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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Also, I don't know about the single incision but the 5 ones that I do have you can barely see them and they are tiny. I use shea butter and Vaseline to help it fade away faster in which it is working

    Hi MISSORLANDOPLUSAMERICA2011, If I decide to get the gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana Mexico I will definitely be going with Dr Fernando Garcia with the single incision surgery. How was it for you? I'm kind of scared to take that next step and travel out of country. :/ I don't want to travel alone.

  2. Go to him! He is the best! I did TONS of research on him and he has had no fatalities or mishaps! My biggest regret is that I did not do this sooner! Their English is good, He is accredited as well through BBB, the hospital is clean, you have your own privacy, the hotel is clean, etc. Talk to Ms. alma (love her to pieces) and she will take care of you!This was my first surgery and I have nothing but positive reviews to give. I made videos about my journey and I encourage you to do the same so that way you and your loved ones can see your progression! If you have anymore questions, please ask me!


    Hi MISSORLANDOPLUSAMERICA2011, If I decide to get the gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana Mexico I will definitely be going with Dr Fernando Garcia with the single incision surgery. How was it for you? I'm kind of scared to take that next step and travel out of country. :/ I don't want to travel alone.

  3. @@naan

    Good Morning!

    I hope you are enjoying your wonderful Friday! I have a question for you and please forgive me if I come off strong because it is not my intention, but I am being honest... When you decided to get this surgery, you knew that it would be a life changing process. Why deprive your body from its needs? I have a VERY BUSY schedule myself to where I can't even spend a full day with my own husband, but I make darn sure that my body is being fed what it needs between liquids and food. You do know that you can really harm your body by depriving it right? You might want to take the time out to see what lacking can cause on the body. Have you tried taking on the go Protein Shakes? I carry a bag on me all day which includes my meals, shakes, Water, etc to make sure that I have no excuse as to why I can't keep something in my system. Also download "water your body" app which is an alarm to remind you to put something in your body. Why put your body through something like that if your not "mentally" ready to put your body first before the rest of your life? Your health is number 1 everything else can wait. If you can go to the bathroom you can sit on a toilet and drink something while your using the bathroom.. Hope this helps

    I am 8 weeks out and still can't eat slow, don't drink enough water and my Protein intake is low. I drink only one shake a day. I have a very busy life and cannot change my bad habits :(

  4. Please don't beat yourself up! Those 50 carbs are not going to kill you! You have been doing good. Just think of it as a reward for all the hard work and go to the gym tonight and sweat it off. I went on a cruise before my surgery and I worked out daily. I did good on the boat but for two nights I had ice cream and a piece of cake. I realized that I have been on point for all these months and now that I am about to make a life change, I am beating myself up on something that I haven't treated myself to in a long time. I enjoyed what I ate (never did I overdo it) but I worked extra hard in the gym. I have been sleeved and that did not mess up what I had. Hope this helps

    I'm so mad/sad with myself right now. I cheated on my preop diet. I'd been doing pretty well up until now (lost 10 pounds in 4 days as well), but my workplace just received the annual giant basket of goodies from a regular client for the holidays, and I caved and ate a shortbread cookie and a burbon ball. These are the best cookies/burbon balls I've ever had (they send the same assortment every year so I knew what they tasted like too). I was hoping that the darned gift basket was going to wait to show up until I was out of the office already because I am unable to resist those things.

    And this was with a rather liberal preop diet too: two meals with meat/veggies allowed and two Protein shakes a day and sugar free jello/popsicles allowed. So stupid to slip up like that. I'd been doing so well. The carbs and sugar are the main issue and I just went and ate over 50 carbs in like 2 minutes! (and holy moly I never paid attention to carbs before - that is scary how high in carbs small things can be!!)

    I'm going to go strictly liquids for Tuesday/Wednesday (which should be easier as I'm off work too) and hope that I can undo the damage. :(

    My surgery is the 18th (Thursday).

