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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    So I went on a Gastric bypass site and...

    Well I think that is all crap. Since my mom and sister both have GB I see the differences. I am not restricted to no sugar, I don't have dumping, I don't have severe nausea. I do have lesser evils like PB's but a far cry from the crap they go through. And I know for a fact they are a bit jealous over my weight loss surgery choice. They have told me they wished they had known about the LB because that may have been the option for them. They both lost a tremendous amount of weight VERY quickly but they also suffered in severe hair loss, sagging skin really fast, stretch marks from LOSING so fast to match their gaining weight stretch marks, and no energy for about a year. I don't see that in my case and neither do they. They did expect me to lose faster and keep asking how much I have lost. I get the "is that all?" a lot but I keep reminding them over and over and over that I did NOT do GB therefore my weight is MUCH more gradual. IMHO, many of the GB patients are not educated (and/or jealous) about the LB option because it was not given to them and they didn't know about it. GB is so mainstream that most people have heard about it. When I tell people I have the band they automatically assume GB because they have never heard of the LB. I don't know where they are getting their facts from but it isn't the case with me. Someone would have to kill me before they took this band from me. However, I am not against GB at all. Some people need the "force" of GB. Some may need to lose it quicker or risk dying in the meantime (like my mom). If the band werent an option, I would have gone to MX and had GB or took out an even bigger loan and had it here in the states. Or maybe I would have listened to the doctor here in the states: "gain 40 lbs and come back and see me". NOT!
  2. princess_n_thep

    Carve A Pumpkin - Try This

    Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez! I fell for it too! I was sitting here singing too! "they did the mash, they did the mooooonster mash, they did the mash...." and you got me!!
  3. princess_n_thep


    Post op diet sucks sucks sucks. No doubt about that. Yep, I felt it too. Not to worry, it will be over soon.
  4. princess_n_thep

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    The plate is Adam Sandler. Add M's + ler
  5. princess_n_thep

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    Well, I tried to create the "brainteasers" thread for fun. No one played, game sucked. Deleted thread in case anyone is wondering. Guess your gonna have to win a new contest to give us more "what is this"
  6. princess_n_thep

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    ((SIGHHHHHHHHHHHH)) ahhhhhhhhh, peace at last!!! Whewwwwwwwww!
  7. princess_n_thep

    How Long Since U Saw Yours? (adult)

    Vines, My mom had no hair growing on her legs before she had GBypass. She didn't shave her legs for almost 2 years but some little touch ups here and there. Now, after she has lost all the weight she grows hair and has to shave. Her gastric doctor said that because of weight, she had poor circulation, the hair did not grow. Now that she has lost the weight the circulation is back, therefore the hair begins to grow again. He said it was a sign of becoming more healthy. Dunno but it sounds good?
  8. princess_n_thep

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    Oh my gosh, this is all stressing me out. Have you tried to email them???
  9. princess_n_thep

    can some one help us please

    Christina, I think we let this misunderstanding go away last week. No need to quote and post and drudge it up again. Thanks.
  10. princess_n_thep


    Some of you may think I am silly for my goals as many of you have said I wasn't big in the first place, but I think that we are only as big as we feel on the inside. I assume this thread is for everyone at every stage of weight psychosis and loss. Here are some fears/goals I would like to achieve. 1. To not wonder if the chair will break if I sit on it. 2. Feel comfortable having my husband pick me up. 3. Be more self confident so that I am not depressed ever 4. Not have to unbutton my pants while I drive to be more comfortable 5. Feel comfortable in front of my husband naked with the lights on (and maybe even intimate with lights on) 6. Wear shorts and not be self conscious about my legs jiggling as I walk 7. Be able to look at someone size 5 and not constantly think "man, I wish I looked like that" 8. Not have any rubbing pain from my ballistic vest rubbing on my back fat 9. Not own any items of clothing in the double digits at all 10. Not be self conscious so much around a camera or video camera
  11. princess_n_thep

