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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by newmeIowa

  1. Food, glorious FOOD! (in 1/4 cup increments, but still awesome!) 16 days post op, down 16 lbs!!!!

  2. newmeIowa

    11 days post-op

    Woke up this morning actually feeling a bit more like myself. HOORAY! The light at the end of the tunnel has appeared. Only taking tylenol for the pain/fevers now. Had a hard day/night last night, very depressed and hungry, but still on the liquid only diet so there's very little I can put into that new stomach. Really looking forward to Tuesday when I get to eat eggs, refried beans, cottage cheese, etc. Yippee! So the doctor did admit that a blood vessel burst in my abdomen during surgery which has caused the crazy bruising and the low hemoglobin problem. Things happen, but somehow I felt better that he explained WHY they happened. The the most positive thing is that my husband can tell I'm losing weight. Of course the scale says it, but when I look in the mirror, I DON'T SEE IT. There's still so much swelling in my belly that I feel bigger. UGH! My boys have been super supportive. I'm feeling guilty that tomorrow is Father's Day and I don't have much planned for the most wonderful Dad in the world. I'm so blessed to be his wife.
  3. 11 days out and finally feeling more like myself! Hooray!

  4. newmeIowa

    One week post-sleeve op. - hmmmmmm

    Well it's been quite a week. I developed some complications post-op (critically low hemoglobins and a spiked fever) so I had to have 2 units of blood and stay an extra two days. I've been home 4 days now and still feeling cruddy, but today I get to take in more protein/calories, so maybe that will help. Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) tastes awful. The liquid or chewable vitamins and meds - UGH! Broth - no thanks. Jello - gross. I'm also having the 'runs' which is depleting me more. So a woman in our post-op diet class this morning asked if we'd do it again. NO, I would not do this to my body had I known I would feel this way. However, I do know that everyone who's had the surgery says that's normal to feel this way and I'll change my mind once I start feeling back to myself. I'm usually a very optimistic person, but I don't see an end to the cold sweats/shivering/aching all over/crappy feeling - not to mention my belly pain. My husband says it looks vombiefied - freaks the boys out, which is fun. I see the doctor tomorrow. Maybe I'll hear that I'm doing 'well' and progressing 'normally.' Maybe he'll put me back into the hospital. I really don't know at this point. What the hell was I thinking! I won't attach the picture of my belly (even though I'm very tempted) because I know it's horrific and might freak some people out.
  5. One week out and still thinking "why the hell did I do this!?!?"

  6. Today is my sleeve surgery, and I'm surprisingly NOT too nervous. The doctors and whole staff have done a fabulous job informing me of everything, that I feel confident knowing what is about to happen to me. I lost 2.5 lbs yesterday. UGH - the 'clean you out stuff' is not fun. But now I'm down 12 lbs since the start of the liquid diet and 20 lbs since I began this journey in Oct. of 2012. My mom and husband are just wonderful and I feel better about the kids' welfare. Silly mommy needs to step back and take care of herself! I am proud of myself for sticking with the program and making this HUGE change for ME. I feel better about myself already. Now my only concern is my boobs - their race to my waist is quite apparent and I'm thinking losing weight will only fuel their decent! Hmmmmm . . . The stupid song "I'm so excited" won't get out of my head, but I guess that's a good thing. I can't wait for the new me to meet me on the other side!
  7. Today is MY day, the day I start over and I can't wait to meet the new me on the other side of this surgery.

  8. newmeIowa

    4 days until the BIG one.

    I'm down 8.2 lbs on my 11th day of the liquid diet. I'm actually feeling the loss in my clothes, which just makes me more excited and pumped up to have the surgery and get even MORE off. I had my pre-op app. with my gp and she's 'signed off' so there's no stopping me now. I'm understanding that need to chew issue that I read about. But the V8 satiates my need for salt pretty well (I would HOPE 920 mg of sodium would do the trick!) Right now I'm feeling absurdly narcissistic and completely wrapped up in ME ME ME. I feel a bit badly about this, but I think I'm feeling weirdly about it because I never have thought about ME in the past; it's always been about my husband or kids or parents or students or anybody EXCEPT me. I've neglected myself and it shows in my excessive weight. I feel differently already and wonder if people can SEE the change in me.
  9. newmeIowa

    1st day on liquid diet

    I'm on day 10 of the liquid diet and really wanting salt as well. Someone suggested the chicken broth flavor ISOPRO in the bottles. Good luck.
  10. Not starving (YET) but I can tell that I'll be craving something salty soon. Anyone have ideas for a less sugary protein drink?
  11. newmeIowa

