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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    Help me win!

    yep, i did it too!
  2. princess_n_thep

    Damn office Birthdays!!

    LMAO, anyone see that Seinfeld episode????
  3. princess_n_thep

    Would sneezing casue slippage??

    I would think not. I know I sneezed once post op and ouchhhhhh! Vomiting on the other hand can be bad news!!
  4. princess_n_thep

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    Okay that's it... I am adding StrawartS to my favorite poster list.
  5. princess_n_thep

    Back Pain

    I have constant lower back pain. My doc said it is probably from losing the weight so fast and my back is trying to catch up but the muscles aren't strong enough. He said heat and light stretches are needed. A friend of mine recommended that I get a heated mattress pad. I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond. Kind of expensive but ohhhhhhhh so worth it!!!
  6. princess_n_thep

    New & getting banded in 8 days

    Wow, Athens Greece!!! What a beautiful place! Welcome to LBT. I hope you find a lot of information as you travel into your weight loss journey.
  7. princess_n_thep

    Clothes in your closet

    I used to be a "size all around" in the closet clothes keeper. Then I was banded. I now will only keep up to two sizes up (for those bloated time of month days!). I also ebay my clothes. It is much better to just throw the whole thing on one listing for me though and sell it as a big lot. Sure beats selling them for a quarter at a garage sale when I spent so much money on them!!!
  8. princess_n_thep

    Ever present chocolate

    peanut M&M's is my evil desire. I have to have them. I have been doing good about not eating or grazing on them too much but I do have to be able to have them in the house. The only thing I hate is that my DH eats them too darn fast!!! Gotta run, got something really important to do..... ((digging through Tricia K's garbage to get the choc/pbutter))
  9. princess_n_thep

    Drinking While Eating?

    I am also a "food on the go" type girl. Lately I have been doing the grocery store option rather than the fast food places. Going in and getting some good fruit or even some deli shaved turkey does wonders!!! Something I do after a meal is to suck on a piece of candy. Usually that helps me. And Kat is absolutely right, drink a TON of Water between meals. It not only keeps you hydrated but will curb your appetite too.
  10. princess_n_thep

    What did I do?

    I am hoping that by morning when you check this, the elephant has moved on!!! I know I did the same thing when making my family dinner and I was 2 1/2 weeks banded. POP, went that tater tot! Then, OOPS! It will pass I am sure, just probably irritated you a bit. Try doing warm liquids for awhile and see if that helps. The cold liquids can make you a bit hard to get down type of feeling some say. By the way, welcome to bandland!
  11. princess_n_thep

    PB? Worse Experience of My Life!!!

    I have been posting on this board for over a year now. I must say that I have NEVER, EVER been as entertained by a thread as this story. That being said, I have also been a bit pissed about the troubles over the band. The finickly little bracelet around my tummy telling me what it does and does not like based on the whim of its mood. The long streams of slime, the kind that stick to your finger when you try and get it off your lips that strains all the way to the toilet and you somehow feel tainted, must be experienced in order to understand it. There is no way anyone can explain it in true form. I have no scientific answer for you. I have no words of wisdom. But the band is there now, and now we deal with it. ((smiling sheepishly)) welcome to bandland????
  12. princess_n_thep

    do I have enough restriction or not?

    Sounds like a plan to me. Are you exercising enough? When you said you were going to try to diet, what does that mean? Aren't you making healthy choices now?
  13. Fat, skinny, bulemic, healthy. I do it good anyway, always have!! It is an "art". So he can just kiss my thinning ass!!
  14. princess_n_thep

    scars and tanning

    I say embrace them as your battle wounds!!! So what if you have a little bit of scarring!!! To hell with anyone that minds them too! Man, I am really on a self empowering kick today!!!
  15. I just want to say that I think this is a great thread. It pulls us together in experience and lets us reflect on our blessings and fortune now being banded and less afraid. We are who we are because of the experiences and life we have lived and I for one am thankful for that. The things that happened to us today or yesterday, shape who we are for tomorrow. I hope that many of us can become stronger from sharing our stories and experiences and rise above it and use it to propel us further into our healthy future. I know I am not always the most serious one on this board, but I really mean this. Thank you Chameleon for starting this thread again. ((starts to walk away singing Pat Benatar's Invicible))
  16. princess_n_thep

    When did it really hit you?

