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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by princess_n_thep

  1. princess_n_thep

    Long Winter of Discouragement!

    Have you all ever head of SAD Disorder ? My father has it. It is one of the major reasons that we all moved to Arizona from Illinois. http://www.sada.org.uk/ Seasonal Affective Disorder What is Seasonal Affective Disorder? Some people suffer from symptoms of depression during the winter months, with symptoms subsiding during the spring and summer months. This may be a sign of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a mood disorder associated with depression episodes and related to seasonal variations of light. fact sheet index SAD was first noted before 1845, but was not officially named until the early 1980’s. As sunlight has affected the seasonal activities of animals (i.e., reproductive cycles and hibernation), SAD may be an effect of this seasonal light variation in humans. As seasons change, there is a shift in our “biological internal clocks” or circadian rhythm, due partly to these changes in sunlight patterns. This can cause our biological clocks to be out of “step” with our daily schedules. The most difficult months for SAD sufferers are January and February, and younger persons and women are at higher risk. Symptoms Include: regularly occurring symptoms of depression (excessive eating and sleeping, weight gain) during the fall or winter months. full remission from depression occur in the spring and summer months. symptoms have occurred in the past two years, with no nonseasonal depression episodes. seasonal episodes substantially outnumber nonseasonal depression episodes. a craving for sugary and/or starchy foods. Possible Cause of this Disorder Melatonin, a sleep-related hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain, has been linked to SAD. This hormone, which may cause symptoms of depression, is produced at increased levels in the dark. Therefore, when the days are shorter and darker the production of this hormone increases. Treatments Phototherapy or bright light therapy has been shown to suppress the brain’s secretion of melatonin. Although, there have been no research findings to definitely link this therapy with an antidepressant effect, many people respond to this treatment. The device most often used today is a bank of white fluorescent lights on a metal reflector and shield with a plastic screen. For mild symptoms, spending time outdoors during the day or arranging homes and workplaces to receive more sunlight may be helpful. One study found that an hour’s walk in winter sunlight was as effective as two and a half hours under bright artificial light. If phototherapy doesn’t work, an antidepressant drug may prove effective in reducing or eliminating SAD symptoms, but there may be unwanted side effects to consider. Discuss your symptoms thoroughly with your family doctor and/or mental health professional.
  2. princess_n_thep

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    Oh damn Mary, now I have to buy these shoes!!!! Grrrrrrr, why you have to go and show me these?
  3. princess_n_thep

    Would paying for someone else's band be offensive?

    Write your idea/feelings down in a journal. Then give her the journal. I say journal because I am guessing it will be many pages of you pouring out your heart and soul of how you feel, why you want this for her, etc etc. Then give it to her, sit quietly while she reads it, then end it all with a mom/daughter hug. I bet by the time it is done, you will both be crying, hugging and all on the same page (no pun intended). Plus, she can keep the journal and continue writing in it for her own journey. You can even have an envelope with a cashiers check for the money taped in the back. I think it would be sweet, easy to get your words across without interruption or excuses, etc. If she truly does not want the surgery, then she will say so. There is no pressure in writing down your feelings. There IS pressure when dealing face to face in a conversation or debate. This way, the conversation is straight forward and uninterrupted. She will have all of the information to "respond" to you. Just my idea....
  4. princess_n_thep

    I just want to be filled

    Geez, that really sucks. I was really starving and ate like a horse too before my first fill. I just tried to "diet" and be good. I really would have been pissed though had they rescheduled. If it makes you feel any better, I am eating big too right now and I need a fill, but I am just too damn busy to go right now. Plus, the money thing (self pay too). So right now I am just concentrating on maintaining like I have been. Plus, I have to admit that I am somewhat enjoying being able to eat again and not doing the small bite, chew chew chew, swallow and pray method.
  5. princess_n_thep

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    WOOOOOOOOOOT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT, geez I am SO on the ball! I went right out TODAY and got my gift. I really like who I got too and I think I did good on the buying. I can't believe I am so prompt though. Maybe he/she will be the first to get theirs! I am holding off on mailing it for a few days though. Don't want it to be too early.
  6. princess_n_thep

    My endoscopy results

    ((doin' the booty shakin' dance for no erosion)) Womp womp, shake shake shake, wiggle wiggle wiggle, jiggle jiggle jiggle!
  7. princess_n_thep

    Erosion: Our OWN Statistics.

    Okay, I am irritated. We have over 6,400 members on this forum. We have had 109 people come forth with simple data. Why is it so hard to share this information for a good purpose??? All it takes is a few minutes. No explaining, just the facts. And if you didn't want to post, then just PM it. Please.
  8. princess_n_thep

    the new Fill centers

    Someone had posted information about the fill center. I couldn't find the post again so I am starting a new one. I checked it out a bit and this is the response I got, thought I would share it with you....... Hi Jenna, Glad you wrote it's always good to hear from patients and get there feelings and feedback. Anyway we are not open to the public yet. We will be opening in late September with 90-100 Centers through out the US. We're not sure where these locations will be yet (I do believe that we will have one in the Phoenix area). But keep checking back to our website www.fillcentersusa.com as it will be updated closer to time. We will be offering a web based database so that any of our providers that you go to after visiting our center will have access to your information. For example if your on vacation in Florida and have an emergency you can visit our nearest center and receive care and they will have all your records, history, allergies etc..! You will also be able to track your weight loss, exercise, food nutrient intake and many other things via our database and communicate this with your aftercare provider via a message center within the database. And we will be offering monthly payment plans ex. 1 year programs including fills and monthly consultations that has been proven successful for excess weight loss after lap band surgery in actual practices. And for those that just want a fill, those will be starting at just $100. Again thank you for your inquiry, if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to email or give me a call! Out of country patients are welcome to join. Hope to help you in the near future, JR Stratton CFO/Business Manager Fill Centers USA 866-345-5872 ext. 11 www.fillcentersusa.com jr@fillcentersusa.com
  9. princess_n_thep

