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About becky57

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/06/1957
  1. Happy 56th Birthday becky57!

  2. Happy 55th Birthday becky57!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary becky57!

  4. becky57

    New Member from Texas

    thanks gayle i just talked to his office. the staff was very nice and informative. I will be happy to let them know you referred him. you can let me know your info if like.
  5. becky57

    New Member from Texas

    Thank you sooooooooooo much I was getting worried about my after care. I didn't want to drive to Houston if at all possible. Thanks again!!!
  6. becky57

    New Member from Texas

    hi folks I'm having surgery 6-25-07 Dr. Ortiz in Mexico. Anyone know Doctors in the Dallas area that will do fills for Mexico pts.

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