    One week away! 6 lbs down

    Thanks to everyone for their kind words and encouragement. I've lost 6 lbs on the liquid diet and I'm still 7 days away from surgery. I made it through the graduation and party without 'cheating' but it was the leftovers yesterday when it was just my immediate family that did me in - a snuck a bit of walking taco, potato salad and of course cake. AND it showed on the scale today! I'm forgiving myself and starting new today. It's surprisingly hard to get 1200 calories in a day with just liquid. I'm thrilled with myself, honestly, who knew I actually had WILL POWER! My family was feeling sorry for me, but I don't feel sorry for myself at all - I'm just so darn excited about the new me that is taking over! This time next week I'll be done with surgery and hopefully out of recovery, in my room (NOT dry-heaving) and looking forward to my new life as a healthy person.
  12. So I've learned that 'cheating with just a FEW bites' makes a difference. When I stuck to the program yesterday I was back down. Good to know.

  13. newmeIowa


    Highest weight was 252
  14. newmeIowa

    And it begins

    After 7.5 months of classes, appointments, procedures and WAITING it's finally here! I started the liquid diet yesterday. So far so good; only a little hungry twice in the day. I reread all the materials to get more mentally 'in the game' and pre-made my breakfast and lunch for today again. I'm feeling positive and strong. Of course there was a big celebration in the teacher's lounge this morning with every kind of awesome food ever created - on this, my second day of the liquid diet. I didn't go in. I'll eat lunch in my room to avoid it. Why tempt myself? Why torture myself? Just walk away. June 4 surgery day is 13 days away and I'm beginning to wonder what I'll feel like post-op. I've read lots of blogs and materials about possible recovery processes. Just hoping that I have less nausea than some have had in the past. My four boys and husband have been great, but now they are 'getting it' that their world will be changing as well since I'm the only cook in the house. My 13 year old asked me 'but what am I going to eat?' I smiled sweetly and told him he'd have to make himself a sandwich. OH THE HORROR! Going shopping today for more protein powder. Still haven't found one that I like, but is that even realistic to think I'll find a powder that is palatable. Basically, I'm just pumped up that I've really STARTED the journey towards being healthier. Now to post my pre-op pictures! UGH!
  15. newmeIowa

    And it begins

    Thanks to everyone for their kind words and encouragement. I've lost 6 lbs on the liquid diet and I'm still 7 days away from surgery. I made it through the graduation and party without 'cheating' but it was the leftovers yesterday when it was just my immediate family that did me in - a snuck a bit of walking taco, potato salad and of course cake. AND it showed on the scale today! I'm forgiving myself and starting new today. It's surprisingly hard to get 1200 calories in a day with just liquid. I'm thrilled with myself, honestly, who knew I actually had WILL POWER! My family was feeling sorry for me, but I don't feel sorry for myself at all - I'm just so darn excited about the new me that is taking over! This time next week I'll be done with surgery and hopefully out of recovery, in my room (NOT dry-heaving) and looking forward to my new life as a healthy person.
  16. Good for you for doing this big surgery (why do I think this is bigger than the sleeve I'm about to do in 11 days!?!) AND thanks for posting your pics. One of my secret fears of this surgery process is how much MORE saggy my ta-tas are going to be, but maybe this reduction/lift is a viable option. Really - thanks so much for sharing the pics and your experience. Best wishes as you recover.
  17. newmeIowa

    June surgery dates

    Hello and congrats on the June date. My date is June 4 and I'm on day 4 of the liquid diet. I've already lost 4.5 lbs and it isn't so bad. Although my son's graduation party is Sunday, so that might be a big challenge!
  18. June 4th surgery date at Mercy West Lakes in Iowa. I'm on my 2nd day of liquid diet. Super excited to start a new phase of my life. GO TEAM June sleevers!
  19. newmeIowa

    chili queen

    From the album: Before

    I won a chili cook off! Nov 2012
  20. newmeIowa

    beth And Dan 2012

    From the album: Before

    Oct. 2012
  21. newmeIowa

    beth before

    From the album: Before

    Nov. 2012
  22. newmeIowa

    1st day on liquid diet

    Excellent suggestion. I'll go in search of it today. Thanks!
  23. Today is my first day of the liquid diet and I'm happily not starving. However, I'm concerned with how sugary tasting all of our options are. I did have chicken broth at lunch with a Protein Shake, but I'd love more ideas for a salty Protein option. June 4 is my date! So excited - I feel like a 6 year old waiting for Christmas!

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