  5. Awesome! Yes i will Lllllloooovvveeee to go with you! We should be there by 230 this afternoon


    I am in the medical field so I plan to stock up on meds in Tijuana. I have not told my primary care dr about my vsg yet, so I want to get some things for post op care just in case. I want to get injectable B12 ( for energy), protonix ( many us doctors recommend using this for 6 months post op for gerd prevention), and ursodiol ( to help protect the gallbladder as rapid weight loss can kill your gallbladder). I plan to go to one of the pharmacies on Revolution st at some point and if you are interested you should come with me.

  6. Okay I will be arriving in San Diego on the 8th around 225pm and leaving at 12 on the 13th. So we will be right behind each other :) I have been doing 2 Protein Shakes a day for some time now but I will start on the pre-op diet probably on the 3rd of December. I can't wait to hang out with you! Super Excited!!! Yes, it's better to start now with drinking your Protein shakes because it took me a while to get used to do 2 a day and now I love them. What shakes are you using? Also from my understanding please pack your towels and wash cloths because I keep reading that the hospital runs out of them. So just be prepared :)

    I will be arriving in San Diego at 2:55pm, and then leaving at 6:15pm on the 13th. We should definitely get together while we are there. I am super excited!! I already started packing my carry on, lol. Have you started dieting yet? I have kinda started this week just to ease my way into it even though the plan I was given had me starting later.

  7. Okay!! great that is right around the corner! Please keep me updated as well on your stats! I am trying not to be anxious, but I am a little, I am just trying to knock off at least 10more pounds before the surgery!

    Hello neighbor, I ' m still on my 6 mos diet per my insurance , probably in Feb 15 I would love to know more keep in touch

  8. Morning!

    That sounds great!!! I am looking forward to those encouraging words! That sucks 6 months! I heard that some insurance requires that. We have Cigna and mine was only 4 visits which was 4 months, but hey what is another 2 months?-lol

    I will have to try that and see how it will do with my system. Before I was using whey Protein, but it was so hard on my system. My taste buds started to change, and then Atkins became too sweet for me. That's when the staff referred me to the one that I use now.

    Thanks :)

    powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury is really good-I ordered it from their website-it for real tastes like milkshake and they have unflavored Protein powder that mixed in well some turkey chili I made. I just got a few samples due to just what you said that taste changes. I'm not buying anything right now. It may take me awhile to get the surgery-my insurance has a 6 month supervised diet period:( I'm trying to stay positive and just do all the research I can! Since you are getting yours done in Dec I can support you with you journey with encouragement while I also learn!!!

  9. Oh that is so good to know that they have your paperwork! So, you should hear something by Monday but no later than Tuesday. :) I have never tried unjury shakes, but where can you find them? I heard that the surgery causes the taste buds to change! Long as it doesn't take away my taste for ice cream then I will be happy! Yes, I've told several people about the surgery! They think that I am crazy but hey, don't be shocked when they see my sexiness is defined!-lol. My parents are aware, but not all that supportive. So it's a hit and missed with them

    You are much further along than me! That's awesome!!! I am waiting to do the initial intake and hear from the surgery center (they told me they received my paperwork!) I'm also in therapy for things that have definitely contributed to all this weight. I too have had problems with fibroids and infertility (not a problem anymore since I'm single) but I love your advice about the Protein shakes! I just got some Unjury sample packets. They taste good....but not sure how they would be after the surgery!!! Did U tell anyone about your surgery? Only my mother knows what I'm trying to do.

  10. Aww thanks! We can be each other inspiration! My weight has been the cause of everything! LITTERALLY!! Everything! From the colonoscopy, endoscopy, knee pain, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, abnormal menstrual, can't get extended life insurance because of my weight, signs of lupus, etc. I can go on and on. For the past two years I have met my deductible and some! That's why I said enough is enough :) and I have to remain focus! My date is December 8, 2014 that I arrive in Mexico with surgery on December 9th. That is true you know when it's time and Don't let nothing stop you for making the decision for you! Just make sure that when you start, please please start yourself on your Protein shakes to get your body used to it along with carving your appetite. Once you are sleeved you will already be used to the shakes and your body will be ready to accept the smaller amounts of the shakes. What day are you thinking for your surgery? Please keep me updated!