    How Long Since U Saw Yours? (adult)

    Hell Jack, the last time you showed yours, the National Enquirer did a Lochness Monster story!!
  12. princess_n_thep

    "It's All About DeLarla's Hair" Poll

    Okay then, I change my vote to: keep the length, go medium brown and put in golden blonde highlights. P. S. I also can't hold a red in my hair, it sucks!
  13. princess_n_thep

    Researching Lap Band Possibilities

    Welcome Tracyd!! This site has a TON of information on it, thats for sure! Good luck in your journey!
  14. princess_n_thep

    How Long Since U Saw Yours? (adult)

    Thank goodness I have never truly lost sight of IT. I try to pet IT every so often to make IT happy. But I have to pose the question to those that have not seen IT for years. How do you trim/shave IT? Just go wild? Pay someone to wax IT? Have a buddy take care of IT?
  15. princess_n_thep

    "It's All About DeLarla's Hair" Poll

    My vote is keep the length, go a bit darker blonde and put some reddish highlights in it.
  16. princess_n_thep

    I,am 40 today! over the hill

    No no no... not "over the hill", think of it more as "coasting with experience"!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEXY MAN!!
  17. princess_n_thep

    Help - Pain In Upper Left Chest/shoulder Area

    I would check with your family physician just to be on the safe side. Are you older? It sounds like gas to me too though.
  18. princess_n_thep

    I have a question for the gals

    I was just stopping mine when I had surgery but I was 17 days late for my next one. I called the doctor but he said it was the stress to my body from surgery and the radical diet change. He said it was totally normal to get a little "messed up" on the cycle. He assured me it would get more regular. And it did, took about 3 cycles but it is all back to normal now.
  19. princess_n_thep

    San Antonio for $10,950!!!

    He's baaaaaaaaaack! Bandgeek, this has nothing to do with you. This is great that you found such a great deal so close to home for you! I wish you nothing but the best!!!
  20. princess_n_thep

    San Antonio for $10,950!!!

    Oh lordy, here we go..............
  21. princess_n_thep

    Can you help me? WHAT ARE THESE???

    Any word yet from the radio station???? I am dyin' over here!!
  22. princess_n_thep

    Lane Bryant...

    Wow, Lane Bryant was AWESOME for me. I was LB from head to toe. I have recently gone under their sizes so I can't shop there anymore though. I CRIED in their store the last time I went because I had no idea what to do now. I love their style and their sales. Especially the panty/bra sales. And I think their clothes last a long time too! About the CATALOG though. I bought from there and found out that the catalog is NOT Lane Bryant. I was in the store and told my fav saleslady that I thought it was crap that LB was using itty bitty size models for their clothes (which is what is in the catalog). They told me that the catalog is NOT really LB!! They sold the name to the catalog company 5 years ago. They said it is a big corporate scandal because they were supposed to keep the LB policies regarding the plus sizes. And they didn't. The catalog is NOT LB. Now, you can go online to their site but be careful not to go to the catalog on line site but go to the COMPANY on line store. Man, I am so sorry some of you have had problems with pants there too! That sucks. I loved their pants because they made them tall enough for me and still stylish! And I liked that they had "hippy" room for me.
  23. princess_n_thep

    can some one help us please

    I am sorry you felt so offended.
  24. princess_n_thep

    Mouth Saliva: Wierd Question

    Anyone notice that post-banding you have more natural mouth saliva when you speak??? I have noticed it quite a bit recently. It is as if when I speak, I am creating saliva faster than I naturally swallow and then it seems to sometimes "leak" out as I talk or I constantly have to discreetly slurp it back. Ya know those people that have spit streams when they talk between their lips??? Ewwww.... but I know I am not THAT bad but it is how I feel. Its noticeable for me. Anyone?????????
  25. princess_n_thep

    666 Hmmmmmmmmm...

    Just had to share... we had a conversation at work today about the lottery. http://www.webmath.com/lottery.html

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
