Just Like Me". It is heavenly! No scents, not sticky and is PH balanced for me. And NO person is complete without the spray cleaner. A MUST HAVE for all toys. Love mine!! Rinse with Water, spritz with spray, clean off and into the "toy chest" it goes till next time!!!
  16. princess_n_thep


    NFL: Goooooooooooooooo Steelers!!!! COLLEGE: ASU SUNDEVILS!!!!
  17. princess_n_thep

    can some one help us please

    Call the bank and get a personal loan????? Sell a vehicle? Borrow from family? Have garage sales and sell extra stuff? Get a second job from home? Lots of ideas, just depends on how bad you want it.
  18. princess_n_thep

    G-rated Fun Thread re: X-rated Topic

    Boys have a Peepser and girls have Poofies. Butts were called "fluffy's" or "biscuits". As an adult, Oral sex is "snacking". Tampons are "plugs". Douching is "cleaning house". If you shave, its an "airliner" if you don't its a "beaver jungle". Dildos are called "toys". And of course, masturbation is called "Slumber Parties by Lisa" LMAO
  19. princess_n_thep

    I NEED to share my story.

    I applaud you for recognizing your issues on this and dealing with them head on!! Way to go!!! Keep up the great attitude!!
  20. princess_n_thep

    Having port removed on Friday

    ((screaming)) LISAAAAAAAAAAAAA, this girl needs your help!!! Erin, PM the name DeLarla ASAP
  21. princess_n_thep

    How did you pay for your banding?

    Took out a personal loan for 5k and paid 5k from my savings.
  22. princess_n_thep

    Is there a lap band doctor in the house?

    There already is a preventative option in my mind. It is called "out of country" and "self pay". I had 65 lbs to lose to goal. I was not a large BMI. Nor did I have a very large appearance due to proportioning out well. I have the band and am doing GREAT!
  23. princess_n_thep

    Happy Birthday Jack !!!

    Happy Happy Happy Birthday Jack! Did you have cake? mmmmmmmmmmm
  24. princess_n_thep


    Gosh I hate being right. Okay, I like it actually. I called Inamed. Who is notified of a death in association with any band surgery ANYWHERE within 48 hours. Since the so called funeral was yesterday, time for transport, embalming, etc etc, it would have been about 7 days (way over the 48 hour period). And I am right. BULLSHIT. No one died in a band surgery situation recently that was reported to them. If someone had died, they would have known. Plus.... if this "friend" was so intent on letting us know, they would have called Inamed to let them know. SOOOOOOOOO.... whoever you are.... get a freaking life! If you don't like the band, fine, then go away. If you don't like Mexico, fine.... then don't go there. But leave everyone here to their own freaking opinions please!! So as I called bullshit first, everyone has to drink right? hee hee hee.... I vote we ignore this thread and not post here so it will not be bumped. United we stand asshole!
  25. princess_n_thep

    Body dysmorphia -- another chapter

    I look in the mirror and think I am HUGE. I wish I could see smaller, I really do.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
