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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    5 months out and venting

    Your at almost 1 lb a week. Which is totally normal. Nearly 2 lbs a week if you don't count post op before fill. I say, RELAX!!! You didn't gain it in 6 months, you shouldn't expect to lose it in 6 months. 30 lbs is gone forever!!! And you only have more to look forward to. Stop stressing and start really concentrating on the program. Don't put so much emphasis into the numbers rather than the nsv's and the other rewards.
  2. princess_n_thep

    Unfill before going out of town?

    EVERY time I fly I am wayyyyyyyy tight. But within an hour after landing I am all good. But for anything longer than a 4 hour flight, I start to get nausea with my spit. I have no idea how banded flight attendants do it!
  3. princess_n_thep

    Find out what song was #1 on your D.O.B.

    OH geezzzzzzzzz, NOW I feel old. ^^^^^^^^^^
  4. princess_n_thep

    LapBand Talk is Boring W/O Delarla

    Okay, I missed something. Lisa went where? Silly rabbits... she is right THERE! (points to Lisa peeking out from behind her lingerie rack)
  5. princess_n_thep

    Stinky Poo?

    Mine smells like flowers!!! Don't anyone take away my fragrant aroma. Its kinda like marking my territory!
  6. princess_n_thep

    American Idol

    We need to start an Ace fan club now. I even stop munchin on food when he is on!! Now THAT is serious!
  7. princess_n_thep

    Different scales...different weight....

    Take the one that says the lowest, then get on that one only during your "woman week". Seriously though, you are putting too much emphasis on the actual number. Pounds and numbers really and truly do not matter as much as leaning, toning and inches. The feel and fit of your clothing matters. If you are replacing fat with muscle then you might not see a huge dip in the scales. Don't worry so much about the pounds and numbers, just about how you are feeling and other nsv's.
  8. princess_n_thep

    Any brain surgeons around?

    I found his comment to be rude, unprofessional, uneducated and condescending. I have yet to place a band in someone but even I know that the first portion of post surgery is for healing purposes only not for promotion of statistics through your weight loss. And last time I checked.... I didn't lose any weight when people made jokes about my effort. Sure I laughed with them and ha ha hee hee, but then do you know what I did? Went and ate that piece of cheesecake because I knew I was a failure anyway at it, so why try more? Geesh, your doc seems to need a lesson in some tact.
  9. princess_n_thep

    New here...tricare...weight issues

    Wow, first of all... welcome to LBT. As for the questions, it might be better if you get a ton of answers by using the seach button on various topics. Then, read on various posts about the subject. Many of your questions have been asked and it is quite normal to have these type of questions. Also try the FAQ section of the board. Much luck with your journey, and again.... WELCOME TO LBT!!!
  10. princess_n_thep

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    awwwwwwwww @ "that small"... give your DH a little somethin somethin for me too!!! He just made my day and has me grinning!!! Thanks, I needed that!!!
  11. princess_n_thep

    I need all of your thoughts on this...

    And another suggestion if they do cover it under insurance, take that Mexico saved money and plan a fantastic vacation to an exotic place on your 1 year to show off your new bod!
  12. princess_n_thep

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    More like a 2 pack, but someday......
  13. princess_n_thep

    I need all of your thoughts on this...

    You have waited this long, why not wait a little bit longer to see if you don't have to fork out all the moolah. Put the money into an interest account and make a few bucks on it while you wait. Mexico will always be an option for you. GOOD LUCK!
  14. princess_n_thep

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Here is a picture of almost 1 year post op (11 months). If someone is bored, they can take all my pictures on this thread and post them so you can see them all side by side.
  15. princess_n_thep

    Two Dogs dumped at my house...

