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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by genepha

  1. genepha

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Thanks for this great challenge! After having a complete unfill for 11 months due to a very difficult pregnancy and being on bed rest for 5 months I need this! I have only had 1 small fill since I had my daughter 5 months ago so this will make it a bit more challenging but I'm up for it! Starting weight: 290 Current weight: 252 Goal weight: 199 or less Need to lose: 53 lbs Thanks for the motivation! Jenn
  2. genepha

    Delivery and a band

    I had a normal c-section delivery with my first born. He was a scheduled c-sec. but that was mostly due to his size (big!) not the band. I am currently 33 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and have another c-section planned for 7/17 if I make it that far! I have had some complications with this pregnancy - mostly low amniotic fluid, completely unrelated to the band. With my first pregnancy I had a fill for almost 7 months and only gained about 15 lbs. With this one, because of my low fluid levels, I ended up getting a complete unfill at about 3 months along. I've gained about 20 lbs so far so not too bad. I wouldn't worry too much about the c-section as long as you are prepared either way. With or without the band there is no guarantee of a vaginal delivery - so just be prepared. A healthy baby is the main focus anyway! Oh - also my dr. told me to wait 1 year after surgery to get pregnant. I waited 5! Good luck! genepha
  3. My dr. told me that u/s are done vaginally through the 12th or 13th week since they can get a much better view that way. I have had low amniotic fluid with this pregnancy and have an u/s every 3 days along with fetal monitoring. I haven't had any problems with u/s although the dr. wasn't able to hear the heartbeat w/ the doppler till I was about 17 weeks along. My first pregnancy I had no issues at all with u/s and no problems with the pregnancy. This one is a little more complicated though. I have been put in the hospital for more extensive monitoring due to the low amniotic fluid and am now on strict bed rest. Jenn 30 weeks along - baby due 7/24 and hopefully we'll make it that far! DS is 20 months old.
  4. genepha

    Who has a band for many years?

    not sure if this is directed at me but I am from Orange County, CA.
  5. genepha

    Roll Call Time!

    Name: Jenn How far along: 27 1/2 weeks Due Date: July 24 (but scheduled c-sec July 17) Boy/Girl/Surprise: Surprise. We have a 19 month old son - I don't care if it's a boy or girl I just want healthy and everything in the right place! Rants: Horrible sciatica and back pain due to bed rest. Also very difficult to do strict bed rest with a toddler at home!!! Raves: Excited,nervous and happy about having our 2nd baby. Anything else: I am currently on bed rest due to low amniotic fluid. Have not been hospitalized as of yet, but it's around the corner if my fluid doesn't come up. Having non-stress tests 2 times/week to check on baby.
  6. genepha

    Who has a band for many years?

    Hi! I was banded Dec, 2001 at Cedars-Sinai in L.A. I lost about 120 lbs. going from 290 to 170ish. I did have some reflux and had my band completely unfilled for awhile. I also became pregnant at that time with my first baby and gained about 40+ pounds from my lowest point. I am currently pregnant with my second and have kept my band unfilled due to acid reflux, horrendous "morning" sickness and have only gained about 10 pounds. I am almost 7 months along with baby #2. I plan on getting a small fill approximately 6 weeks after my c-section. I have maintained a loss of about 50 lbs+ even with 2 pregnancies so not too bad. I will need to lose another 50 after this baby but have no doubt I will be able to do it with the right fill, exercise and eating better! Good luck to you. Jenn
  7. Hi again! I didn't get a complete unfill until about 7 1/2 months pregnant. I had a medium size fill (not too loose - not too tight) but because I was so sick and had lost weight during my pregnancy, my dr. wanted me to try to have an unfill to see if that would help. The unfill did help with my morning sickness because I was able to eat in the morning - which I hadn't been able to do prior to the unfill. Hope that helps! Jenn
  8. genepha

    Banded Teachers Talk - BTT

    HI! I became pregnant after being banded for about 4 years. I had a fairly easy pregnancy except I was sick sick sick for most of my pregnancy and lost about 15 lbs. However I did eventually gain that weight back plus a few extra and gave birth to a healthy 8 lb. 8 oz. beautiful baby boy! Good luck to you!! Jenn
  9. genepha

    Banded Teachers Talk - BTT

    Hi All! I will be teaching 2nd grade this year after spending 5 years teaching 4th grade. I have taught every grade from 1-8 and really enjoy the younger ones! I teach in Los Angeles, CA. I finished my Masters in Ed. Administration and am looking forward to an administrative position within the next few years. DH and I recently had a baby boy so I am holding off on an AP job for now. I was also teaching adult ESL at night but gave it up to be home with my baby. Being banded has been great and my students really appreciate the extra energy that I have now that I've lost weight, although I've gained a bit with the baby! I have about 40 min. for lunch but by the time I make it to the lounge I'm lucky if I have 20-25 min. left after copying and doing personal things. I usually eat a protein shake, lean cuisine, cottage cheese or yogurt - something that won't get stuck!!! Great thread! Jenn
  10. I was had a pretty decent fill thru the majority of my pregnancy. I was tight in the morning but could still drink a protein shake and get down a yogurt around 10:30. Usually lunch was a lean cuisine plus another protein shake around 3:00. I could never take prenatals - yuck! I was pretty sick during most of my pregnancy. I had morning (and night) sickness up until about 7 months along. I had a complete unfill when I was about 7 1/2 months pregnant because I actually lost weight during my pregnancy - about 15 lbs and my dr. was getting a little concerned. Anyway, I did gain the 15 lbs. back plus a few extra by the time I delivered my healthy, beautiful 8 lb. 8 oz. boy! Now I'm working on losing the weight I've gained since I've had my baby! :cry Jenn
  11. Hi! Can u tell me how much your dr. charges. West Hills is about 60 miles from me so it's definitely a possibility for me to have a fill there. I was also thinking of using Fillcenter but they r in San Diego. Thanks! Jenn
  12. Hi! I was banded over 5 years ago and went from 290 to 165ish. I became pregnant quickly after we started trying and had a pretty uneventful pregnancy. I did not gain any weight during the first 7 months of pregnancy due to extreme "morning" sickness, however, after about 30 weeks of pregnancy I had a complete unfill and was able to eat much better. I ended up gaining about 16 pounds - not too bad! Now our baby boy is a healthy 10 month old and I am trying to lose the weight that I gained. :rolleyes Take care, Jenn

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