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Beach Lover

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    Beach Lover reacted to 1Day1Life4Now in I cant get full   
    Sounds like you might be stressed. That's always been a hunger trigger for me. You have got to get yourself in the right mindset. It's not about being full, its about being satisfied. We always want more, that's why we are all going the surgery route. Have you started your Protein shakes yet? Protein satisfies that hunger urge more than anything. Once you have limited yourself on daily calories, it will get easier but you still have to keep reminding yourself that you have to be disciplined so you are physically prepared for the surgery. Being physically ready will minimize any problems. I think you maybe overly nervous about the upcoming surgery and you are looking to food for comfort (yeah, been there) You can do this!! Keep your eye on the prize because March 3 will be here very soon. Imagine how you are going to look and feel at each stage of weight loss and the things you will be able to do. Project yourself into that happy place....thinner and full of energy.
  2. Like
    Beach Lover got a reaction from Indigo1991 in 6-8 bites   
    6-8 bites is pretty average when you first start eating food again. You will find some days you can eat more than others. I am 7 months post op and this still happens with me. I consider it a bonus day when I can have a little more than normal. Nonsleevers would laugh at what we call bonus extra because it really doesn't add up to much but for us it's awesome!
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from Corridor72 in Self image, anger, & resentment   
    I have been married to my husband for 32 years and started dating him when I was 14 years old. Now this man has known me for more of my life than not. He has seen every up and down the scale I have ever done. He has always loved me for who I am irregardless of my size. Size has never stopped him from wanting sex and he has always loved me no matter how big I was. With that said after I started losing weight he stepped up his touchy huggy ways! I took this in a positive way from him. His attention was that of a man that was appreciating the new me and happy for the healthy person that I had become. I don't know your relationship and would never advice you on how to handle your man but based onall the threads I have read on this topic and my own experience I would say he is reacting pretty much the same way most of our men have done. You might have other issues to deal with we don't know but this reaction of his isn't uncommon so hang in there!! Mine actually drove me nuts and I say that with exasperation and a smile because I know I do look better and he was affirming it. Good luck to you and your husband!!
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from Indigo1991 in 6-8 bites   
    6-8 bites is pretty average when you first start eating food again. You will find some days you can eat more than others. I am 7 months post op and this still happens with me. I consider it a bonus day when I can have a little more than normal. Nonsleevers would laugh at what we call bonus extra because it really doesn't add up to much but for us it's awesome!
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    Beach Lover reacted to RJ'S/beginning in I would really like an answer if you know it.................   
    Your awesome and a real trooper on here..I admire your strength!
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    Beach Lover reacted to RJ'S/beginning in I would really like an answer if you know it.................   
    Beach lover you got this.....your doing great kid!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in I would really like an answer if you know it.................   
    I am going to make a cup now and see what it heats up to. I heated it for 90 seconds and it went to 150 so maybe I should back it down to a minute. But it make sense that you can cook meat and eggs and still have Protein.
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    Beach Lover reacted to gmanbat in OK....how did you know.....   
    It came back to haunt me in a much less appealing form.
    Some comebacks are not inspiring.
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from reading mom in I would really like an answer if you know it.................   
    Thanks for the reply! I usually add ready to drink shakes to my coffee so I have never had any lumps but it's good to know I am still getting my protein.
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    Beach Lover reacted to RJ'S/beginning in I would really like an answer if you know it.................   
    I looked this up on a body builders site..Maybe it will help:
    Heating up Protein will not have any detrimental effect.

    Heating up enzymes (protein catalysts) will most probably denature them and destroy their function.

    Unless you wish to ingest functional enzymes (not likely) heating up a Protein shake is totally fine.
  11. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to RJ'S/beginning in I would really like an answer if you know it.................   
    I body building site said no higher then 100....the 110 kills the enzymes but not the Protein.....That's what I read and the guy is a nutritionist....
  12. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to reading mom in I would really like an answer if you know it.................   
