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Beach Lover

Pre Op
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Everything posted by Beach Lover

  1. Beach Lover

    Whole Foods Market

    They have some great pimento jalapeno cheese spread in the cheese department by the cubed stuff. I love it! There guacamole is to die for! The soup there is delicious just be careful of the ones loaded with carbs. They have some great mahi mahi for $5.99 in the fresh fish dept. They carry Applegate deli meat but you can get that at Publix also. Everything is great there!
  2. Beach Lover

    Whole Foods Market

    Mine is 45 minutes away but I go religiously!
  3. Beach Lover

    I can't do it.

    Have you tried Premier Protein shakes? They are at Sam's and Costco but Sam's is cheaper. They are very satisfying and have 30g of protein per shake. These might help a little. You are going through the same things we have all been through and sometimes still struggle with. Hang in there you can do it!!
  4. Beach Lover

    Learning is HARD

    I am 11 weeks out and I still have to remind myself to slow down! I am getting better but dang after 52 years of bad eating habits I guess it will take some time to get this down. Hang in there!
  5. Some people are just idiots! They can't lose that but you can lose your weight and you have already done a fabulous job and will even lose more. You will look even more amazing when you reach goal and that person will still be a idiot!! Hang in there girl!!
  6. Beach Lover

    Post Op Day 9 question

    Have you tried Premier Protein shakes? They sell them as Sam's and Costco. Sam's is cheaper by about $6. These have 30g of protein and quite good. It is the only one I really ever drink anymore and a lot of people have had success with them. good luck to you!
  7. Beach Lover

    What is Polenta?

    Careful with this is you are trying to avoid carbs.
  8. Beach Lover

    Long term prognosis

    Do we have anyone on the forum that is 5 years out that could say how they are doing? It would be great to hear from them. I hope we don't feel hunger again. At least we won't be able to eat much to fill us up! Either way I am still going to make this thing work!! Sorry!! I didn't realize this was the veteran's forum.....MY BAD!!!
  9. I was told something completely different and was surprised to see this. I was starting to get a little confused. I feel for the family and friends of Roxanne at this time. I chatted with her on a few occasions and I know she was excited to start her new journey. My prayers are for all involved.
  10. Beach Lover


    OMG these pictures are scaring the crap out of me!! I am just 2 weeks short of 3 months and I know it might start soon. I sure hope you ladies have really long hair or I am in trouble!! Still rather be healthy but OMG!!!!
  11. Beach Lover

    not feeling full

    You didn't stretch your stomach out. My surgeon told me it takes several years of overeating to stretch your stomach and then it won't be as much as you think. Your stomach is supposed to accept more food at time goes by. How much more was your salad than what you normally eat? Sometimes I can eat more than other days. Tonight I ate 3 chicken wings, 6 small to medium size scallops, 3 bites of salad and 5 green beans. I was very full but not exploding. Last night I had a small cup of chili and 1/2 a thin burger patty and thought I would explode!
  12. Beach Lover

    Another queation for PostOps

    I slept in my bed from day 1 with 3 pillows. I slept just fine! Week 2 I slept on my side with a pillow under my tummy and that was wonderful. No problems sleeping for me!
  13. I kinda wish bad foods made me sick.......... The first thing that came to my mind was......they did! If I hadn't eaten the bad foods I wouldn't be obese and in need of help. Carbs are nasty demons that are addicting and I just have to stay away from them. I know eventually I will have to allow some back in my life but for now it is just the smart carbs. I admire those of you who can add some back in but for me it's a no go. Best of luck on your journey!
  14. Beach Lover

    About 3 months post op...

    My surgeon told me it would take several years of purposely overeating to stretch your stomach. I was worried about that also. He totally put my fear to rest. Good luck with your foot healing!
  15. Beach Lover

    Why eat out?

    It is a hard carb to digest and swells in your stomach. Best of luck tomorrow!!
  16. For most of us this doesn't happen but it definitely does happen to some. I have read many threads of this happening to people.
  17. Yes, unfortunately that is dumping. It is usually with sweet stuff but obviously it happens with other things as well. I haven't experienced dumping as yet. Did it do it with soups of similar substance? I just tried the chicken tortilla soup from Whole Foods and it was wonderful and it didn't strike me as creamy. Maybe you should try that one and see what happens. Best of luck with this!
  18. Beach Lover

    Why eat out?

    I have thought about doing that but I have always been reluctant thinking it would be fishy tasting. I guess I should expand my palate and give it a try. I love the wasabi and soy and have been craving it!
  19. Beach Lover

    Why eat out?

    I love sushi but haven't eaten it because of the rice. Can most restaurants makes sushi without rice?
  20. OMG I absolutely love this!!!!!!!
  21. Beach Lover

    Can you see any difference?

    You look absolutely fabulous!! Way to go on a job well done!!
  22. Try some shrimp or crab meat. Scallops are great and yummy! Find some more savory soups. Do you have a Whole Foods by you? They have some fantastic soups there that will make you happy happy happy! Don't eat the carbs!! They will slow your weight loss down and you have worked so hard! Go to www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.com she has some wonderful foods on there also on pintrest you can find some other stuff. Google high protein recipes there is a wealth of recipes out there. Make some egg muffins those are terrific also!
  23. Beach Lover

    No Straw to drink with!

    I am no doctor by a long shot but this might just be more gas trying to get out. It took me at least 10 days before this stopped. I have been using a straw since week 2 and I haven't had any problems. My surgeon at my last checkup even said if it doesn't bother me then I am fine to use one. Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon!
  24. I am sure that if enough people replied you would find that if it wasn't chicken it would be something else they can no longer stand. It is very important that we keep our diet diversified so this doesn't happen. With that said it is because hind sight is 20/20 and I have learned the same thing! Change your diet up and move on to some different foods and alternate them so you don't get burned out on them.
  25. Beach Lover

    How much protein?

    I usually get between 70-80 a day. I am still using protein drinks otherwise it wouldn't happen.

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