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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kay__S

  1. That's great to her, Sue. I hope everyone's goes as well!
  2. Kay__S

    I have to swallow what?

    This is a relief to read.
  3. Kay__S

    Today is the day!

    You said goodbye to mexican food. I love that you did that! I am nearby in Austin; so I know that eating mexican food is a spiritual experience. But what you've done is so much more amazing!
  4. Kay__S

    Five days out...

    Wow, thank you so much for reporting on your progress for each day so far. It sounds like overall you're doing spectacularly well. Congratulations!
  5. Kay__S

    Initial consult

    That is exciting! You already have so many requirements completed. I have to meet with the bariatric clinic every two weeks until September. The surgery should be soon after. I had the initial consultation and then my first official meeting with the nutritionist last week. Are you continuing on your diet in the lead up to the surgery? Were you impressed with the people you met this past week? Kay
  6. My insurance requires 3 months of doctor and nutritionist monitored dieting before the surgery (6 months if I go with my own doctor, 3 if I go with the bariatric experts). So the first weigh in with them is considered my official start weight. I can lose as much as I want before the surgery, and it's still covered. I asked them to clarify again just to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding. So maybe you should ask your doctor or even call the insurance company to see if you are in danger of losing too much weight to qualify for the surgery. Kay
  7. Kay__S


    Congratulations! Your changes are amazing!
  8. Now I'm really concerned. These experiences sound terrible!
  9. Good luck, tomorrow! Kamille

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