    Kindle is right. Heating changes the texture but not the amount or quality of the Protein. I have reheated my coffee with a shake added and it get these lumps in it. It's yucky, but it wont hurt you or decrease the amount of Protein.
  13. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to Kindle in I would really like an answer if you know it.................   
    You're right, it may glob up the consistency, but not destroy the protein. It's like cooking an egg....the consistency changes but the protein is still there.
  14. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to Sherlock1969 in Self image, anger, & resentment   
    My husband never stopped 'chasing me around the kitchen table,' sex has never been lacking. That said, he tells me much more often now that I am 'hot' and chases me a bit more. At first it was nice. Then it pissed me off. I thought, 'he is being SO much nicer to me now that I am losing weight.' I wondered was it purely physical with him behaving this way; b/c men ARE physical creatures. But I have also figured out his reaction to me has changed for more than just THAT reason. I am taking better care of myself; my appearance, clothes, make up, jewelery..MY attitude has changed, ie I am happier and putting off a more positive vibe therefore triggering his overtures. And lastly, I believe he is so happy and relieved that I am healthier (diabetes meds reduced from 2 oral meds and 6-7 shots a day to 1 oral med and 1 shot a day) that in general his mood is lighter and more playful concerning me. As we all know, or figure out, losing this much weight, is NOT just physical it is a mind game as well.
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    Beach Lover reacted to NewSetOfCurves in Does anyone here regret having VSG? What about unexpected changes?   
    I researched and researched this surgery. I got into this forum and read EVERYTHING. I wanted to know all the different scenarios and the different things I could expect post op. My biggest fear was what a lot people deemed as, "mourning the food." I didn't want to go into the depression that some people got pulled into because they were literally mourning over the loss of their ability to eat certain foods or copious amounts of food.
    Now, I'll admit it was definitely difficult post op. Your tummy is small, added to the fact that it is inflamed from surgery, and it is pretty darn difficult to get anything down. But, as many have already stated, that phase passes quickly. I was released to all foods after 6 weeks, instructed to slowly add all the food groups into my diet. I can eat just about anything. Breads and carbonated drinks are impossible, but I still get to enjoy food in small doses. I have, however, made the conscience decision to change the foods I put into my mouth.
    Researching this forum and other sites taught me that this sleeve really is a tool--as cliche as that term is on this site. It really is just the nail that AIDS in securing the structure of your new body. It WILL NOT hold the structure. You have to be the hammer that keeps adding other nails to create a secure structure for the long haul. If you want this to work indefinitely, YOU have to make those changes. People who are years out have gained weight back. They stick to unhealthy choices, they eat the same foods that they used to eat pre surgery, they graze throughout the day not watching their calorie intake, they did not make a conscience effort in that wonderful first year post op to re-teach their brain and their body how to eat. I'm not saying you can't eat what you want, but, as a previous poster said, when you eat smart and plan small little indulgences can happen without regret.
    I would recommend this surgery 150%! Research doctors, meet with them, ask the tough questions. Ask about their success rates, failures. Find support groups. It can help you change your life for the better if you are mentally ready and willing to make the changes necessary.
    Good luck! (Sorry for the long post!)
  16. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to mgesteach in June Post Ops!   
    Hello All! It's been forever since I've posted. Still not used to the new format. Some recent NSV: a friend called me petite, I can wear skinny jeans without looking like a total fool, I find myself fitting between obstacles in my 2nd grade classroom that I couldn't have before, I'm out of plus sizes, I fit in some size medium tops, I feel the urge to move more, and I am 100 lbs. down from my highest!!
    Crazy ride these last 7 months. Congrats to everyone. Love the posted pictures. I get around to that soon.
  17. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to CowgirlJane in What causes regain?   
    Doesn't every woman want to lose another 10-15#? Alot of times we really are talking vanity pounds....
    Why do people regain? Maintenance is work, takes focus and sometimes lacks the excitement of losing. So far I have treated maintaining much like losing phase and when I don't -the. pounds creep back.
  18. Like
    Beach Lover got a reaction from NewSetOfCurves in Does anyone here regret having VSG? What about unexpected changes?   
