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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Rox reacted to CANTwaitTObeTHIN in Introduction - Planning to be Sleeved   
    Hello Group,
    Just wanted to introduce myself and my journey to the forum!
    I'm 27yrs and I've been overweight since 2003. I weigh 269lbs & I'm 5'7. I have tried Weight Watchers (lost 20lbs and gained all of it back), low calorie diets, Slimfast, Slim Quick, exercise and Phetermine. And the weight keeps coming! I'm pretty active and I still can't seem to lose much weight.
    I started looking into weight loss surgery about 2 weeks ago. Probably like many of you, I ate, slept, breathed weight loss surgery! I looked at Lapband but after reading about food getting "stuck" I was COMPLETELY turned off! I decided on VSG! My cousin has recently had the sleeve done (1/2013) and she looks AMAZING!
    I have scheduled my consultation for June 27th (the day before my Bday). Meanwhile, I have enjoyed reading some of the journeys on here and continue to research the sleeve. I'm anxiously waiting to start this new lifestyle!!!
  2. Like
    Rox got a reaction from Huntingnurse in When can we drink soda   
    OK, I think NtvTxn - is a snob about everything - it's like talking to a reformed smoker, There are some people, that once they are able to control the vice that they lost control of, become holier than though. Have mercy because they don't know how obnoxious they are
  3. Like
    Rox reacted to gmanbat in Seriously, you can't fix stupid   
    Well, us Iowans have an inward sense that we have the superior grasp on just about everything including how to say sody. Folks think we are just about corn and pigs and nothing to do but we bask in our own greatness to occupy our time.
  4. Like
    Rox got a reaction from Huntingnurse in When can we drink soda   
    OK, I think NtvTxn - is a snob about everything - it's like talking to a reformed smoker, There are some people, that once they are able to control the vice that they lost control of, become holier than though. Have mercy because they don't know how obnoxious they are
  5. Like
    Rox reacted to No game in keep having feelings of regrets   
    You know even those of us that have "no regrets" have down days too.
    Not everyday is sunshine and rainbows as a sleever
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    Rox got a reaction from bigcountryab in Adding Lean Muscle   
    love that 6 pack - nice work
  7. Like
    Rox got a reaction from Huntingnurse in When can we drink soda   
    OK, I think NtvTxn - is a snob about everything - it's like talking to a reformed smoker, There are some people, that once they are able to control the vice that they lost control of, become holier than though. Have mercy because they don't know how obnoxious they are
  8. Like
    Rox got a reaction from Huntingnurse in When can we drink soda   
    OK, I think NtvTxn - is a snob about everything - it's like talking to a reformed smoker, There are some people, that once they are able to control the vice that they lost control of, become holier than though. Have mercy because they don't know how obnoxious they are
  9. Like
    Rox reacted to gmanbat in My mom is making me want to scream   
    WW is great for many. For guys like me it's like driving up a steep, icy road. Lotta spinning, eventually going backward. Sharing was great in the commune but for losing fat it was like p****** on a forest fire.
  10. Like
    Rox reacted to SerendipityHappens in When can we drink soda   
    No, no, no, she's quite right. My doctor IS a foreigner. It says it right in my signature that I was sleeved by Dr's Cabrerra/Valenzuela in Tijuana Mexico.. Though technically, since I traveled to THEIR country to get the procedure, I was the foreigner!
  11. Like
    Rox got a reaction from Huntingnurse in When can we drink soda   
    OK, I think NtvTxn - is a snob about everything - it's like talking to a reformed smoker, There are some people, that once they are able to control the vice that they lost control of, become holier than though. Have mercy because they don't know how obnoxious they are
  12. Like
    Rox reacted to LipstickLady in When can we drink soda   
    So wait. You are saying that your comment was merely an observation and you meant nothing derogatory?
    But then, in the same breath, you are saying something derogatory about Mexico.
  13. Like
    Rox reacted to LizC in When can we drink soda   
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    Rox reacted to Ms.AntiBand in When can we drink soda   
    What's that got to do with anything?
  15. Like
    Rox reacted to LipstickLady in When can we drink soda   
    The comment about Mexico is a rather low and unnecessary blow, don't you think?
