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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    Friday Fun Thread ~ Weird Fears

    I have always wondered if for some wierd reason while going potty, something will crawl/reach up and get me in the you know where. Alligators in the sewar type thing.
  2. princess_n_thep

    Help, I need a formal gown!

    Found the PERFECT purple dress..... Sexy and DeLarla like!!! You can find it at Nordstrom online. P.S. I have had SO much better luck online than in the store itself.
  3. princess_n_thep

    Fills...............Do they hurt ????

    Do you all drink laying down???
  4. princess_n_thep

    anyone have anymore delish low fat crockpot recipes?

    Low Fat recipes http://busycooks.about.com/library/weekly/aa103002a.htm
  5. princess_n_thep

    can u substitute bread in turkey meatloaf/balls?

    I use an egg. Sometimes I used crackers, but that is still bread.
  6. Ummm, I wouldn't get a fill from him. But just my opinion if someone said that to me.
  7. princess_n_thep

    My doc's answer on carbonation....love it!!

    My doc says absolutely NO to carbonations. Not that is "hurts" the band but that it causes low results and pouch expansion. The reasoning seems to make sense to me and is reasonable, therefore, no carbonation for me.
  8. princess_n_thep

    Fills...............Do they hurt ????

    My feeling on this: It stings a bit when the needle is inserted but is not "pain". It is a bit uncomfy when they remove all the fluid and air and feels "tight" or has a bit of pressure but is not painful. It is a bit of a scarey feeling to have a needle boinging out of you as you sit up for a fill though. Not painful, but a little scarey if you don't like needles like me. My suggestion if you do not like needles, do not look at this one. It is over quickly. And it is not "painful" as much as it seems to smart a bit.
  9. princess_n_thep

    Help, I need a formal gown!

    I LOVE NORDSTROM DRESSES!!! Remember, I am a tall girl too and these are PERFECT! And they keep well. What are we wearing this formal dress for??? hmmmm????????
  10. princess_n_thep

    Help, I need a formal gown!

    or try www.nordstrom.com, then click on "women" on the top menu, then on "plus" on the left menu, then "special occasion". And VIOLA!!! Beautiful sexy delarla dresses at a good price! and shipping is only $5!! Damn I am good!
  11. princess_n_thep

    Help, I need a formal gown!

  12. princess_n_thep

    Help, I need a formal gown!

    I picture THIS as a DeLarla dress.... am I on the right track in hunting?
  13. princess_n_thep

    Tentative diagnosis

    Is this fatal in humans? Like cancer? Do they have a cure for it for humans? I ask, in humans, because there is no cure for animals. My beloved Jeter had Cushing's K9 Disease. Will you go through the same fatigue and muscle loss? For the K9: He had a lot of thirst, muscle loss, easy bruising or tearing of the skin, fatigue/tired, a lot of urine (strong and long pee's), hair loss, dry skin and irregular breathing. Does the human experience the same type of symptoms?
  14. princess_n_thep

    Do complications have anything to do with age?

    ((ducking away from the lightning bolt)) LIAR! LMAO!! Although.... if beauty, personality, and fun were measured by age, I would put you in your early 20's too girl!!
  15. princess_n_thep

    Goodbye, Mr. Whipple

    Do you have a picture of Mr. Whipple?
  16. princess_n_thep

    Low fat chili recipe anyone?

    I make an AWESOME.... White chicken Chili I throw it together in a crockpot so I don't really have exacts on some things.... 2 chicken breasts (boiled then shredded with a fork) 1 pkg wht chick chili from McCormick in the spice aisle 1-2 cups Water depending on what thickness you want 2 cups of frozen white corn 2 cups of frozen green Beans 2 cups of frozen carrots (get the frozen mixed bag and it works great) 1 large can of White Northern beans (drained and rinsed) 1 large can of tomato sauce 1 pinch of cayenne Simmer on low for 8 hours. YUMMY!
  17. princess_n_thep

    Can I ask a REALLY stupid question?

    Are you filled? If not, that is why. If so, dunno then.
  18. princess_n_thep

    why does a pb happen?