    This was a game changer for me! The only regret I ever had was momentary right after the surgery and this is very very common. You think you made the biggest mistake of your life but it quickly goes away. When I had the surgery I literally turned away from my old life and will not allow any of my past behaviors back into my life. I try to be very aware of my mental thoughts that govern my eating habits. Thanksgiving was a lot easier than I what I was expecting. I ate what I wanted which didn't amount to much which was only a momentary bummer. Later I allowed myself a piece of pie and it wasn't cheating because I planned it for myself. That is a big difference from the old me. Eating something because I wanted it versus eating something because I planned it allowed me to enjoy it without regret. NO regrets for me!
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    Beach Lover got a reaction from CrazyJaney in Fullness guilt   
    I think we all have this problem to some extent. Stuffing ourselves to a miserable point is something I dare say we are all familiar with. With that came the horrible guilty feelings from realizing what we just did. Unfortunately this is something we have to work past. With our sleeve it isn't hard to recreate those old stuffed feelings and we automatically want to beat ourselves up even though we did nothing wrong. Until you are totally healed this stuffed feeling happens a lot you will learn the signs that you are approaching full. Remember even if you ate until you were feeling overfull your stomach is swollen still and you aren't eating a lot! You just have to learn the signs such as a runny nose, sneezing or hiccups. Best wishes for you!!
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    Beach Lover reacted to bklyn girl in Optifast shake makes my heart beat fast   
    It was suggested that I buy them from the nut at my doctors office, so I bought them. Just ordered Unjury sample pack, but will look into the premier at my local BJ's and jay robb at my local Vitamin Shoppe. Thanks for answering, love this website!
  21. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to Ree in The numbers are in.... & I still can't believe it!   
    One month ago I was sleeved. Before the surgery I took my measurements and weighed myself. My HW: 275, the night before surgery I weighed 262 and today I weigh 238. So 24 pounds lost since surgery and 37 pounds lost in total.
    And this is mind blowing and I had to go back several times to check but I lost a total of 30.5 inches off my body! I still can't believe it!! 2 inches off each thigh, 2 inches off each arm, 3 inches off my bust, 3 inches off my chest (above bust line), 1.5 inches in total off of calves, 7 inches off my waist, 3.5 inches off my hips, 3.5 inches off my stomach (right above hips) and 1 inch off my neck.
    That's crazy!! but I'm happy about it!
  22. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to iamsoworthit in June Post Ops!   
    I'm not a sleever but a band to rny conversion but I have definitely slowed. I saw my bariatrician 2 weeks ago and he said it is normal. They tgink I only have another 20 to 25 to lose and said they would like that to be my goal for the year. I want to lose another 35 so hopefully I will sail past their goal. I am 162 and want to see 120 something on my scale. Even if it is 129.
    In the beginning I 8nly lost Co lbs a month so if I can squeek 4 out now, per month, that would put me in a perfect position to get 35 lbs off this year.
  23. Like
    Beach Lover reacted to NikNakMcCants in To My Fellow June 2013 Revisions   
    How is everyone doing? How much weight have you lost? What has been the most exciting change? What has been frustrating?
    I am down 53 lbs since surgery. To me, I would like more. I have accepted that I am a slow loser. Currently I am in a two month stall. I track my food and exercise. I am doing everything that my doctor has told me to do. So, I am a little frustrated. I also have PCOS so that may be factoring in. On the plus side, I am only 5 lbs away from my lowest band weight! So my sleeve and I have accomplished in 7 months what it took me three years to do with the band. Plus, I love that I do NOT have that stuck feeling anymore!!! Overall it has been a wonderful experience. I am happy with my revision choice. I just wish I had done it sooner!!!
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    Beach Lover reacted to Tyra22 in June Post Ops!   
    Hey everyone! I haven't been on in a long time. I couldn't find our group. Hope everyone is doing great. I'm 7 months post open today. Everything is great. I am 151lbs down. Here is some progress pics! How is everyone else doing?



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