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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    Star Jones is SOOOO BUSTED!!!!!!

    I just looked at Star Magazine website. No news there. Where are you all seeing this?
  2. princess_n_thep

    Star Jones is SOOOO BUSTED!!!!!!

    Will someone please scan and post this infamous picture already?
  3. princess_n_thep

    Whats the deal not drinking after eating?

    Drinking after you eat will "push" the food through the pouch created and stoma opening. Therefore, effectively making your band ineffective. Same as drinking during the meal. Softens the solids so that it all goes straight down. It is a form of "eating around the band" which is a no no if you really want to maximize the potential of your band.
  4. princess_n_thep

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    I am laughing my ass off at probably how many people this thread has pissed off. Too funny.
  5. princess_n_thep

    Things that got stuck in your orifices.

    LMAO over the beetle. Geez I love your mom Lisa! She is so entertaining!
  6. princess_n_thep

    Update on my ankle.....

    ((looking sad)) sniff sniff JUST KIDDING!!! Congrats on getting off the crutches!! WOOT WOOT!
  7. princess_n_thep

    Borderline BMI - a waste of time and you still pay?

    I suggest that if you do have the money. Self pay then. I think it was much easier to self pay due to the non-stress I had of not fighting anyone but my own mind and pocketbook.
  8. princess_n_thep

    Two Dogs dumped at my house...

    Think of it this way... maybe they aren't strays, maybe they weren't dumped, maybe they were drawn to you in some way. Boxer= strong on the outside, sometimes misunderstood as being a mean breed, many are scared of the breed in general and actually soft and warm on the inside being one of the most cuddly and needy emotional breeds Overweight lab= chubby and fat on the outside, often overlooked as beautiful, no one taking the time to see that they are beautiful on the inside. Maybe they NEED you to make them feel their full potentials. Maybe you need THEM to understand yours. Strong believer in that everything happens for a reason. So maybe it wasn't that they needed to find you but that you needed to find them?
  9. princess_n_thep

    Found marajuana & need advice

    Okay, as a police officer myself I am going to try and remain objective and think about this not as a cop but as a regular person..... Regular person answer: Marijuana smoking is fairly common in the US. I would consider a few things. Does he have a good job? Does he go to work? Do you notice his extra activity (pot smoking) as disruptive to your life or his? Have you noticed its effects? If everything above is okay, then it is probably just what I call a "functional habit". MANY people do it, and more than anyone realizes. But I WOULD definitely have a serious talk with them that it is NOT welcomed in your house under ANY circumstances. But if he is functional and not some dirt bag then I don't know if kicking him, his wife and 5 month old baby out on the street is the best answer. However.... I am thinking that if he is married and having a baby I am seriously wondering why he doesn't have a place of his own and raising his own family so that leads me to believe that he is irresponsible and a possible dirt bag. (no offense to your family member, we all have at least one of them in the family, as do I). So for me it falls down to functionality. If he is a good person, with good efforts, honest activity otherwise, good husband, good father, hard worker, etc... then I would try and tell him the importance of your zero tolerance of the drug and your feelings toward his habit. Now my police officer answer: Tell him to get a job, get a clue about responsibility in supporting his family on his own rather than mooching off you, and get the hell out of your house. Hope this all makes sense.
  10. princess_n_thep

    Newly Banded and only one big problem...

  11. princess_n_thep

    Morning of Surgery

    I did this too. I cried all the way onto the surgery table. I was so scared. But then... poof... it was done. Good luck today and we will all be thinking of you!!!! We hope you are posting and recovering well soon!!
  12. princess_n_thep

    Never gain weight again

    I can honestly say that they will bury me before I am that large again. Not to be morbid, but it is the honest truth. I will NEVER be that large again.
  13. princess_n_thep

    OT: Help, my Jade plant is dying..

    I still can't speak. I am working up to the courage to tackle the purple jade plant. oh the horror..... GFT57IL*(&JSDF3I q23A%#526OJWESIOFJ ((bangs head on keyboard))
  14. princess_n_thep

    I'm done.

