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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DeezJeanz

  1. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    I was told a few ago that I'm gttn DISCHARGED TODAYYYY! Praise God n THANK U ALL FOR UR PRAYERS N SUPPORT:). XOXOX. I'll luk when I'm home:))))
  2. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    Congrats caboose buddy. I'm still in hospital n they've yet to weigh me, I guess cuss ive had a tuff time w it. In any case, proud of u n pray that u have cont successes!
  3. DeezJeanz


  4. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Hello and Ty 4 keepn me in ur prayers and all the positive vibes from u all! Ty for ur response as well, they did tell me that I was very swollen and tight so that makes sense. I'm just scared that it cud a stenosis headed my way bc like u described, it goes down, stops, then pushes its way threw and it Hurst like sharp, yikes. I sip, somtms let it slide Down itself but it still happens. This is one reason y I'm blessed to have this site of friends bc it makes me feel wayyyy better to know that others overcame it. You ALL ROCK. God bless and happy weight loss n recoverys. Gn all. Ur all in my prayers:)
  5. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Tyvm Atl, I appreciate ur many prayers:). Nothing warm like broths but I do let the liq get to room temp. I've tried it both ways but still hurts. I'll keep plugging along tho:) u do the same, congrats on ur numbers!
  6. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Hello all, still in hospital, may be out Tuesday prayerfully! I have a question plz, I started on water yesterday n crystal lite n boost today. Part of y I'm still here are due to spasms. Question did or does it hurt u guys when trying to swallow fluids. I hope I'm not going to end up w a stenosis, God.forbid. it hurts in my middle chest on the way down, ne1 experience this? Thx in advance my friends.
  7. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Hello Jay, I was sleeved same day, maybe uve read what I wrote but as for my drinking which started today, I use the ounce cups n sip it slowly per hr. But I had other issues so if u were complication free, perhaps our sleeve family can give u bettr advice. One other thing, crystal lite can b added to ur water, I like it. Gl n God bless u.
  8. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Again I cannot express how thankful I am to know you all! It is amazing and encouraging to read your victories, recoveries, and your numbers loss thus far. Altho I may not chime in, I'm keeping up w u all bc it makes me happy to share in ur happiness. Ty Tsn for those beautiful words bc last night, I prayed n chatted w God and asked that He guides this journey for me and allow me to take it a day at a time. Well, the Doc came in a lil while ago and said, " ok, how about we try u on 1oz sips of water evry hour but if u spasm, stop and we try the picc line for nutrition on Monday". I was excited in the most cheesiest way:))) so they brot me a bottle of cold water. And thus far, I've tolerated it very well, praise God , and Ty allllll:). I'm sipping n walking. I am just elated. I'm still not hungry, physically or mentally but reading some of u alls food choices, I can't wait to have Wendy's chili, I'm excited:). He also stated that if I did well today w water, he'd add some taste tomorrow! Yippie. Update: surgery 12/30/13 including hernia repair. Have esophageal spasms which has caused my 3 night stay b extended to at least next Monday. Spasms decreased, doc allowed water sips today. Pain wise, not much ever, just spasms which were horrible in itself. Tmi, had two bm's alrdy and voiding frequently, so won't have that to keep me here:). Well I guess I'll lv it at that and Lord willing, my Driver, I will go home on Monday. Plz cont to pray that I can remain complication free as I will for you. Ty and I remain PROUD OF U ALL!! XOXOX
  9. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Thanks all of u for ur thots and prayers! As of now, the doc says npo still bc of spasms:'( day 5 n still nothing to eat or drink. I too had a hernia repaired and as far as pain from those sites, nothing. I asked doc was I considered a statistic bc I'm sad about what may be my future. He says success but I say noway. I'm trying to stay positive around my family but I cried today bc doc said if I'm not better, spasms, by Monday, I'm going on i.v. nutrition! I'm just bummed out now. I tried finally helping myself and now I feel I Shuda left well enough alone. Ik God will get me over this mountain but right now its difficult to sit all day wo at least a sliver of ice. The mercy part of it all is that I'm not hungry either way, thank God, just losing patience. Anyways I pray that u all are continuing being successful n healthy. I pray that I too will start doing better. Unless things change, Lord willing, I'll check bck in on monday. God bless n gn all:)
  10. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Hello my family:). Just wanted to update: I'm still n hospital, I feel rather well but these esophageal spasms are still givin me issues. As I said the second swallow test was.basically inconclusive but the surgeon said it looked good enuff for him, however; until I'm 24 hrs spasm free, he still won't let me eat or drink:( so today is day 4, npo. Then he said, we just have to b patient bc it will improve, so I have to stay here until Monday mornin:( my 9 yr old is alredy upset when she has to lv me nd she doesn't evn know about Monday yet. Catheter n heart monitor removed so that's good. I thank God that I'm not evn hungry or head hungry, I'm just rdy to get up n moving forward in a positive way. I've been reading about how u all are and praying every night for yall. Take care and hopefully I'll have bttr news for yall. XOXO my friends keep up the awesomeness of ur journeys, I'm proud of you all!!!!
