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About milton5a

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 04/01/1986

About Me

  • Biography
    This time next year I'll be skinny !!
  • Interests
    diets LOL
  • City
    Northampton UK
  1. Happy 27th Birthday milton5a!

  2. Happy 26th Birthday milton5a!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary milton5a!

  4. milton5a

    Chew and Spit

    I am 1 week and 2 days post op and I have lost half a stone which is excellent, the weight loss is obviously slowing down now and most of the pound loss is from Fluid however I have developed a very strange new habbit. Third day post op I was so down, depressed and angry all at once. I knew exactly why I was feeling like this, my personality completly changes when I can't eat food or the bad food I like - does anyone else get this?? It was to the point where I was literally curled up in a ball not wanting to go on - crazy I know. Food to me is like a drug I need it and I'm not sure I had mentally prepared myself for the weeks of deprivation you had to endure after the band procedure. It was all explained to me professionally but it just didn't sink in. Anyway so I started off eating ice cream - lovely made me feel better. Then I went onto high calorie youghurt - ummmm nice. Well I got bored of the slipery texture and I WANTED my food back so what did I do? Well I ate what I wanted and then spat it out. Since I have been chewing and spitting or CS as they call it I have felt normal and not deprived, I've made sure nothing goes down my throat so it will not cause complications with my healing stomach / band. I think it mentally tells my brain here you go here's your food but don't swallow it otherwise it may harm you. I'm sure this behaviour will stop as soon as I can eat normally again, but for the time being this is how I am coping. Some people say it's an eating disorder but I had one of those before the band - binge eating so chew and spit to me is like wearing nicotine patches!! p.s. I am not advocating eating disorders at all, I'm just sharing my band experinces. Kindest Lauren
  5. milton5a

    pre-op diet woes please read

    Hi, the pre-opt diet was what made me cancel the operation the first time around. BUT I spoke to my new surgeon at length about the pre-opt diet and he told me just to do the best you can - and to be honest that is all we can do. If we could stick to a liquid diet 'properly' we wouldn't be considering surgery in the first place!! When I first researched about the band I thought to myself how the hell can they expect a person with dieting and weight issues to go on a complete liquid diet for 2 weeks - mental!! I understand why now but I can honestly say I didn't sucessfully complete my pre-operation liquid phase correctly and three days before surgery I gorged on a gorgeous sandwich as my blood sugar was so low because I was running around London like a lunni for meetings etc... I somethimes think that the people who make 'the rules' for the band forget that people still need to run their lives and operate correctly because of families and work responsibilities so I personally always think there is slight leeway on the rules. It's all down to personal experience, I found the liquid before and after the opp very difficult because well I love food and hate the feeling low blood sugar gives you ... but that's just me. Don't beat yourself up about it just relax and remind yourself that you are doing the best you can. Best of luck, Lauren
  6. milton5a

    coughing post op

    I had a cough, well flem on my chest but everyone told me this was normal sometimes side affect of the GA. Anyway I was perscribed Anti-biotics and it's getting much better. Coughing was slightly painful but it's getting better Good luck :leaving:
  7. I'm a bit upset about this but I just wanted to get it off my chest. The day before surgery I came on my period, which was great LOL. Anyway the surgery went fine (on Thurs) but yesterday and today I have had an almighty need for sugar - I think this could be to do with my period etc.. so I had some ice cream (it was soft and slightly melted) but I feel like I've let myself down. I have stuck to liquids apart from the ice cream, it just felt like my body needed it, anyway after I ate it I felt fine. Is this what they call banster hell? Where you can eat soft high calorie foods? Has anyone else had this prob? Kindest
  8. milton5a

    What is this?

    Thank God for this post, I was so put off by the negative 'complications' section that I cancelled the operation that was due in Jan of this year. However with some good expert advice I decided to go for it and I got banded on Thursday. I'm so excited and I really think positive posts help all us bansters so much!
  9. milton5a