    The morning of surgery putting those compression stockings on. I was alone wrangling the panty hose torture devices and I just burst into tears. I was so out of breath from trying to get the stockings on and having to take deep breaths to try and bend over again. It was horrible. So as I sat there overlooking the gorgeous view I had from the huge window, I just let the tears fall. I had the huffing, the blubbering, the runny nose, the watery mouth, the tears falling on the ground after they were rolling down my cheeks. I just couldn't believe that I had ever allowed myself to get to that moment in time. I felt like a failure, I was nervous, I felt fat, I felt misreble...... When I went into the surgery room, I was a mess....The anestesioligist said he would go ahead and fix my make up running down my face while I was asleep. And he did! No black marks down my face when I woke up! And I felt changed..... I was on my way to a new me.
  17. princess_n_thep

    News 2 Lapband video

    Either that, or I am a bit loopy myself I think!! I think that I am drawn to the Behavior and Emotionally challenged simply because from my substituting in classes, student teaching, and practicums it always seem like they gravitate towards me for support and seem to do really well. I hadn't really ever thought about it until after the third teacher commented on it and it got me thinking. I don't know why, and please don't take this the wrong way, but students with severe disabilities make me very nervous and anxious. I guess I am just afraid that they are delicate and I would hurt them, kinda like butterflies is how I think of it. Plus, it frustrates me that I can't see any understanding sometimes. And it makes me sad at the same time. The real special teachers in my eyes are the ones that work in the severe MR or self contained HC rooms. I don't know how they do it day after day, year after year. For me, those rooms are emotionally and physically draining after each day. For the BD and ED kids, there is nothing that they can do that I haven't already seen or done, so bring it on! So this summer will definitely be a challenge. I still have yet to hear about my spot open. I hope I don't have to wait until next year.
  18. princess_n_thep

    I think my band slipped *prayers please*

    Hope all goes well! Good luck, that 3 days definitely does not sound like a good time! Wow, a 3 day long PB. I think that would be the record!!!
  19. princess_n_thep

    News 2 Lapband video

    Ahhh, thanks. I just finished a class on exceptional children and special needs. Very enlightening. I will eventually be teaching 6-8th grade emotionally disabled when I complete my certification next year. I am going to be doing a self-study over the summer at a camp for special needs. Each week is dedicated to a different group of needs. To be honest, I am so nervous about it but at the same time excited at the challenge and experience. I just am nervous that parents are entrusting me with those children and I am afraid if something were to happen to them. I am going to be a wreck worry-wort all summer long.
  20. princess_n_thep

    News 2 Lapband video

    Okay, if no one else is gonna ask, I will.... Why were you watching the autistic basketball player?
  21. princess_n_thep

    LapBand Talk is Boring W/O Delarla

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ((cough cough)) good she is back. Whewwwww, that was a long scream!
  22. princess_n_thep

    Is this what restriction feels like?

    Not restriction, but just healing. What your going through sounds typical for what I did as well. Don't use a straw for drinking to eliminate air. PAT PAT PAT... "It'll be okay".
  23. princess_n_thep

    LapBand Talk is Boring W/O Delarla

  24. princess_n_thep

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    Oh my gosh! Thanks!!! I know that some of you don't agree, but I don't really see a "fat" difference. I don't see much of a difference in look or size since the first picture. Other than my tummy isn't as "round". Thanks Janet for doing this!!!
  25. Who didn't fall off the post op wagon at least once? No worries, just get back on the next wagon that comes along and try to hold on!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