    Jonathon, I am so sorry to hear of your troubles but I am happy for you that you have made some clear decisions and have resolved some of your feelings. I hope that if you get the bypass it will be of the upmost success for you!! Please make sure you share with us how you are doing as you continue your journey. I have been contemplating the same thing and would be very interested to know the results, challenges and victories with your proactive band removal and revision. BEST OF LUCK!!!!
  15. princess_n_thep

    heavy lifting and exercise

    I was restricted from carrying my duty belt at work for 4 weeks. But it was too soon, I needed about 6 then I was okay.
  16. princess_n_thep

    Chubby Chasers (long post)

    Okay... so I have this story to tell..... I get a call tonight from a friend (we will call her "Jane") in absolute TEARS and huffing and puffing and groaning. After I get Jane somewhat calmed, she tells me she is divorcing her husband (we will call him "John") because he had an affair. I WAS FLOORED!! They had a MAGNIFICENT relationship and he was very loving and attentive to her. John seemed to truly love Jane without reservations. Here is what happened: At first John was not supportive of Jane having gastric bypass (she had it before she and I knew about the band option). Anyways, Jane had gastric bypass about 2 years ago. When Jane had the surgery she was 387 and 5'7" tall. She was a bit big and I was one of her only friends that have stayed friends with her through the entire thing. I knew how badly Jane wanted this for herself. We talked about all kinds of things and she felt that this could make her marriage stronger by being healthy, living longer, and a better sex life. Anyways.... John became a somewhat supporter but did not really ever get into it. He didn't say no, but he didn't really oppose it in front of her. Jane had the surgery and is today about 195 lbs. She looks AWESOME!!! Jane found her husband sleeping with another woman. She MET the woman!! (longer story, but she actually came to her house to ask Jane to leave John) As it turns out, John is no longer sexually and physically attracted to Jane. She is no longer large enough he says!!! He said he wanted to tell her that he was a "chubby chaser" but was embarrassed. He said he was no longer happy in the marriage intimately and wanted to seperate. He said that he preferred her sexually as a large woman and now that she is forced to be smaller, he is no longer attracted to her. She asked about their current sex life. He said that he did have feeling for her and wanted her to be happy, but that he would "imagine" her as she used to be.... big. When he had been confronted about the affair, he went into the office and got a letter he had written to her trying to explain his feelings. He said he was planning on telling her this weekend. (labor day weekend, when they were at his parents house for a mini vacation for 4 days!!!) Not the best timing in my book, but he is a man remember. His mother and her get along very well as her mother died 5 years ago from heart disease. So he thought it would be the best place to tell her so she had someone "like a mother" to support her. He had already bought a return ticket, returning 2 days before her. She was puzzled because he used to hoot and holler with his friends during football games at the cheerleaders and the sexy commercials. So she asks him... he says, "well that is what they expected from me, so I gave it to them. I didn't want them to think I was wierd but I really find it disgusting to be with a 'thinnie'." He told Jane that he did not want to lose their friendship. He told her that he did still love her and wanted to remain friends. He said (and has been) giving her free reign on anything she wants in the divorce so far. They have a 19 year old daughter and had been married for 23 years. He says she is his best friend and does not want that to change but does not want to be romantically involved with her. It has been 2 weeks now. He is not dating the girl he cheated with but is dating another girl.... a BIG girl. He is remaining true to his word in wanting to be friends. He is not fighting about anything. Now, some background on John.... He is successful, intelligent, somewhat good looking for an older guy (once you really get to know him), a great personality to talk to, 5'9" tall and about 190 lbs with a medium build. Not skinny, not big, just a guy. Jane is a mess but coping. She says that John has NEVER lied to her before. I believe that because he didn't strike me as the "sneaky" type. But, she had NO clue about the affair. It wasn't the ONLY reason, but one of the major reasons Jane did the bypass was to be more attractive for her husband. She called me because he had brought over the divorce papers (and gave her just about everything). She says he has been very sweet and seemed concerned about her, but is distant for anything intimate. (and she admits to trying) This is obviously the shortened version.... the whole saga actually went on for hours on the phone. SO MY QUESTION TO YOU IS: Do you believe John??? Or is he just an asshole? Irony certainly is a bitch huh???
  17. princess_n_thep


