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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Ava324

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 03/24/1988

About Me

  • Gender
  • City
    New Orleans
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  1. Please visit and share to help a specific family in Nepal: http://www.gofundme.com/familyqrecovery

  2. Ava324

    Family in Nepal

    I created a page to help the family of my brother's girlfriend. She's 19 years old, devastated for her family and country, and unsure of her own future. Please visit and share the page wherever you can (like posting www.gofundme.com/familyqrecovery on social media or hanging up the attached flyer in break rooms). We deeply appreciate your kindness during this time! http://www.gofundme.com/familyqrecovery Sainju Family Page.pdf
  3. Ava324

    Valentine's Challenge

    145 again this week. Thanks, Susan!
  4. Ava324

    Valentine's Challenge

    145 yesterday. Thanks!
  5. Ava324

    Valentine's Challenge

    CW 147 GW 139
  6. Ava324

    Stomach stent to straighten angle

    I had persistent painful stomach spasms even 10 months after surgery. A barium swallow showed that my sleeve curved similarly. During my EGD they also saw acid in my esophagus and that my pylorus was super tight. They dilated my sleeve to straighten the bend and dilated my pylorus too. I've felt very mild spasms a handful of times since, but not nearly bad enough to grab my stomach and vocalize, which used to be daily. I hope they're able to resolve your pains as well!!
  7. Ava324

    What was your breaking point?

    April 20, 2013 I attended my cousin's Catholic wedding. This meant kneeling. I knelt for maybe 15 minutes, and it was excruciating. 2 weeks later I was still in pain and had to see a doctor and get x-rays. Turns out I had a floating patella, and me knee-cap was off its track. The podiatrist said I needed physical therapy, and if that didn't resolve the issue, possibly surgery. At 25 years old! My body and joints were starting to fail under my weight. I had high blood pressure, Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome, and was prediabeitc. I felt trapped on a terrible unhealthy track, and now surgery was in my immanent future. Something had to derail me, and if surgery was in my future, I decided on one that addressed my underlying problems. My co-morbidities are all resolved, I exercise 5 days a week, I've reached my goal, and I'm looking ahead to a vibrant future.
  8. Ava324

    Share your tattoo pics

    I hit my goal Thursday of last week, which was also the day after my one-year surgiversary. !!! The waiting was worth it! Sunday, I got my first tattoo for the occasion. I'd eyed the design for years. The outline is white ink, so the pinkness will dissipate once healed. Love love love it.
  9. Ava324

    Holiday Challenge!

    Awww! Thanks, Kate! I've pretty much been beaming for the past few days. And I even applied for a job in the obesity prevention and policy field.. I've been saying I "couldn't be happier", but I might actually explode if I get it! The person over hiring is out on vacation for the rest of year. Waiting is killer, but at least I can be excitedly hopeful through the holidays! Check out this fanciness! The dress was $3.something from Goodwill. Why ever buy retail??
  10. Ava324

    Holiday Challenge!

    Congrats to you too!!! I know you had been stuck just outside of onederland for a while. And now check out that progress!! You're kicking butt. Did you faithfully maintain the same plan or did you make major adjustments? Whatever you're doing, it's working!
  11. I'm a year and two days out today, and this morning I officially hit (or "tapped", because I'm sure it'll fluctuate for a little bit) my ultimate goal. I've logged consistently and have been around 700 - 1,000 calories a day, under 50 carbs a day, under 60 grams of fat a day, and 50 - 70 grams of Protein a day. Tomorrow will be the very first day without waking up and hoping the scale has gone lower, so I know I'm not really the type you're looking for responses from.. My clinic's dietitian recommends bumping calories up by 100 for a week or two at a time until we stop losing - then that's our equilibrium point. I have a feeling that will be under 1,700 calories a day for me, because of my PCOS (polycistic ovarian syndrome). I really don't want that switching back to the "on position", as my doc calls it.
  12. Ava324

    Holiday Challenge!

    139 this morning .... ....... Gooooaal!!! My mind is freaking blown. Wednesday was my one-year surgiversary, and I couldn't have asked for a better week. Ending it with the office Christmas party today, and I'm feeling fancy. The real test will be coming out of this challenge still at goal. I'm sure I'll fluctuate for a bit above goal, since there's no way I lost 7 lbs of fat in one week. But oh my goodness, I'm there. Wishing everyone the very best!!
  13. 2 mile fun run this Saturday evening. I'm definitely going to push for speed in this one. I've yet to really push myself and don't know how fast I'm capable of going per mile.. The run is going to be in New Orleans' City Park, and afterwards Celebration in the Oaks (light display gardens & park) will open early and exclusively for runners. Then hubby and I will head to the lakefront to watch the Christmas boat parade. I'm contemplating a 9K January 4th. My longest ever race was 4 miles, so that'd be a biggy for me.
  14. Thank y'all for the words of support and compliments! Seriously fills me with warm fuzzies. Can't say enough how great it's been to have bariatricpal this process. I was on here for 6 months before surgery learning from others, and it means the world to me that I can share some of my experiences with others too. @Inner Surfer Girl and @Kindle: I hadn't thought about how she got fluffier and I de-fluffied. Lol! Those two pics couldn't be more different. Oh! And this morning, I "hit" my ultimate goal. Or tapped it? I think it might have been a dehydrated blip, but I'm there.

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