Hi! I thought today would be a good day to introduce myself. I'm Wendy, and as of this morning, I am down from 343 lbs to 199 lbs. (144 total lost). I can't begin to tell you how it felt to see that number and to realize that, for the first time since my pregnancy 16 years ago, I am under 200 lbs.
This surgery (gastric sleeve) has saved my life. Because of it, I am getting around easily again, I've regained my creativity (quilting up a storm), all of my major health problems have disappeared (including insomnia) and I am happier than I have been in years.
I put off surgery for 7 years after promising my dad on his death bed that I would do it. My only regret now is that I waited so long.
For those of you at higher weights considering surgery, I truly beg of you to take action steps. Don't just think about it, if you need therapy, get therapy. If you are told to pre-diet (you will be) start today! If you think you can't do it.. Yes you can! You will not regret it.
I'll give you one more reason to move on it right now. I am now 48 years old. 7 years ago, when my dad begged me to have surgery, I weighed 50 lbs less than my top weight. In those intervening years, and because I am aging, I developed a bigger apron, bigger fat deposits on my thighs than I'd had previously, saggier breasts, and looser skin off my arms. Had I had the surgery sooner, these would be issues I'd be dealing with now in a much more minor way. I don't regret it, mind you, and I am happy to live with sagging skin for the rest of my life if I don't have to carry that weight around with me. All I am saying is... Time is not your friend. The sooner, the better. I can't impress upon you enough how important it is to just get going!
Beat decision of my life.