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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About spiritwind

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  1. I'm 1 month 1 day out.. Before I was sleeved my stomach never growled, I just suffered from hypoglycemia (low bloodsuger) Now my stomach growl all the time and I feel so weak & hungry.
  2. spiritwind

    Pre-op anxiety

    Hey everyone, just wanted to let you'll know I was Sleeved on March 17th..I'm now home from the hospital..I must say the surgical team was prepared for me when I arrived...I explained to them I was very nervous and feeling very anxious!!!!! The Nurses calmly said" you're in good hands, just relax" When I was being wheeled into the OR I just said a prayer, crossed my arms and relaxed...The anesthesiologist said" ok you've been waiting for this big Day! Here we go.. It was. Blink of an eye and it was over...
  3. spiritwind

    Pre-op anxiety

    Hi Tan4sho, yes tomorrow is our big day.. Our lives will be making a drastic life change! I want to wish you many blessings. May God protect us both and anyone else having surgery..God bless you.
  4. Hi I'm scheduled to have my sleeve on March 17, 2016.. I have such anxiety about waking up after my surgery...I hope my throat isn't severely sore...I've never gone a day without water!!!! I was told I wouldn't be able to drink until day 2.. I'm also concerned about having low blood sugar...The Surgeon said not to worry..Do anyone else feel the same anxiety?
  5. spiritwind

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Any Sept sleevers?
  6. spiritwind

    Why is my tongue all white?

    Sounds like Thrash it's a yeast infection babies normally get. You need antibiotics. It's not a big deal!!
  7. Drink, drink, drink, fluids.. Good luck!
  8. I hear ya tripletmom. I'm in the early 200 myself. I have the same issue. I loose, but regain. Six years ago I weighed 160 pounds. I was so happy. Then I started gaining it back.
  9. spiritwind

    August 2013 Roll Call

    I feel all of your anxiety. My sleeve date is Sept 17.. We all have to send out a master prayer to (God) to protect each one of us brave people.
  10. spiritwind

    August 2013 Roll Call

    Is it just me. Or is anyone else happy, but terrified!!
  11. Anyone from Philly? I'm being sleeved at Thomos Jefferson Hospital.
  12. Hello all I'm scheduled for Sept 17'th. When I got the call yesterday, all my emotions went (Wild) happy but very nervous!! Hoping I'll be one of the success stories. I hope I don't vomit/nausea alot..
  13. spiritwind

    Tomorrow is the big day :))

    Did anyone experience hypoglycemia before your surgery, and if so do you feel it'll be a concern post op?
  14. spiritwind

    Tomorrow is the big day :))

    I just got my call this evening. Sept 17th is my date.

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