    Insomnia and Lunesta

    Well I did go to the doctor yesterday and he has prescibed me the Lunesta. I went to go fill the prescription and even WITH my insurance it is $50!!!! That is only for a month's supply. I know the doctor said I didn't have to take it every night, and that the 30 pills should last about 3-4 months but geeeeeeeeez. I am going to fill the prescription today.
  10. princess_n_thep

    Update :: bigbellykellie is out of surgery

    Joining in on the get well hugs!!!! Bikini here you come Kellie!!!
  11. For the love of all that is without hunger, start some mushies.
  12. princess_n_thep

    Gatric Balloon anybody???

    And I have a friend who did the balloon about a year ago. The balloon ruptured and the "dye" showed up to tell her it was popped. But the actual holding of the dye part, the "balloon", got stuck in the intestines. She had to have surgery for it to be removed. She only had the damn thing for about 2 months. Waste of money in my opinion. Have another friend who thought seriously about it. Did her research, Then decided against it. She is doing the weight loss on her own and last I heard doing well.
  13. princess_n_thep

    Beware Of The Ides Of March.

    OMG, I did the same thing! My son was born on March 19th but I was in light labor starting on the dreaded IDES!
  14. princess_n_thep

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    For different holidays we have a secret friend and we have one person compile a list of names and addresses and buddies up different people. For Christmas, secret santa. For Valentines day, secret cupid. For Easter, Secret bunny... etc etc. She doesn't know it yet, but I am going to lobby for her to do the 4th of July "secret Uncle Sam" lol. Anyways, we send a gift (around $10-$20 including postage AND delivery confirmation) to our secret person. There is a deadline to send your gift so that they get it before the holiday. We tell them who we are in the gift (a card, a note, etc). Then we have a Thank you thread for those who want to appreciate their secret friend and announce who they were. Some people take pictures and post them of their gift. At the end, the "master list keeper" usually posts a full list of who had who. The deadline is today to get involved. Otherwise you will have to wait while I whine, moan and complain and someone takes on the challenge of putting together a list. :hat: Did I leave anything out?
  15. princess_n_thep

    Ridiculous thing we?ve believed

    When I was about 7'ish my mom had a Twix candy bar in the car. I went to eat it but she wanted it and told me it was her "poopy" medicine. It was good tasting but would make you have the "runs" all day long. And to not eat it unless I was "stopped up". I didn't eat a damn Twix bar until I was about 19. And I had no idea why it was in the candy aisle. I never bothered to read the package. I just knew it was chocolate that made you poop. My mom was ROFL when I called her and told her I knew the jig was up when I recommended a Twix bar to a friend who felt "stopped up". I felt like a total ass! And she still laughs about it.
  16. princess_n_thep

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    I vote for this thread to be a sticky. Every time someone joins, I look. I love the positive in this thread. So much negative these days it seems. I love that there is a list I can see of what CAN happen.
  17. Here are my stats, but then again, I am much taller than most of you. More to spread around I guess.
  18. princess_n_thep

    breast reduction questions

    I agree, wow. Some of them looked like they were "relieved" of the extremely large hanging breasts, but some of the afters looked absolutely FRIGHTENING! I couldn't imagine. I was a 42DD before banding and I am a 38 large C/Small D now. I still say wait and see when you are close to goal.
  19. princess_n_thep

    Affects of Flying with Lap Band?

    I usually just graze off of the floor if I could. Most people don't even notice me with all the bags they have crammed under the seats.
  20. princess_n_thep

    Affects of Flying with Lap Band?

    Anything longer than 2 hours and I start getting nausea from swallowing spit. I am DEFINITELY tighter on the plane. Peanuts and drink? FORGET IT! I make sure I am completely hydrated before getting on it.
  21. princess_n_thep

    What do you freeze your meals in??

    Ugh, I have a food sucker thing. I wrestled that damn food sucker thing for months. Now it is sitting in the cabinet and untouched for 2 years now. Goes in the garage sale next week. Maybe ebay. It just doesn't suck and seal right. Damn thing.
  22. Yeppers they can. It can also be considered a DUI (Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol).
  23. princess_n_thep

    Low Rise Jeans and Thong Panties

    I just thought this was funny.....
  24. princess_n_thep

    pix from hubble slide show

    NICE! I sent it to DH (the Science teacher) and he is going to show it to his Earth Science class. He says "thanks!"
  25. princess_n_thep

    What do you freeze your meals in??

    Tupperware and Pampered Chef are my favorite friends!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