    Okay, I have to share my puppy dog too. His birthday is sometime around now. We don't know what his birthday is because I found him in the wash in the town I work in while I was patroling. Here is the story as I know of it: Someone dumped him off from the highway in the desert because the entire litter started being found within the next few days. He was the first, and only one, I actually came across. Other officers and citizens found the rest. Thank goodness I didn't have to find any of the ones that didn't make it or were caught by the coyotes. I saw the others though and they are definitely the same litter. A box with some blankets were found with one that didn't ever leave the box (and didn't make it unfortunately). I found Bettis (named after Jerome Bettis, Pitts Steelers) wandering in the wash of the desert last May around dawn all by himself. I found him at around age 8 weeks old. When I walked up to him, he sat down in a perfect sit, raised his head, and seemed to smile sweetly while gently moving his tail in happiness. Although he was cold, hungry, dirty, and the sweetest damn puppy I had ever seen and had a great temperment. I had to go on a call before taking him to the pound so we got to spend some time together. He hooked me within 30 minutes and he was then mine (or I was his anyway). He has been an awesome addition to our family and has SO much personality. Sooooooooo, we are now celebrating his FIRST birthday. We are guessing his litter birth was around the end of Feb or beg of March according to the vet and the rest of the litter. He is a German Shephard/Rottweiler mix breed.
  16. princess_n_thep

    Pen Pal Set Up

    I have 1 dog. It is decorating (as in interior design) not decorations (as in Christmas/novelty/etc). Also travel is a HUGE part of my life. And not just "bears" but wilderness type bears (black bears, brown bears, etc). NOT teddy bears. And whoever gets me has to know that I am definitely quirky. Hence my above explanations. :welldone2:
  17. princess_n_thep

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    Bumping for the newbies to board to share their stories.....
  18. princess_n_thep

    Two Dogs dumped at my house...

    I don't mean to sound greedy, but I want more pictures. Geez, I am obsessed with this thread. More more more.
  19. princess_n_thep

    Pen-pal anyone????

    I vote for option C (but whatever is easiest is best) I think that the international penpals might want to stay with someone closer to them for price on postage and stuff. I also think there needs to be a BIG disclaimer that people should really think about the committment they are making. As seen in some of the secret gift exchanges, some people have dropped the ball. I think that someone should be ABSOLUTELY sure they want to dedicate themselves to this type of program before they sign up.
  20. princess_n_thep


    So did it hurt? Compared to the feeling of getting a fill maybe? How long does it last? $450 for just a few months seems pricey to me. I am with you vines on the injecting poison into my body and that makes me nervous, but then again..... I plan to be like the bionic woman by the time I am done. Pamela Anderson moooooooooove over!
  21. princess_n_thep


    I have been a watcher for this new "miracle" treatment for fine lines and wrinkles. I was hoping that it was going to get a bit cheaper too. I want it, badly for eye lines when I smile. Call me cautious but when silicone breasts first came out as the greatest latest thing, everyone ran to get them and they were poison. So now, I listen and wait, like a cat, waiting to pounce. So my question is... can I pounce yet? Anyone do it and want to admit it? Are/Were you happy with it? About what did you pay for it? Any side effects?
  22. princess_n_thep

    Which Icon Describes You....Today

    :flypig: This would be me today. I would have chosen frustrated but I thought this describes it better. I have been at a plateau in weight loss for about 2 months now. So I feel like I will lose the rest of this weight WHEN PIGS FLY!!!!
  23. princess_n_thep

    Turkey Neck?

    1) Anyone else getting this turkey neck? No thank goodness, but my mom has it from her extreme weight loss. 2) how do you feel about it? I don't like it. 3) have you heard of any ways other than a face lift to fix it? Nope, other than firming creams make it seem better. 4) how noticeable do you think it is to others, and how aesthetically awful do you think it is? I think it is very noticable in collared shirts somehow. If you really want to know my opinion (and I am known for being blunt), yes, I think it is gross. 5) any feedback, insights, advice, commiseration? My mom does some expensive firming cream and said that has helped. I will ask her what she uses. Don't pull, tug, or otherwise gobble while shaking your head.
  24. princess_n_thep

    Two Dogs dumped at my house...

    Oh geeeeeeeeeeeeez, now I want these dogs! Where do you live again? Hmmmmmm, can I be there by morning?
  25. princess_n_thep

    What Are Slimes?

    Slime and PB go hand in hand for me. There isn't really a "burp" to the PB for me. Just a hacking and gagging with the big ole' golfball stuck in my lower esophagus! FORE!!!!!!!!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