    I am right with ya dawg! But my DH says I am less annoying than a pack of chihahaus. Haven't lived to my full potential then. But I am working on it.....
  18. princess_n_thep

    News Story

    She asked for your website and credentials. The question was not answered.
  19. princess_n_thep

    Chubby Chasers (long post)

    And the saga continues..... Jane is doing fantastic. She continues to be at a healthy weight (around 170lbs now). She has been involved heavily in divorced weight loss support groups. She tells me that manyyyyyy people had the same thing happen to them. She feels blessed that John was so honest with her and the charade did not continue for long. She and John are still friends and they even go to dinner for chats. As for John, he is no longer with the larger "other" woman. I guess this other woman saw how fantastic Jane feels (I guess there is a side story that the two women have actually struck a friendship and have been talking a great deal) and has decided to have a consult with Jane's surgeon to be approved. John decided to end that relationship. Its funny though huh? Some women worry about gaining weight after getting married being viewed as bad for their marriage and some women have to actually deal with losing their weight as bad for their marriage. I just thought this was ironic. I admire Jane for being so strong and positive. At first I had my doubts that she was really portraying her true feelings... not no more. Plus, Jane started dating another bypass patient that she met in the waiting room at her doctors office! It has been 2 weeks now and she is very happy.
  20. princess_n_thep

    Band life

    I have been banded almost a year. I personally have my doubts if this is the "life long" option that it is touted to be. We will see I guess. The longest bandster I know of is 6 years from Australia, had the band replaced one because of slippage. I think Flouro is the only way to go when it comes to fills. I won't do the "poke and stick" method. If it were me, I would drive the 2 hours and make a day of it with shopping or something.
  21. princess_n_thep

    Should I do this?

    Thanks for clearing that up, I understand where you are coming from now. I hope you did not think I was attacking you personally but merely challenging the information that I was going on at the time and my own opinion about the posting, before I had the additional information to make the opinion. Plus I was additionally making a blanket comment not about you personally but overall frustrations. I should have divided it into paragraphs for ease of understanding intentions.
  22. princess_n_thep

    Another says "see ya" LBT....

    I think it is important to remember that this is a world wide group with many different people here. What is argumentative to you, may be healthy debate to them. What is sarcastic to you may be just blunt comments or way of speech to them. We are a combination of different medical issues, life frustrations, social classes, psychological difference, tempermant differencs. For all of the varying aspects of this group, I would say it functions very well. Words have no feelings and no expressions. I like a good debate and I like to challenge opinions and take the "devils advocate" side of things. I think everyone needs to look at all sides of the dog before kicking it. (just an expression). I take short breaks from LBT and come back refreshed. But I can see how this group is not for everyone and I respect your decision. I wish you luck in your weight loss journey and hope you find many successes.
  23. princess_n_thep

    I am so f'in pissed

    Not me. He would be sleeping on the damn couch (the ratty one in the basement) if he did this! Man, the more I think about it the more pissy I even get and my DH got me an awesome vday gift. But man, I am pissed FOR you! I am all for being forgiving but some things are just the icings on the cake. Like for instance... my ex husband got me a vacuum cleaner for christmas. Then... cleaning supplies in my stocking! Unreal. And believe me, I am already a clean housekeeper!
  24. princess_n_thep

    Should I do this?

    I disagree with the above statement. I think that it is like recommending a "try it free for 30 days" type method and I think that could be really devastating if you made a wrong choice. Knowledge is power. Do more than just chat boards. Read the medical journals, get involved with your decision. If you don't understand what they are talking about by surgery date, then you aren't ready. Just what I think. I think too many people are rushing around to get a fix and I constantly see members come here and ask really general questions and they are to be banding in a week. That to me is crazy.
  25. princess_n_thep


    The IUD implanted may become displaced if you lose a lot of weight. Mine did and I had to have it surgically removed. This wasn't while I was banded but during one of my many weight losses. They told me it was because I had lost weight and lost it rapidly. I had lost 40 lbs in 6 months. I don't call that "rapid". So I would be careful.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