  16. Like
    Rox reacted to JennyBeth in When can we drink soda   
    The fact is that carbonation is not going to stretch your sleeve, but we are still told to stay away from it. If you're told you shouldn't have something I think it's ignorant to eat/drink it anyways. Why take the chance? I didn't go through all of this to eat/drink something I was specifically told not to.
  17. Like
    Rox reacted to MrsG in When can we drink soda   
  18. Like
    Rox reacted to SpaceDust in When can we drink soda   
    Not that I'm suggesting that the consumption of empty calories is a good idea, but according to the information I've read and what I've been told by experts there is little to no chance of significantly stretching your sleeve via carbonated beverages. The reason is that the stretchy part of your stomach, the fundus, is what is removed during the surgery.
    The reason that such stretching still comes up is because it can affect the pouches for both bands and gastric bypasses because the pouches do include a higher percentage of fundus.
    That said, it could impact you before your stomach is fully healed around the staple line. Additionally, your sleeve is small enough that the carbonation may cause a fair amount of discomfort, in part because it can't stretch like it would have.
    But do think about this before having that drink: most sugared soda pops contain approximately 100 calories per 8 oz. If we assume that the average calorie consumption is 800 calories per day, that means that cup of soda pop is 12.5% of your normal calorie intake. Do you really want that amount of your daily calories to go to something that isn't providing nutritional benefit? And if you actually consume just one 12 oz can, you're now talking about almost 19%.
    Obviously, the choice is yours. If after thinking about the impacts you decide you really do want to have some, then my recommendation is to sip it slowly and savor it as a once in a while treat. Thoroughly enjoy it, then get back on track. But better yet would be to skip it and find something else.
    Good luck!
    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 using VST
  19. Like
    Rox reacted to Amie in When can we drink soda   
  20. Like
    Rox reacted to leeann71 in When can we drink soda   
    Ok this is how it is dang it. I was and am and always be a Dr.Pepper and Coke Cola addict!!! All of you out there who thinks its gonna be ok to have a sip and not go back to it again you are wrong. Its like any addiction whether it be certain foods, sodas, alcohol, illeagal drugs, prescription medicine, pornography or anything else that you have withdrawls from. You need to really look inside yourself and be honest! Dont lie! Ask yourself am I addicted and will my world end if I do not have this soda ( or what ever it is). I know I an addict. I got this way because of sodas. A 12 pack a day or more. And no they were not diet, matter of fact diet are worse for you. Good luck and realize who is going to win this battle? You or the sodas( or whatever your addiction is) I ve been there and Im still here fighting.
  21. Like
    Rox reacted to LipstickLady in When can we drink soda   
    I'm a grown woman. I see this surgery as a TOOL to help me work towards my success. No one has to agree with me and I don't hold varying opinions against anyone. I certainly won't argue with strangers over the internet about it either. If someone doesn't like me or my usage of words, they can kiss my steadily shrinking white derriere! :ph34r:
  22. Like
    Rox reacted to LizC in When can we drink soda   
    I'm gonna go with 5 twinkles!!! The whole damn box! And some cupcakes, maybe a cheeseburger, and then I'll top it off with a whole supreme pizza. #1 fatass always and forever <3
  23. Like
    Rox reacted to No game in When can we drink soda   
    Perhaps we all need a Twinkie and a big gulp..
  24. Like
    Rox reacted to LizC in When can we drink soda   
    I think the drastic change in food intake causes everyone to be slightly bitchy and judgemental. Lol!!
  25. Like
    Rox reacted to Afrodite82 in When can we drink soda   
    In JohnLatte's defense (not that you need it, John, as you make your point brilliantly and politely)
    The person who posted the original question presumably has not yet had any soda. They have posted here to inquire when it might be safe to drink it again. Now if any of us went to an AA meeting and asked "when is it safe to have a beer?" not a SINGLE soul there will say "oh, whenever you feel up to it!" That's called enabling; not support. They will do all in their power to remind that person of why they should not have a drink. It's a different story than when someone goes to an AA meeting and announces that they already had a drink, in which case yes, they would probably be showered with compassion.
    Had the original poster made a different post, something along the lines of "so I had a soda, is that really so bad?" that indicated that the deed had already been done, then perhaps it might have been appropriate to be supportive and gently encouraging (and even then, someone is bound to do some chastising).

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