Sleeved 5/20.....still have pain at the site of stomach removal. Also pain bending/getting up in the same area. WHEN WILL IT GO AWAY. I also can't stomach protein shakes....I literally gag. Water, about 40 oz. I have advanced my diet a little bit and today for breakfast I had Special K with skim. I only had 6 bites and I chewed very well. I know I'm not supposed to but it went down fine and has 10 grams protein. Pre 265 today 249, losing fine. What is the big deal about advancing food if everything is going down fine and you take small bites and chew well? Also, I take tons of medication that is much bigger than a small soft foot that is chewed well? Anxious to eat food, I get full quick and can't handle liquids anymore....also, who can live on Popsicles, jello and pudding. I think 6 bites of Special K with proteins would be much better for me????