    Well I am going to give it my ole' college try in explaining. The doctor would be the person to ask about this, but I will share what my understanding of it is.... here goes... The PB (or productive burp) is caused by several things. 1. Not chewing properly 2. untolerated foods (ie fresh doughy bread) or 3. too big of a chunck or bite. When the food slides down the esophagas it goes into the pouch where it "sticks" in the stoma of the band not allowing anything to pass. The esophagus and stomach then naturally produce a secretion ("slime") to help it pass through. The slime then accumulates and either pushes the lodged object out or you will "throw up" the slime. One way or another, it is going to be free. The pain and pressure you feel is the top pouch portion of the stomach trying to naturally contract and release (as if it didn't have a band) to free the lodged item. This is why sometimes people get hiccups because they are working (forcing air back and forth) to get the piece free. The dizziness that some people feel is from the panic we put ourselves in and do not regulate our breathing very well and really has nothing to do with the band itself. The "PB" is bad to our band because of the stress the body places on the band when trying to "free" items. The esophagus is also working hard and can become swelled and irritated. Therefore, if you have a complaint of constant PB then are you giving your lower throat time to heal with the 24-48 hours of liquid only? Or are you trying to eat again in a few hours just because you feel you can. (i.e. "testing the band") Therefore, chew chew chew, eat recommended foods, and take small bites. When we choose the band as our WLS option we agree to those terms. We don't always "live" by those terms but it is what we agreed to. We (including me) should try not to not cheat, lie or work around our bands. Plus, the bands never believe us when we lie and try and tell it that the food we want to eat and eat quickly is okay. Damn, I wish it would listen sometimes though! Again, I am no doctor or expert. This is just my understanding of it. Hope it helps somehow.
  19. princess_n_thep

    Happy Birthday princess n thep!

    Hmmmm, well it is May 20th. I will have to see about changing that! Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes though!!! Can i still get them in May too????
  20. princess_n_thep

    What Do You Do to Feel Sexy????

    A day at a spa will do me wonders!!!
  21. princess_n_thep

    Low fat chili recipe anyone?

    Crock Pot Low Fat Chili This easy low-fat chili meal is a great anytime! Let it cook while you work and your dinner will be ready when you get home, or slow cook it on the weekend - enjoy your day, and have a hearty bowl of Soup as you relax and unwind for the evening! INGREDIENTS: 1 &1/2 lbs. 90% lean (or leaner) Ground Beef, browned and drained (if you really want to cut fat, use turkey burger) 1 large onion, coarsely chopped 3/4 cup diced green peppers 28 oz. canned diced or stewed tomatoes (your preference) 16 oz. no-salt added tomato sauce or puree 2 16 oz. can kidney Beans, drained 1/2 tsp. garlic powder or 2 garlic cloves, crushed (or equivalent minced garlic) 1 cup Water 2 Tbsp. mild chili powder 1 - 2 tsp. cumin (to you taste preference) 1 tsp. dried basil 1 tsp. seasoned salt or table salt 1/2 tsp black pepper Low-fat grated cheddar cheese (topping) Fat-Free Sour Cream (topping) PREPARATION: Ideal slow cooker: 5 quart or larger Brown meat in skillet, add onion and green pepper halfway through browing process, Drain, pour into crock pot Combine all other ingredients in slow cooker/crock pot (except cheese and sour cream toppings) Cook on low 8 - 10 hours, or high 5-6 hours Serve in bowls with shredded cheddar cheese and sour cream (if desired) with a side salad. Nutritional Value: Calories, approx. 265 per serving, Total Fat: 6 g, Carbohydrates: 17 g, Dietary Fiber: 4 g, Sugars 8 g, Protein: 18g.
  22. princess_n_thep

    I dare U 2 beat my NSV... I rode the bull!!!

    Okay, Okay.... and I guess two is better than one. You RIDE EM COWGIRL!!!
  23. princess_n_thep

    Happy Birthday princess n thep!

    Okay, u all are killin' me. I have no idea what you are talking about. My birthday is in MAY. But thanks anyways!!!
  24. princess_n_thep

    I dare U 2 beat my NSV... I rode the bull!!!

    I HAVE YOU BEAT!! HA, Dare me will ya? Here goes... Last night, the bull rode me!!!
  25. princess_n_thep

    how much have you paid SINCE banding?

    $9500 for surgery $500 in 3 flights $200 in two fills $150 in hotel $150 in misc/cabs/trolley/tips/food/parking 10,500 thus far and I don't need a fill and I have a happy band (knock on wood for now)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
