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Beach Lover

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Everything posted by Beach Lover

  1. Today is my 6 months anniversary and I can't believe it has gone by so quickly!! I have been going through the same thing you are except I am not allowing myself to partake in the cravings that I am having. I am by no means perfect and not trying to look that way. I really do think this is a normal phase of the first year and a true glimpse of what the rest of our life will be. In other words, the cravings are never going to go away and once the healing has completed the fight for our new lives is on. We must deny the cravings to make the change. Some days we will be stronger than others but the change must win over the old way. The sleeve is still working and always will as long as we use what we were taught. This time of year is a bad time to have our sleeves begin the transition of feeling more hunger and realizing we can eat just about anything with little repercussion. My strategy is to not partake accept for Christmas Day and even then it will be limited. When I eat those damn carbs they actually haunt me and its like living the liquid diet and post op all over again. Screw that! I hate head hunger! Talking about this like you did today is an awesome step to help combat this slippery slippage that we all go through! I truly wish the best for you!
  2. My doctor had be back on regular food within 2 weeks of surgery. He told me to only try 1 food at a time and eat little bits. If that went well then I was to try another. I had no troubles with anything. I love sauteed spinach and it was one of my first vegetables. My first foods were scrambled eggs, fish, scallops, shrimp, etc.
  3. Beach Lover

    Possible Surgery Delay- Freaking Out!

    So glad it all worked out for you!! I hope the doctors office was extremely apologetic!! Good luck with your surgery!
  4. The other thing to take into account is the gas that broccoli puts off. That is probably what got you if you ate it to pulp consistency. I still crave veggies and have to hold myself back from eating to many of them so I can get all my Protein in.
  5. Beach Lover

    Possible Surgery Delay- Freaking Out!

    I'm definitely not a doctor but I think you should be okay. Neither of those meds is anything major. Keep us posted!
  6. Beach Lover

    On The Orher Side!

    Wonderful! Your new life is going to be fantastic!!
  7. You definitely want to hold off on the broccoli. That was the one vegetable that I didn't start eating until 4 months. Then it was cooked very soft it is very fibrous and hard on a new sleeve. You live and learn. Hope you are feeling okay now!
  8. I found this to be very interesting and I am glad I am on a Low carb diet! http://www.businessinsider.com/the-11-most-destructive-nutrition-lies-ever-told-2013-11
  9. Beach Lover

    Hot Sauce/vinegar?

    Any liquid is counted as a liquid. Sometimes we can luck out and it count double like Protein drinks are also counted in your liquid intake for the day.
  10. I am 6 months post op now and have lost 76 pounds. I think my weight loss has been for the most part average to a little slow. That has been done with staying below 35g of carbs a day. I have always been a carb addict and I have no doubt that if I had gone above the 35 my loss would have been slower and the cravings would have killed me! The biggest liberation from carbs is not having them haunt my thoughts all day long! I now go for healthier low carb items and this has made me a much happier person. I definitely advocate low carb eating!
  11. I thought it was pretty interesting myself. I totally agree with you about the carbs and it not being necessary to load before a marathon. I have been reading more and more on this topic. That food pyramid needs to be blown up! I have disagreed with that damn thing for years! I have committed myself to keeping as low a carb diet as possible and find that I am happier, my thoughts are not constantly centered on food and my body doesn't have an inner screaming for the things. They are such an addiction and the less of them the better off we are.
  12. Beach Lover

    Isn't It Weird....

    Like Fluffnomore said you have bonded with her on this issue. She actually sounds like a good friend who is sad at the loss of this bond and wishing terribly that she could have the surgery herself despite her initial reaction. I understand how she is feeling and how you are feeling as well. I hope your friendship holds up.
  13. Beach Lover

    My Waist

    You are doing fantastic!! Don't buy a lot at a time you are going to keep dropping in size! Way to go!
  14. Beach Lover

    A Whole Year Of Changes - Surgiversary!

    You look fantastic!!
  15. Congratulations! I was asleep most of the time it sounds like you had a really good experience! Good for you!
  16. Beach Lover

    Cant Sleep!

    Congratulations!! I'm sure you are already in your room but I wanted to wish you well!
  17. Beach Lover


    As you lose weight hormones are released from the stored fat and this has probably contributed to your period in connection with losing the 39 pounds. Great job!
  18. Beach Lover

    Pre-Surgery Sob Session With The Old Clothes

    You are definitely not an ass clown! I love that term though! LOL You are going through a normal process that is very cathartic and cleansing! It was probably the best thing you could do for yourself! I think you are going to do fantastic with your sleeve. You want this I can tell in your thread. Just hang on to those clothes because you are going to be in them before you know it!!
  19. Beach Lover


    I would say every 10-12 pounds does it for me. I bought things a little smaller so I could use them longer. Now those are getting to big and I am just going to live in them until the spring clothes come out. It costs to much otherwise.
  20. Once you get to have food again it is amazing! You will find some of your foods will taste different for awhile and some longer. I found some flavors to be more intense and some just totally different. Just remember to chew your food really good and eat slow. Otherwise you will fill up in record time! Best of luck to you!
  21. Beach Lover

    Mood Swings

    You might talk with your doctor about adjusting your medicine. If you have lost a lot of weight that might affect it. Just a thought.
  22. Beach Lover

    Mood Swings

    When did you have your surgery? I was that way the first 2 weeks after surgery. I finally figured out it was me missing my close friend.......food! It took me another week after that to get completely under control. Now 6 months later I find that there are mini mood pits when I really have a carb craving and it gets to me. Fortunately, it goes away pretty quickly.
  23. It is the weirdest feeling ever! Kind of feels like a snake is being pulled out of you! Mine was so long the nurse pulled on it and stopped because she didn't believe how long it was. I had to tell her just keep going I want to get this over with! Your weight loss is great!! Just think about how your life is going to turn around........That will put a smile on your face!
  24. Beach Lover

    Medicalert Bracelet-Yes Or No?

    I don't wear one. I did bring it up with my doctor and he to said it wasn't necessary. Besides, I know I will never wear it. Kudos to those who do.
  25. Congratulations to all of you that had your surgery!! Each day will get better!

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