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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Rox

  1. Rox


    congrats on your first milestone!!! Here's to many more!!
  2. Rox

    9 months later

    Congrats!!!! You look wonderful!! I hope that you feel as good as you look!
  3. I mean, the disposable camera is on my list
  4. I really, really, Love this idea!! It's on my shopping list!!
  5. Get rid of it!! One shirt down - and more to go!!
  6. Rox

    Let's talk GAS!

    It will go away - but you've got to walk, walk, walk. If your having shoulder pain, a heating pad will help
  7. Rox

    Fiber Pasta

    I am really hoping that after protein and veggies, I won't have room
  8. Rox


    I too have pills that I have to take - 2 types of anti depressants and a thyroid pill - also 2 Prilosec, just so I can eat - from what i've been reading - acid reflux will not be getting better after this surgery. Of course no one would want me to quit the antidepressants - that would be ugly. I have a chewable multi - vitamin that isn't the greatest + the calcium and B-12 I need to schedule in my day - then of course the liquid and protein - oh well, we will all just have to figure it out
  9. Now that's what i'm looking forward to - not wanting to eat a six inch sub!!
  10. Rox


    You have to have the protein so that you'll lose fat - not muscle, not all carbs are the same - complex carbs, like refried beans, black beans or fruit - you may want to see your NUT to tweak, your diet in relation to exercise
  11. You are doing fine - have you ever lost 20 lbs on any other diet in 2 mos. ?? and kept it off. Your body needs time to adjust - then you'll lose more......
  12. Rox


    I don't blame you for trying - I know how dull s/f pudding is......
  13. Rox

    One Month Out

    You look great!! Love the shoes!
  14. My insurance specifically excludes WLS. I am going to Mexico - if, god forbid, I should have any problems - I will go to my family Dr. - am hoping that nothing will go wrong - but my Dr. will take care of my post-op testing etc.
  15. I rushed to read this thread - I really thought it would be way more interesting!!
  16. gym shorts to wear while walking the halls. you can't run around in those backless gowns - they should be outlawed, but i guess they're convenient.
  17. Rox

    I lied.

    Whaaat??!!! - I really don't know what to think
  18. Rox

    Single... but to shy to mingle

    First of all, you're beautiful - and you deserve to be loved at any size. Try to strike up conversations with guys that look interesting. Join a gym - you can always compare protein drinks. Keep in mind though, that dating for some reason tends to revolve around food. Take a chance, and just talk to someone that you've had your eye on. The worst thing that can happen is that he's not smart enough to hold up his end of the conversation - in that case, you don't want him anyway.
  19. I am pre-op and take two Prilosec a day
  20. Well, I would be freaked out after what happened to your mom - but c'mon, you ate one (1) soft taco. Chances are your liver is not that fatty - and that Nurse Cratchett was just trying to scare you!! In the entire scheme of things, you're doing fine - stop beating yourself up!!!
  21. Rox

    Hummus chips

    Those look good!!
  22. Rox

    16 weeks- 50 pounds!

    Wow 50+ down!!! Congrats!! You are so pretty! Good for you!!
  23. This sounds pretty much like what I have planned for the 1st week after surgery!!
  24. See your PCP - I would want to know that it's just a bad flu and not a leak
  25. Rox


    I keep telling my husband that I am not going to wake up from this surgery thin. I'm not even going to wake up thin a month from surgery. I think we all have to keep in mind that the sleeve is a tool - not a miracle

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