  11. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Good everyone. Well my stay in the hospital has been extended till Friday at the least because my swallow test was inconclusive because I'm so very tight right now. Third day of not eating or drinking anything just have to swab my mouth and spit it out. Kind of scary and yeah makes me wonder why I did it. if I were not having spasms in my chest and heart I could come home tomorrow so please continue lifting me up in prayer, its greatly appreciate. Gn all.
  12. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Happy new years everybody! Pray that everyone is doing fabulous as well as recovering from surgery. I am still in the hospital what my doctor told me was to expect three nights either way. They will repeat the barium swallow test today so please pray for the success of that,then they can take off all these plugs and patches and monitors. As of right now I have not had any of the esophageal spasms thank God! So hopefully the swelling has gone down and I can start the 2 wk postop liq. I would love to say yuck I'm so sick of liquids but its been 2 days now and I haven't had liquids of any kind just a wet swab for my mouth but no swallowing, again I pray that everyone had a great surgery and is recovering well. Im especially praying for our Dec group for that this year will be the best you ever ever had. Im ready to start seeing some before and after pics! Yall have a good day and thanks for your prayers. I've appreciated them:
  13. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Hello my fellow sleevers and Ty for such a warm bench, thoughts and prayers xoxoxo!! Yesterday was a really bad day n horrible night. I had a hernia repaired as well, so now I'm havn what they call esophageal spasms, they gave me evry med under the sun...they gave me the scop patch for nausea bc the meds had my eyes bouncing everywhere and I'm bad about motion sickness. I do however, have a lot of chest pains that move to my heart, they did so many test to rule out heart attack, all is well w my heart, Praise God! Today I was given an nsaid, which yall know is contraindicated for us sleevers but it made all my suffering from pain go completely away.. they double check w the physician but bc I'd been given so much meds which I was allergic too, Not sure which, so I was then given benedryl a lot. This morning was taken for leak test but the contrast only a little traveled through so they cancelled it for tomorrow, doc said I was too swollen inside. So another day wo drinking. Just swabs to wet my whistle. I dont think I have gas pains but either way, this pain n my chest and heart is killing me. My families here and taking care of me, Yippie . My throat is fine, wudn even know I had a tube in it. Still have catheter, leg hoses and pain pump. Other than these spasms, which feels like a knife cutting me inside and hiccup spasms, I feel pretty good. Thank you my friends and prayer warriors! I appreciate u gr8ly:). To all of todays sleevers I pray ur all recovering well, I'm so proud of our Dec group, we have made it. In advance, HAPPY NEW YR, can't wait for us all to start posting b4 and after pics! Gonna b fun:) XOXO ))) take care
  14. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Lvn for hospital, now I'm finally nervous, ugh! God Bless you all today Dec 30's
  15. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    I'm saying GN to all. I am the first case, b there at 5:15am, so off to bed for me!! God bless you my friends, Ik I've been blessed to know you:)
  16. Congrats on ur journey:). Ty for the post, Lord willing, my surgery is tomorrow so thx for the tips as well. I loved the one about the scale, I told my hubby that b4 I'm discharged from hospital, hide the scale until my 2 wk postop, n then hide it until every Sunday. At least until I have control about weighing too much;). Anyways, God bless ur continued success.
  17. UK I've read this from a lot of vets. But whenever I was slim, my bottom nvr hurt, well I did have reoccurring sciatica but I was a cheerleader and other sports. So hmmm, I hope I don't experience this. We r finally getting healthy to now deal w having no padding issues??!!?? blahhh:( gl u 2, I pray that it gets better:)
  18. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    Congrats to u all on such wonderful lbs loss! I keep saying make room on the losers bench AND yall have taken it literally, awesome! By the time I get there, they'll b more than enough room for me, thx!!!!! Keep up the gr8 work, I'm inspired and encouraged by ur victories:). C u there:) HW: 236.8 SW: tomorrow CW: 226.8 10# 2 wk preop loss
  19. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Ty my sweet friend:)
  20. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Hello to all postop sleevers, I pray that its gotten/getting easier for yall!! Tya again for paving the way for us. Dec 30 th is finally approaching, so I ask that you all take a moment, plz, to pray for our group. Ty in advance:). I pray that God will guide the surgeons hands for tomorrows group and pray that we all have safe passage to the losers bench, free from all error and minimal discomfort. I pray that all that will b asked of us, we will b able to accomplish with flying colors. I pray for the families, esp the kids who are struggling w our decisions, reassure them that God is good and He will take care of us! Know that I will continue keeping us all lifted in prayer. Tya, congrats, and a big XOXO, to u all. Please let the group know how u all are doing as soon as u can, as will I. Bc of our postops advice, I want to encourage us all to walk, sip, walk, sip, walk. Take ur gasX with u and pillow for helping w bracing the coughs. Put our trust in Him and all will go accordingly. I want to add all of this as well to the Dec 31st group, as I may not b able to do so, but know u R all in my thots! Take Care, God Bless and make space for us on the losers bench cuz here we come;) Sleep tight if U can. Dee Dee:)))) And just in case, have A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  21. DeezJeanz