    You are my inspiration! When is your date? A woman I worked with got her procedure done in Mexico and looks amazing!! When you know...you just know! Only you can decide what's best and that's how I feel. It's my body...no one else has a clue what pain I go through! My hats off to u! I can't wait to get to that point!

  11. No Problem.

    You pick the day that works for you. If you ever need to change the day then you let them know and it goes from there. In all cases I am pretty sure there is like a 500.00 deposit to hold that day once you have the process. For example: I picked Dec. 9th back in August and I finally put my for that day in September. I was already on the list, but I made it official!

    thank you

    So how long does it usually take to get a surgery date?

  12. Congratulations on the beginning of your new journey! I was in the same boat far as tired of tying everything! Weight watchers itself to me was a JOKE at the end! Surgery was my last option and after experiencing sooooooooo many health issues since the beginning of 2013, I knew it was ready. My husband and I have pretty good insurance and when they DENIED me I knew that if I gave up now I would lose hope forever. So, I took a deep breath and completed all forms online to go to Mexico and I never looked back since. I am ready for a change and I am ready for a new me! I am ready to give my husband children and live a happy healthy life. Of course I will be nervous on that day, but with my hope and faith, I think I will be okay-lol

    So I say to you the same that just continue to pray and believe that you are making the right decision for your health and for your life.

    I'm early on in my journey too-I sent in my paperwork to the surgeon along with my PCP referral. One of the forms gave space to list all things you've tried in the past. I laughed cause I needed another form! I hear drs all the time trying to persuade other avenues....in some aspects it makes sense-for some the more sick we get...the more money for them. I also watch my father-never had diabetes or heart disease but he's had two knee replacements and arthritis on his spine. I have the start of arthritis in my knees so I see myself in him years later.

  13. Morning!

    No Maam!

    You only go to Mexico ONCE. There are some things that you need to do here such as a low-no carb diet followed by liquids a day or two BEFORE your surgery. Once you get to Mexico they will do all your pre-op the day before your surgery including x-rays, tests, etc. Before you return home the Doctor will send you with EVERYTHING you will need in order to receive any follow-up care. Your stay will be for 5 nights 6 days in Mexico


    Do you go to Mexico twice then. Once for a consultation and another for the surgery? Do they do any preop lab work? How does all of that work? How long does it take? TIA

  14. I have tried just about all flavors. I do both the powder and the liquid. I have been told NOT to drink the orange cream because it's nasty and that was from the staff. When drinking the powder I use 1 scoop of powder, add 1 spoon of greek yogurt, 1 spoon of powder Peanut Butter, 4 pieces of fruit, ice, sprinkle some ginger on it (for digestive), and 1 cup of almond milk. Blend and it's awesome. If you happen to do 2 scoops of Protein then I double the milk. I even take the GNC mega Vitamins for women in the powder form and I put a scoop of that in there too. I have a video that I created which goes step by step on how I do everything.

    The liquid I like to drink cold or almost in a slushy form! I drink those when I am on the go. They taste waaayyyy better than the whey powders and better than the Atkins drinks to me. I don't add (too) sugary fruits such as peaches and pineapples, etc. I use anything with a berry at the end because it gives it a hint of sweetness (which it really doesn't need). I also may add banana when I need that potassium. My favorite powder from the collection is Cinnamon Bun and Pina Colada. My favorite from the liquid is strawberry, chocolate and then Vanilla!

    Hopes this helps :)

    What flavor do you get in the total lean? I have been drinking the Premier Protein shakes! Loved them before surgery , now they make me sick to my stomach. Do you prefer the liquid or the powder ?

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