    Hi I had my surgery on Thursday 15th and apart from some soreness where the keyhole insicions are I am feeling quite well. Everyone I think has different experiences with their surgery and the lapband but I certainly did not have any trouble swallowing my saliva. In fact on Saturday I started drinking Slimfast (A UK liquid meal substitute) and today I had a youghurt! I was petrified about the surgery and I have suffered with aniexty and panic attacks since I was 16 (now 22) but it was something I belived would benefit me in the long run - so I went for it!
  10. Hi Everyone, Has anyone had the easy band fitted with Healthier Weight centres? Or has anyone had the band done with Healtheir Weight? I am considering the easy band!!!
  11. Hi Everyone, hope you are all ok. I just thought I'd give you an update > 1. I cancelled the band operation on 29th Jan (thought i knew better) 2. Started a 'NEW DIET' 3. Lost 11 pounds 4. Have been binge eating for the last three weeks. 5. Have put back on some of the weight 6. Very depressed and angry at myself 7. I've re-decided to get the band done I HATE diets I think they should be banned they make you feel terrible and most of the time you always fail, leaving you more depressed than when you started out. I really think kids should be taught NOT TO DIET at school, and I think you'll agree that dieting is just a word that describes the fat depressed angry and endless state you're in (well done anyone who has completed a diet and kept the weight off without taking drugs that mess up your body and your mind) Gosh that was very negative!! Oh well I've had it with all the diet crap and I've decided that the lapband is the ONLY way forward. At least with the lapband I will be able to loose weight safely and I won't be able to yo-yo or take lethal slimming pills that make you go crazy. I am very scared about the operation but I am even more frightened about my life being wasted in my fat state. Anyway so getting back to the title of this thread, I can't understand why people hate the idea of the band? My friends and family are genuinley against the whole procedure and most of these people are bigger than me!!! I suppose they are just not educated enough on the band, I really think that the band is a good idea but I'm lacking so much support from people closest to me - including my mum These are the people that will half starve themselves and take speed like diet pills to get through the day. I think I am just going to have to bite my lip and go it alone. Anyway this site is excellent and if anyone wants a chat just send me a message. Lauren xxxx
  12. It has taken me 2 weeks of proper thought to come to the conclusion that I just don't have enough confidence to go through with the operation. I cancelled the pre-op today and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from me. I would like to praise all the ladies/men that have gone through with the operation and have achieved excellent results! However I have found something else that seems to be working for me. I read Paul McKenna's I can make you thin. It is very helpful because it doesn't tell you what to eat etc... It's all about the brain and your eating. Well I am very happy and I can't wait to weigh myself in 2 weeks time. Anyway I wish you all the best. Peace & Love Lauren x
  13. I have been fat nearly all my life and the one thing that annoys me most (apart from my size 20 (UK) clothes) are the people who discriminate against 'big' people. I read in a newspaper article a while back that 'big' people are far less likely to get a job if they are up against a 'normal sized' person. ETC ETC.... I have seen first hand that when you are big you are treated differently in society, in my opinion we are sometimes seen as being intelectually slower than 'normal sized' people or sometimes we can be seen as being lazy etc.. I believe that society should not be allowed to discriminate against obese people just as you are not allowed to be racist or discrimitive against people's age, sex etc.. Over here in the UK there are some NHS hospitals that will not give some treatments to obese people because they are obese!! It is disgusting. My mother needed an urgent scan and she was in an NHS hospital for 1 week. The nurse asked my Mum how much she weighed, soon after this each day the scan was cancelled (without explanation) I believe it was because my mother was classed as obese. Also people who need hip operations etc.. are being turned down because they are classed as obese (this particular lady was 14 pounds overweight) We need to stop this discrimination now, obesity is a illness that is affecting more and more of us, we should all live in harmony no matter what we are like on the outside. Lauren xx
  14. My dietician told me I would have to open up my 2 x Prozac and let them dissolve in water before I took them. I thought that Prozac was slow release so I am a bit concerned.
  15. I'm sorry to say but today I have completly failed on the pre-op diet. My surgeon wanted me to eat the following daily: Breakfast: None Lunch: 1 x slimfast Dinner: Micro meal e.g. under 500 calories. Fine so I started yesterday it was a struggle but I managed it, today however I was so weak and I had the shakes as well that I have just binged about half an hour ago. I feel fine now I just feel like I've let myself down so much. Thistledo how do you do it???!! It's not for lack of will power, having hardly any food makes me feel very ill. On top of that I was supposed to work, I know I would have fainted in the office LOL. So I've decided that I will start again tomorrow but I will have a small Breakfast just so I can start the day off ok. Therefore I am doing everything they told me to do with just the added addition of breakfast. My BMI is very low so hopefully the fat round my liver aint too big (I cross my fingers as I write LOL) Ok so back onto the positive stuff, all you guys out there that are sticking to it I praise you, you have such strength and are doing excellent!! Lauren x

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