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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    pouch packing

    This question is like...Tell me how to use crack. Tell me how it makes you feel. OF COURSE you don't want to know. If you are stuffing food down and eating "around" the band, then you are pouch packing. Simply a no no. Bad bad bad and it will get you nowhere fast.
  2. princess_n_thep

    Can somone go over the unwritten "rules" of the band

    I think a lot of docs are different, but here is what I TRY (read as strive/hope) to do... Eat hard solid Protein first (don't graze over the meal with altenating bites)... then veggies, then fruits, then carbs... No drinking carbonation liquids at all, ever again. No drinking liquids 30 minutes prior, during, and after meals. Make healthy low fat, low carb choices for dinner. Eat on a smaller plate, take more when you need it. Don't ever swallow gum. EXERCISE!! At least 3-5 times a week for cardio/health 30 minutes a session. Don't force food down because you want it rather than you need it. When you PB, DON'T drink and don't promote gagging and throwing up, if it happens let it. Try to walk and concentrate on breathing. Do not lay down within 30 minutes of eating a full meal. When needing a snack, choose healthier Snacks such as a yogurt rather than a snickers bar. Stay away from empty calories and high sugar... (i.e. kool aid, etc) Don't make yourself crazy with trying to be overfilled and starve yourself... remember that the band is a TOOL and it is meant to be a slower loss with a bit more self control to portion and choices. When you have trouble staying on the weight loss wagon, come here and post because you will get amazing support.
  3. princess_n_thep

    Snoring - help!

    My DH uses Flonase and sea misting spray for his nose just before bedtime. It worked the first night! For the first few weeks it gave him a sore and raw throat, but after that, he felt fine. Now it isn't really that bad. Just a few grunts once in awhile or just before waking when it starts to wear off but no where near what it used to be.
  4. princess_n_thep

    Post-op menstruation question for women

    I have noticed that my periods are MUCH heavier than pre band. You also need to remember that the sudden drop in calories and weight loss can mess up your period any time in the first year. I would suggest using some type of additional contraceptive if that is an option for you. Something as simple as a condomn, the foam, or female diaphram if you are against other forms. Many people say that the band is a "baby band" meaning that is "attracts" pregnancy. Actually, the weight loss and the stress on your menstration attracts the liklihood of conception. So be careful if you are not using any additional contraceptions and do not wish to be pregnant. Although, I assume that if you are using NFP that you would be happy with any outcome, pregnancy or not and would be accepting of either option.
  5. princess_n_thep

    Experience with Tijuana Fills

    Avoid Saturday late afternoons, and weekdays during normal "rush hour" times 7am-9am and 4pm-6pm
  6. princess_n_thep

    FYI - I'm RNY not Lap Band

    I think it is great that you are here and posting. It is nice to get another perspective from another WLS. I hope you definitely stay around and give us some insight into the RNY procedures. Many people here are researching all their options and your opinions and experiences will help out!
  7. princess_n_thep

    Need support and advice

    I am on the same wagon. How do we get off? I have had 2 months on a plateau. I am not eating a lot though. I think I am actually "under" eating the band. I have left shoulder pain too, sometimes pretty severe. I went to the orthopedic doctor and he said it was due to the rapid weight loss and the muscle and tendons not keeping up. He recommended muscle relaxers, tylenol, and $500 worth of therapy of stretching and isometrics. It hurts mainly in the evenings and when I go to bed. No pain usually in the mornings and afternoons. He said that eventually the strength will come back and I will be doing better. I am still waiting.....
  8. princess_n_thep

    How long did you do *just* liquids??

    My official bandster answer is 3 weeks. My official normal person that has to live without her belly aching is 2 weeks.
  9. princess_n_thep

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    I agree with the suggestion above?!?!?!?!
  10. princess_n_thep

    Stainless Steel Sink advice needed......

    I am all over the de clutter thing. I have taken down all the personal family pictures, putting away all the knick knack crap (i hate that stuff anyways). I am having a garage sale from now until the house gets listed (May 1) every Saturday. I am getting rid of A LOT of stuff. I have been buying and flipping houses for almost 15 years now. Made some damn good money doing it. I just get stressed for the 8 weeks it takes to really make it staged and show properly. And I detest painting, hurts my back. Last night was our bedroom. A beautiful open colonial buttercream yellow. Very elegant and fresh looking. My husband thinks I am nuts, but when we get about 20k more for my efforts he will understand. He thought I was nuts on the last house I flipped and I made us an extra 15k in listing by putting in about $5k worth of carpet and paint. I will get a cleaning lady during selling the house while showing. She comes twice a week (monday and Fridays). It is a bit pricey but so worth it when selling while living in it.
  11. I quit 2 weeks before banding. Then started again around two weeks after banding. ((sigh)) every few months I give it another try. I still am doing well now over a year with only 5-10 cigarrettes a day so I am happy about that.
  12. princess_n_thep

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    lol clever!!! ^^^^^^^^^^
  13. princess_n_thep

    Stainless Steel Sink advice needed......

