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Posts posted by Kay__S

  1. It amazes me how much we all have in common here. Yes, I too have felt all these things.

    I am almost 3 weeks out. This week was hard bc I came to stay with my mother who keeps a kitchen stocked with food and cooks amazing meals every evening. My whole life I have taken comfort from her food. And when I have dieted, it was always a deeply emotional effort to keep from eating her cooking, especially in my teens and 20s. And here I am at 39 & 1/2 years old feeling it all over again.

    BUT, I took my daughter to the zoo this week, and we walked around for hours. I felt healthier than I have in so long! Then a few days later I took her to the mall and walked some more. It felt great! I took her trick or treating, and had a blast walking with her. Today, we walked outside collecting sticks and pretty magnolia stems. It was bliss.

    I am starting to feel WONDERFUL!!! I predict you are going to start feeling great too soon!


  2. One possibility is that there are air bubbles in it that are too much for you to tolerate right now. Pre op I made mine in the blender, but I haven't tried that yet because of all the air that will get mixed into it.

    PS I puked foam today too, and it freaked me out. I had 3 bites of well chewed lean beef hot dog frank, and I was a mess for about 30 minutes. I don't know what all the foam was about.

  3. Gosh, Amy. That sounds awful. It doesn't seem fair to have to deal with this when you are actually following all the rules. And I was just thinking today how I should be able to avoid so many common problems since I don't have my gallbladder anymore either. What you're talking about does sound like gallbladder trouble, but it just can't be.

    Good luck Thursday. I hope you get some answers fast.

  4. I had mine on Monday. I have experienced 2 cons so far. 1) Recovery has been more physically painful than I thought it would be. 2) I also had to go without my antidepressants while in the hospital, which gave me an unbearable headache, even with tons of morphine. I went home Tuesday evening, and the first thing I did was take an antideressant. The headache finally went away. After surgery, you aren't allowed to have anything by mouth until they do the xray test to look for leaks, which is why I had to go without antidepressants. If you aren't on anything like that going into the surgery, then it won't be a problem for you.

  5. Thanks for starting this thread, Carmella. It's on my mind today too. I had the surgery Monday. I woke up with enormous hunger day before yesterday, this morning and this afternoon after a nap. broth makes it go away. But I wish I didn't feel it at all.

    I've seen a few people mention the idea that too much acid in the stomach mimics the feeling of hunger; so I'm going to take the Prilosec every morning as the doctor directed. Before, I only took half at a time because I didn't feel the need for it. I have no other symptoms of too much acid.

  6. Cindy, I love the frankness of your post. I think that one personality trait we all probably share is the ability to live pretty comfortably in denial of things that are right in front of our faces. We find ways to think around our food choices until we get what we want. So stating outright that carb are a goner is a big, big deal for one of us. And your declaration helps make us all stronger!

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