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    First of all, Ty for answering my questions. I've been on this site since middle of May. I've followed the results of several people, vets if U will. Everyone looks amazn in their own rights and I'm proud of them. But very few people's pic I save in my phone for inspiration. You are one of them! Don't get me wrong, I'd save them all if possible bc I love everyones results n hard work, but I mostly keep those whose body types are closer to mine so that I can dream realistically, lol. For ex, there is this one beauty called Socal, she's like a talllll woman, ima shortly, but I have her pic bc of how far she's come and she too looks amazing, and she inspires me too! So again, amazn work and I appreciate all that u can share to help me nd others:)))
  22. DeezJeanz

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    All of you look amazing. If I'm not being too nosey Mz, did u have any plastics or skin removal. U look fab no matter what, but I just wanna know if I have a chance at such a rock solid bod, geez, def " blessed". Xj!! Surgery Dec 30, Lord willing.
  23. DeezJeanz

    10 months post op

    I remember u!! U look awesome, really really good. Congrrats to u. I'm still waiting except now, my day is Monday, I'm excited!! Gj u, n Lord willing, c u on the bench:)
  24. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Yikes, had to post somthn else, don't like the numbers I ended on, blah;)
  25. DeezJeanz

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    Hello all:). I'm hoping that everyone had a gr8 holiday week n the Happiest of New Year to come!! What a gr8 NY this will b for us:). As for tomorrows sleevers, I pray that your day is filled w many gr8 blessings. I pray Gods directions over your surgeons and the entire wl team who'll care for you. Please let us know, whenevr u can, how well u will b doing. Bc of our sleeve leaders, we know that we may suffer a lil discomfort but bc of them, we also know that it will soon pass and we will all b justtt fine! To today's and yesterday's sleevers, I pray that healing and relief will come to u soon, take it easy. Bc my surgery is on the 30th, idk if I'll b able to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR, so plz know that I'll b wishing n thinking of u all. I got my call today and I'm his first case so he shud b on his toes!! 5:15am so prayerfully, he won't fall asleep on my belly:/ anyways, last 3 days of this 2 wk preop, n 2 more weeks post, grr. Please send up some prayers for my Dec 30 caboosers as well as for me. Tyvm in advance:) And to my Dec 31st group, may God bless u and ur team of prof who will b taking care of you all, and for your families. God bless you all and Lord willing, c u on the bench!! XOXO my friends nd Gn!

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