    You gals (and guys) are awesome. I am doing some serious clean up around this house on my days off and some of these ideas are REALLY handy. I had a gal at wal mart tell me to put a fabric softener sheet under the trash bag in the garbage can. P.S. I love my magic erasers. I just wish they lasted longer.
  14. princess_n_thep

    Modified Protien Train

    I read that she has a date. I think that means a "romantic" date (dinner, dancing, movies, etc)
  15. princess_n_thep

    Stainless Steel Sink advice needed......

    wow, did you read my mind about the shower doors or what? I don't know if it is "hard water" though. I just think it is soap scummy. But who knows, maybe hard water???
  16. princess_n_thep

    Stainless Steel Sink advice needed......

    ((sigh)) I just think the sink is doomed. I tried the baking soda, flour, buffing, baby oil thing.... Although it is shiny, it is still all old looking. And it is only 2 years old. I have some of the Barkeepers (in the garage, never used lol), I think I will venture that tomorrow. I am selling this house in 2 months and I am trying to make everything look fantastic. Painting, cleaning grout, etc etc.... By the way, anyone have a good idea for taking the soap film off of the shower glass doors? I have scrubbed my fingers raw and although it looks good when it is rinsed, it comes back when it dries!!! I am furious with it!!!
  17. princess_n_thep

    What to do....what to do....

    My whimsical money is no object answer: You live once. And no one knows when their "number" is up. You can't take the money with you when you depart. I say... if you have the money, spend it. If you want to spend it on the surgery, then do it. Or better yet, think of it as "investing" the money. You are investing in your health and happiness! Are the payments that the surgeon accepts interest free? If not, what is the interest? Does that include all aftercare (fills, follow up, problems). And would that include removal if needed? Would the national care system include all of that? If I may be nosey.... How do you carry your weight? Is it evenly distributed (ie big all over) or is it localized (ie large round belly?, pear shaped?). If you carry it "all over" then the chances of you needing the plastic surgery as a dire need are slim. I think we all "want" to be fixed up nice and clean, myself included, but do I NEEEEEED plastics? Nope. I have seen a picture of you on your blog and you really don't look that heavy for sure. Plus, you are young and may have a heck of a lot of elasticity left. Through good toning exercises you may be just fine. My tight wad answer: That is a crap load of money that could be spent on other things!! You have been overweight this long, why not just concentrate on maintaining your weight. You can even spend that time doing even more research and be even more prepared than you already are right now. You may even decide later that you want to go another route. Plus, others may be doing the same thing and your wait could be a lot shorter. I would think that when most people give out a "waiting time" like at a restaraunt, they estimate high so that people do not begin to be upset at taking longer. You could use that money for that dream vacation when you have lost most of your weight and wearing that 2 piece!! I know it is hard to picture the bikini, but it WILL happen!! How long did the girl you know wait?? When did she have hers done? Are you already on the list now? Geez, I wasn't much help I guess. All that, and I still don't know what I would do if I were in your shoes. But I think I would lean more towards waiting for it.
  18. princess_n_thep

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    Bumping for others to share and write about their names......:eek: I love this thread!
  19. princess_n_thep

    Band Removal...And now it's VG time!

    Please come back and post and let us know how you are doing!!! And I hope you will stay on the board and post as to how you progess! Good luck and heal quickly!!!!
  20. princess_n_thep

    Stainless Steel Sink advice needed......

    Now that I am thinking of it.... anyone else have any ideas for housekeeping for common areas of problems???? I use Coke to clean my toilets and works great!!! Ice cubes and lemon wedges clean my garbage disposal and keep my blades sharp.
  21. princess_n_thep

    Stainless Steel Sink advice needed......

    Okay, I thought I would search a little on the net too. Some say to scrub baking soda into it then rinse and dry, then buff flour onto it, rinse then dry, then rub a thin baby oil coating over it. Geez, this seems like a lot of work to get it to look nice. I wish I would have sprung for the expensive porcelin sink 2 years ago!!!
  22. princess_n_thep

    Lap Band Passport?

    Sometimes it will go off on me, sometimes it won't.... I think my port is as finicky as the band is!
  23. princess_n_thep

    Menstruating on Surgery Day?

    I was allowed to plug it. No issues, and I was on the tail end of my period.
  24. princess_n_thep

    Leaving Lurkville!

    Wow, thats a long time to lurk!! You are patient!! I would have never been able to lurk that long. I lasted about 2 months and then i was hooked! Welcome to the crazy world of online band friends!
  25. princess_n_thep

    Post Op question

    Malt o Meal is yummy but FULL OF FAT GRAMS!!!! I say, find a substitute.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
