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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Autumnlover

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    Intermediate Member

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  1. toocheeky, Thank you for starting this discussion. I am 8 months out and have fallen off track too. I was feeling ashamed and mad at myself for not staying focused and going back to old habits, and as such have gained some weight back. I felt lost and wasn't sure how to get myself back on track. Thank you everyone for the helpful information in this discussion. I feel a ton better about my chances of getting back on the wagon and continuing with my weight loss. If someone does end up starting a support group for this, I'd love to join in.
  2. After reading through this thread, I don't feel so bad. I was sleeved May 22, and I'm down 40-ish pounds. It fluctuates up or down a pound or two. I just recently came off of a four week stall. Don't get me wrong, I'm so very thankful for the weight I've lost, I just wish it would come off a bit faster.
  3. Autumnlover

    May sleevers results so far!

    I feel the same way. It sometimes gets very discouraging to read all of the really awesome results others have had...though I am SO happy for them all. I was sleeved on May 22, and I am down 35 pounds. Not a lot, but I know it's way more than I could have done on my own. I'm currently in the midst of a stall, but I'm hopeful that it will end soon and I will see the scale going down once again.
  4. Autumnlover

    May sleevers results so far!

    You aren't alone. I was sleeved on the 22nd, and I've lost 25 pounds.
  5. Autumnlover

    No enjoyment of food?

    Same here. It seems like everything that I eat makes me fee 'urpy'. That's the only word I can use to describe it. Things such as yogurt and milk, and the occasional skinny cow fudge bar are the things that seem to settle in my stomach best. Don't get me wrong, I'm so very thankful that my life doesn't revolve around food any longer, and I'm so thankful that I had the surgery. It's just such an odd thing to find myself no longer enjoying something I used to enjoy too much. If that makes sense?
  6. I'm about 8 weeks post surgery, and I just don't enjoy food any more. I still enjoy the taste of things, but I don't really take any enjoyment from eating. Eating feels more like something that I have to do rather than something that I want to do. Which is good in that it helps with the loosing weight part of things, but I never thought I'd have to force myself to eat. Anyone else have the same issue?
  7. I was sleeved that day as well. I'm down 16 pounds.
  8. Autumnlover


    I am 4 and a half weeks post op. (sleeved May 22) I have trouble with back pain and headaches from allergies. I've tried taking Tylenol and Ibuprofin (both ok'd by the doc) but both of them give me horrible diarrhea (sorry TMI). I've been using my pain pills in the meantime, but does anyone have any suggestions as to what might help? Thanks so much!
  9. I was sleeved on My 22nd as well. I've lost 15 pounds so far, and seem to have stalled. I was beginning to get a bit frustrated that I haven't lost more weight after reading some of the tremendous amounts some folks have lost, but then I realized that I'm just happy to see the scale doing down instead of up.
  10. I will definitely have to give that a try. Thanks!
  11. I've been having the same issues. I was sleeved on the 22nd, and I constantly feel as if I am starving. I am on stage 2 (full liquids now), and while I get full fairly quickly, it doesn't seem to last very long. I've noticed that my main issue is during the middle part of the day. First thing in the morning and later in the evening it doesn't seem to bother me so much.

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